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Everything posted by 1denogean

  1. 1denogean

    Minox 15x58 ed great glass for sale

    need cash
  2. 1denogean

    The new Fleet!

    how much do you charge to make the boxes i need some
  3. 1denogean

    Homemade Trail camera tree mount

    did you jb weld that one part together?
  4. 1denogean

    Dove recipies

    With dove season coming up does anyone have any good dove recipies that are simple? i am not the greatest cook so whatver you guys got throw it out there thanks. Brandon
  5. 1denogean

    long range hunting rifles

    what rifles and set ups do you have? cuz i want one
  6. 1denogean

    Crazy Dog Pics

    that is definitly the chupacabra
  7. 1denogean

    savage 111 long range hunter

    i have the 116 long range hunter in 300 win mag that has the fluted barrel, muzzle break and accustock. it is ver awsome but it seems to loose accuracy once it gets hot. but your first 3 shots will be awsome
  8. 1denogean

    Early hunt dilemma

    all the mule deer i have seen have been done i think. but 98 percent coues i have seen still have alot of growing to do. I have a great buck i have on cam and he will be a monster by the time he finishes but who knows what could happen to him or the pressure that will come when season starts
  9. 1denogean

    7 Pin Sights

    spott hogg hogg it 7pins is what i use and its the best sight ever made
  10. 1denogean

    stoen cameras

    i doubt he has pics or else he wouldve posted them if you do please post i had 2 cams stolen last year if i had pics they would be everywhere
  11. 1denogean

    Cam Pics

    that bull in pic #6 i got pics of that same type all year and he dosent go away
  12. 1denogean

    Jaguarundi in AZ

    i hear of people saying so just noone has any proof yet
  13. 1denogean

    Bow Season is Upon Us

    strothers SR71 or bow madness xl with gold tip 55/75s.6 arrows tipped with a 2 wacem xl broadheads, a razor trick, a magnus 2 blade stinger, a g5 stryker.(all these broadheads hit like field points for me) nikon rangfinder/ old binoculars im currently using covert cams had 2 stolen but oh well im not gonna use cheaper ones because i have done alot of testing and covert always catches more game.
  14. 1denogean

    Crawdad/Crayfish recipe

    that vein your calling isnt a vain its fecices aka poop thats why
  15. 1denogean

    My camera was taken

    mine were lag bolted with 4 inch bolts and cable locked. they cut the lock from cable to the box and took the camera and left the box. on my other cam they had the tools to take everything as they took my box and cam.
  16. 1denogean

    My camera was taken

    i had 2 stolen and the only two that got stolen from me were in boxes what are the odds of that huh
  17. 1denogean

    Arrow help..

    it all depends on you kinetic energy sometimes heavier isnt always better you dont want a 400+ gr arrow only going 260fps i would rather have a 380gr going 290fps
  18. 1denogean

    Arrow help..

    i like gold tip xt or pro hunters they have more then enough wieght to them and have enough room to use either a 4 inch or 2 inch vane with alot of helical. heres what works for my friends and me. 2 inch blazer (only blazers) stabilize muzzy 3 blades all the way to 80 for us. very impressive. any broadhead that is short and compact will fly best out of any set up you got with blazers. 4 inch with the most helical you can get will stabilize broadheads but hurts your front of center weight so it dosent have as much ump to it when it smacks. but will stabilze a broadhead well also.
  19. 1denogean

    SLik tripod question

    the 500dx is the best tripod you can get for the money there is no difference between that and the manfroto
  20. 1denogean


    definitly wouldnt hunt that unit
  21. 1denogean

    Savage 116 300 RUM for sale

    i have the same gun man these are awsome!
  22. 1denogean

    Custom stings-Where?

    vapor trail archery google them order colors and serving you want and check your mail box in 3 days and they will be there best strings garaunteed
  23. 1denogean

    Woods Canyon Lake Info?

  24. 1denogean

    Before and After

    very nice! where is the original thread of jodys bull?