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Everything posted by 1denogean

  1. Cleaning out some unused stuff first is a pse spider specs are in pics very very new vapor trail strings which were more than what im asking makes perfect bow for woman or kid wanting to get into the sport but not breaking the bank only thing needs is a rest besides that has all accessories Next is a factory rem 700adl stock sanded to make the barrel float Next two trophy taker drop away archery rest, a trophy taker lizard tounge prong .12 blade might have more else where need to keep looking and a nap 360 containment rest last is a arrow quiver for target practice Price s Bow 100 Quiver 15 Any rest 10 firm Stock 50 Will ship but will be cheapest way possibly uses unless you pay the extra which im sure isn't much. Sorry my sentence are terrible very hard doing this mobile Thanks
  2. 1denogean

    Archery and hunting stuff clean out

    Thanks lance! offers will be considered also
  3. 1denogean

    Archery and hunting stuff clean out

    Stock is for a long action
  4. Nice set up hopefully game ane fish dont make it illegal to put cams on it
  5. More importantly what's the best feed
  6. 1denogean

    Getting ready

    X2 where are they on sale at?
  7. Agree with lowballers but also many people selling guns for more than you can get them for new.easy just gotta say no thanks
  8. 1denogean


    Agree with maverick I've seen more qads fail than any other rest out there but most will have to try it first befor it fails even though they know eventually it will happen
  9. 1denogean

    ISO Blackhorn 209 Powder

    sean sportsmans on greenfield had some not long ago ask them at the gun counter and they have it in the back
  10. 1denogean

    Summer mule deer cape. PRICE Drop!!!

    very interested please show picture of buck
  11. 1denogean

    Wall Tent - How Many Rafters?

    I have the same tent I have the 5 I love that thing
  12. 1denogean

    Results up!

  13. 1denogean

    Results up!

    well looks like I got a tag finally
  14. 1denogean

    WTS: Rem 788 Short Action Stock

    no the 788 has a magazine not like the 700s
  15. 1denogean

    AZGFD Portal Problems

    please people get on the forums more
  16. 1denogean

    1 Day!!!

    well no one got hit this weekend
  17. 1denogean

    1 Day!!!

  18. 1denogean

    1 Day!!!

    im waaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiittttttttinnnnnnnnnnggggg
  19. 1denogean

    1 Day!!!

    Few more hours! Most hits start at 7ish
  20. 1denogean

    1 Day!!!

    Hopefully guys with lots of points didnt put in cuz the drought
  21. 1denogean

    1 Day!!!

    I am possibly at max for my second choice but watch me not get hit hahaha
  22. 1denogean

    Propane tanks

    Great person to deal with thanks again nice meeting you
  23. 1denogean

    What Set-up for Triclawps?

    I have a slik 500dx (excellent legs best bang for your buck) with a manfrotto 128 head on it, very stable and not too heavy either. we have shot with it close and far and in coues country where you cant find a flat spot it is needed to have one, I can think of lots of coues we have taken that wouldn't have been possible without that set up. we also shoot heavy rifles and it works great. when I come across some extra cash I will be getting another tripod in carbon like rossisliders
  24. 1denogean

    Propane tanks

    where are you located?
  25. that will make him a coues sniper..... beautiful present I want one like that for one of my birthdays in life