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Everything posted by awoltoday

  1. awoltoday

    Stolen Browning A-45

    Jeff, This stinks! What area of the state did this take place? How many pawn shops are in the immediate area? Keep an eye on Craigslist, too. Maybe you can buy it back AND send the jerk to jail.
  2. awoltoday

    bogus points for lope

    Doug, Thanks for sharing that information. I went back and re-re-reread that stupid Hunt Az booklet. It says, "For antelope and elk, the tables are a summary of group bonus points resulting from the 2007 Fall Draw (Section A) and individual bonus points going into the 2008 Fall Draw (Section ." So, I was stupidly trusting the table headers. I also figured that the draw started in 1991, which was 17 draws ago + 1 hunter ed, +1 loyalty point = 19 pts. I also did some quick math and the numbers your report are stating have 19 & 18 BP are the number of hunters I calculated that were not drawn last year. That is not counting those that bought a bonus point. Sorry for the formatting or lack of. 2007 Draw BP_Grp #Htrs Bot_BP %_BotBP Apps %drawn #Drawn #Not 17 269 57 21.2% 212 29.30% 62 150 18 51 23 45.1% 28 85.70% 24 4 2008 Draw BP_Grp #Htrs 18 207 19 27 In the AZ Hunt book, they told us how many APPS there were (28) and what portion of that group was drawn, so we can figure out how many were drawn (28*85.7=24). So, 28 apps, less 24 draws, = 4 apps not drawn. Then they told us how many HUNTERS there were going into 2008 (27). So, there were 23 (27-4 not drawn) hunters that bought a BP. So, there were a total of 51 hunters that had 18 BP going into 2007. It works out pretty much the same for the 17 BP group - 269 hunters going in, 62 drawn, 150 not drawn, 57 bought a BP. The math may be slightly flawed because some hunters may not have put in at all and their BP didn't change. I figure at 17, 18 BP level, that happens less than at the lower BP levels. Coues 'n' Sheep, I agree with you. I guess I shouldn't admit to having 7 tags in a row. But, 6 of them were archery and those tags were pretty easy to get back then. And I have 12 BP, so I guess it's obvious that was a while ago. Thanks!
  3. awoltoday

    bogus points for lope

    According to my bonus point analysis report, the max last year was 18. Don Martin is also saying the max was 18. I downloaded the Hunt AZ and it said 19BP (as you noted). Hmmmmm???? I have 18 this year for antelope. I was hoping you would jump in with better numbers! I don't have the bonus point report. Maybe the hunt az book has the wrong years in it? I was just going by those headers in the hunt az book which show column A as being the results of 2006 fall draw and column B which shows 27 hunters going into the 2007 Fall draw with 19 BP (and 207 with 18 BP). Since we are now applying for the 2008 Fall Draw, I ASSumed that there would be some with 20 BP. I would expect at least a small percentage of 234 hunters would have bought a BP in 2007. It also shows that only 2 hunters had 18 BP for ELK in 2006 and they BOTH bought a BP. But, there isn't an early rifle hunt rotation for antelope, so maybe that would be the difference there. The Survey, harvest, & hunt data all ends with 2006 numbers, so I think that is consistent (as in old) with the column headers in the bonus point tables. If I had to guess, I would think I'm right. But, I've guessed that and been wrong before! Your data SHOULD be better than the free crap they hand out! Does it account for all of those applicants? I probably got what I paid for... --Chris
  4. awoltoday

    bogus points for lope

    According to the hunt az book I downloaded from azgfd, 27 individuals went into the 2007 draw with 19 bonus points. I would assume almost half of those yokuls purchased a bonus point and will have 20 pts going into the 2008 fall draw. There were only 757 other hunters with 14 BP, like you, going into the 2007 draw. I'm sure that number is down to 725 by now. Looking for NM and/or WY speedgoat tags this year...
  5. awoltoday

    Best electronic caller???

    That's exactly what the El Cheapo caller I mentioned is. One speaker, one amplifier, one cable, and one MP3 player. To make it wireless, most are using wireless microphone setups - you'll have the MP3 player and transmitter in your hand with the receiver plugged into the amp/speaker. I've downloaded free calls from Varmint Al's, Ernie Wilson's, and Western Rivers.
  6. awoltoday

    Best electronic caller???

