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Everything posted by hairdog

  1. hairdog

    moultrie cameras two

    two moultrie trail cameras , i used them one season new last christmas from bass pro 80.00each lots of pictures this year i am upgrading to new ir camera i dont know how to post pictures i can email pictures? both cameras 100.00 harry 480 695 7092
  2. hairdog

    moultrie cameras two

  3. hairdog

    quest primal bow 2010

    Quest Primal --------SOLD
  4. hairdog

    1999 honda quad 300 2wd

    great hunting quad ,only used it a couple times a year new rear tires, new battery new oil just had it at steves cycle everything checks out fine looks like new harry 480 695 7092 east mesa
  5. hairdog

    1999 honda quad 300 2wd

    fogot the price 1600.00
  6. hairdog

    tropy ridge vertical sight

    trophy ridge matrix sight 5 pins, in good shape harry 480 695 7092 i live in east mesa thanks 30.00
  7. hairdog

    quest primal bow 2010

    like new bow and it is my birthday and i ordered a new sthorter this bow is fast and accurate 332 ibo check it out on quests archerys web site 7 inch brace height,29 inch draw ,60 tq 70 pounds 700.00 new at sportsmans warehouse 500.00 harry 480 695 7092
  8. hairdog

    quest primal bow 2010

    quest primal bow made g5 29 inch draw length,60 to 70 pounds ibo 332 shoots execlent a tack driver i ordered a new sthother bow and can't keep both of them there 699.00 at bass pro go to guest archery's web site and check them out the winner of the hunter class at the fist leg of the triple crown is shooting one 550.00 harry 480 695 7092
  9. hairdog

    mathews 09 reezen 7.0 bow

    mathews reezen bow like new bow,peep,string stopper 29 inch draw length i am buying drenlin ld for 3d this summer drop away rest new cable 3 weeks ago,serving was worn were it rolls around bottom cam 550.00 i live in east mesa if you like to shoot it harry 480 695 7092 sold
  10. hairdog

    07 Mathews Drenlin

    07 Mathews Drenlin $450.00 29 inch draw 60 pound limbs Right handed Just bought a new Rezzin. East Mesa Harry 480-695-7092 or e-mail to szweber2000@yahoo.com
  11. hairdog

    07 Mathews Drenlin

    07 Mathews Drenlin $450.00 29 inch draw 60 pound limbs Right handed Just bought a new Rezzin. East Mesa Harry 480-695-7092 or e-mail to szweber2000@yahoo.com SOLD