    I'm guessing you're going to hear a lot of Foxpro FX5 or scorpion responses. And you'll hear from a bunch of folks that won't choke up the bucks for those and what they settled on. I'm going the cheap route... I just got done building my own version of Varmint Al's El Cheapo caller. If I can get anything to come to it, I'll spend an extra $100 and convert it to wireless. I only have $50 into at the moment.
  7. I think you meant to say page 13. And isn't that the same dude that posted on youtube with the kaibab being one of the best coues units in the state? I hope nobody signs up for his clinic. Sorry to hear about your camera. That is way beyond disrespectful.
  8. Great story & pictures. Thanks for posting them!
  9. awoltoday

    In need of a hat

    There MUST be a bunch in the valley. But, I only know of one - http://www.aztexhats.com/. I think this is the place I got mine from, but when I got mine I wasn't in Scottsdale. They might be a tad more expensive with a Scottsdale address. It shouldn't hurt to give 'em a call, though.
  10. awoltoday

    Happy Birthday Amanda

    Feliz cumpleaños !
  11. awoltoday

    Coyote hunting

    Who buys the pelts? I have always been curious about this and even tried to look it up a couple of times and couldn't find a buyer.
  12. awoltoday

    My First Antelope!

    Great job! Congratulations! That goat is going to look GREAT on your wall! Thanks for sharing your story!
  13. awoltoday

    Docter 15x Bino Mount

    Anybody know where a guy might find a tripod adapter for the big ol' Docter glass? Mine got busted and, although I haven't looked REAL hard yet, I haven't found a replacement. Thanks!
  14. awoltoday

    Docter 15x Bino Mount

    Guess where I forgot to check?! Thanks Amanda!
  15. awoltoday


    Happy belated birthday Mike! I see someone has purchased a new domain name for you for your birthday! http://www.MichaelFabritE.com/
  16. awoltoday

    Birthday Girl

    Happy Birthday! How was Alaska?
  17. Has anybody tried this adapter? It looks pretty good to me and the price is right compared to most of the others I have seen. http://www.eagleoptics.com/index.asp?dept=...=1&pid=4270
  18. awoltoday

    GPS - Back Country Navigation for Hunters

    Dick, Welcome to the site & thank you for posting your excellent course material. I really enjoyed reading it!
  19. awoltoday

    new gun laws

    Are you sure you want the whole list? LOL I use http://alistrack.azleg.gov to track this kind of thing. It's pretty nice, if not terribly intuitive. After you sign up, you can do a search by keyword. After you do the search, you can add the bills returned from the search to a list. I keep a list for the keywords "WEAPON" and one for "WILDLIFE". After you have a list, you can get a little status report for the whole list. Here's a trimmed down copy of those summaries, along with a link to the summary for each bill. I would have copied the summaries out, but this list is long enough without that! I can't imagine how much more PRO-GUN and PRO-HUNTER legislation would have got through this session if we had a conservative Governor! I think Janet may have plans to call in some favors if she is re-elected. Oh, you can also go to http://azleg.gov/ and punch the bill number in to get the status and more details about the bill. Don't forget to take a look at how your representives voted on these bills and let them know how you feel about their actions! Forty-seventh Legislature - Second Regular Session List 1: WEAPONS HB2076 weapons; misconduct; storage; map pocket expands the list of places a weapon may be stored in a vehicle without a permit to carry a concealed weapon and requires an operator of a public event to have a secure and temporary place to store weapons which are in custody at the event. Summary SPONSORS: GRAY C P SMITH P GORMAN C MURPHY C NELSON C HARPER C JOHNSON C ACTION: SIGNED 06/06/06 CHAPTER: 313 HB2584 concealed weapons; firearms safety training allows a person who receives a certificate of firearms proficiency from the Department of Public Safety to obtain a concealed weapons permit without having to complete a firearms safety training program. Summary SPONSORS: PEARCE P BIGGS C BOONE C BURGES C MURPHY C NELSON C JOHNSON C MARTIN C ACTION: SIGNED 04/10/06 HB2649 firearms; possession; storage restricts new laws, rules or ordinances from being passed relating to firearm possession and storage. Summary SPONSORS: MURPHY P GORMAN P PEARCE P BIGGS C BURGES C GROE C ACTION: SIGNED 05/19/06 SB1145 self-defense; home protection creates a new justification for the use of physical and deadly physical force, and requires the state to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a defendant did not act with justification if the defendant presents evidence of self-defense. Summary SPONSORS: BEE P ALLEN C P BURNS R P GOULD P GRAY L P HARPER P JOHNSON P MARTIN P GORMAN P PATON P STUMP P JARRETT C TIBSHRAENY C VERSCHOOR C ACTION: SIGNED 04/24/06 SB1258 law enforcement agencies; retirement credentials requires law enforcement agencies to issue photo identification to officers who retire honorably. Summary SPONSORS: HUPPENTHAL P GRAY L P ACTION: SIGNED 03/31/06 SB1339 firearms; possession; persons adjudicated delinquent permits the court to prohibit a juvenile from possessing a firearm if the delinquent act committed would be classified as a misdemeanor for an adult and the juvenile is in the jurisdiction of the Department of Juvenile Corrections (DJC) or the Juvenile Court. Summary SPONSORS: BLENDU P ACTION: SIGNED 04/25/06 SB1425 emergency; confiscation of firearms; prohibition specifies that the Governor may not commandeer and utilize firearms or ammunition or firearms or ammunition components during a state of war emergency. Summary SPONSORS: MARTIN P ALLEN C P BEE P BENNETT P BURNS R P GRAY L P HARPER P JARRETT P JOHNSON P PATON P BLENDU C FLAKE C ACTION: VETOED 04/17/06 SENATE VETO OVERRIDE: DATE AYES NAYS NV EXC EMER RFE 2/3 VOTE RESULT 04/26/06 19 10 1 0 FAILED SCR1001 deadly force; use; home protection (NOW: standing; federal violation; damages) a constitutional amendment that prohibits an illegal alien from being awarded punitive damages in the courts of Arizona. Summary SPONSORS: HARPER P TRANSMITTED TO: SECRETARY OF STATE 06/22/06 List 2: WILDLIFE HB2127 nonresident big game permits; limits requires the Game and Fish Commission to implement a cap on the number of big game permits issued to nonresidents. Summary SPONSORS: WEIERS JP P CHASE P BURGES C MURPHY C ACTION: SIGNED 04/17/06 HB2129 game and fish; enforcement; penalties (NOW: illegal hunting; penalties) modifies the authority of the Game and Fish Commission to revoke or suspend a hunting or fishing license. The bill also increases the minimum assessments for unlawful taking of wildlife and removes the $50,000 cap that currently exists on the Wildlife Theft Prevention Fund. Summary SPONSORS: WEIERS JP P MASON P BIGGS C CHASE C JONES C MCCLURE C MURPHY C QUELLAND C VERSCHOOR C ACTION: SIGNED 05/02/06 HB2130 game and fish; hunter harassment revises statute concerning intentional interference of lawful hunting activities. Summary SPONSORS: WEIERS JP P MASON P NELSON P WEIERS J P ALLEN J C BIGGS C BURGES C CHASE C JONES C MCCLURE C MCLAIN C MURPHY C QUELLAND C VERSCHOOR C ACTION: SIGNED 04/17/06 SB1256 multispecies conservation programs; fees clarifies that fees assessed for the Lower Colorado River Multispecies Conservation Program do not apply to users of Colorado River water who already pay fees and are current in their payments under agreements with a multi-county water conservation district. Summary SPONSORS: FLAKE P BLENDU P AGUIRRE A P JONES P O'HALLERAN P ARZBERGER C CANNELL C ACTION: SIGNED 04/06/06
  20. awoltoday

    What are used Docter 15x60 worth?

    If you don't mind, could you PM me the contact info, too? Thanks!
  21. awoltoday

    No CC hits, %$#@

    I believe that would be 2 -$12.50 turkey tags Switchback - congrats! Lee I think Turkey is only $11 ($16-$5 app fee). Javelina is $12.50, though. So, 2 piggies? One $11, one $19.50 Late WT here.
  22. awoltoday


    LMAO! But, before the looting, please delete all posts that refer to fictitious deer in unit 23 (or was it 45?).
  23. awoltoday

    I got my elk

    What a nice bull! Great job! Hey, chase one of those trophy cows across the border into 5B! I've passed up a few so far, looking for that book grade skinhead! We're actually seeing gradual improvement. Friday was absolutely dead - nothing. I could have been in a closet and heard more. Saturday was better. Then a good temp drop Sat eve got things moving a little better. Not too much to complain about since, except that I'm not hunting until this weekend... Poke a tender one! --Chris
  24. awoltoday

    OK, fess up!

    I admit it. I looked. But, I thought it was just one of you guys trying to pull a joke on somebody. Like those cute little 'coyote' videos that made me spoil my pants... I used the report button... --Chris
  25. When did they put a golf course in at Winona?