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Everything posted by maximus

  1. maximus

    Ruger P90 Special Edition

    what caliber?
  2. maximus


    never seen a coues with those ears
  3. maximus

    My First Giant Coues Buck!!!

    Congrats on a great buck, what's the score on that monster?
  4. maximus

    New Horizons in a Familiar Unit

    Doug: love your dog, very cool. i couldnt take mine he will scare the deer out of the area.
  5. maximus

    Backpack hunt

    i agree 32 and 33 also 23 or 22 with the mazatzal wilderness, southern arizona is to risky to be alone to close to the border.
  6. maximus

    My First Giant Coues Buck!!!

    Congratulations on a great deer and beautiful story , also beautiful country.
  7. maximus

    2010 Hoyts

    At that price the dang thing better "pinwheel" the 12 on it's own. Really I think all bow prices have gotten out of hand.. to much demand, that is why.
  8. maximus

    Hearts and Livers-save 'em for me?

    Snapshot: i love your quote. i love that movie. I like that movie too! I use various movie quotes in my signature line from time to time. Glad someone reconized the quoute! Is that how you got your name "Maximus"? Yea that's what i choose that name. goodluck on your hunt.
  9. maximus

    Hearts and Livers-save 'em for me?

    Snapshot: i love your quote. i love that movie.
  10. maximus


    Hello everybody: my question is how you guys hunt the rut in january, do you seat on water, ground blinds, stands on trails or spot and stalk and which method has been more effective.
  11. maximus


    i also saw a huge pack in 23 last week while bowhunting, they are call bands not packs , i learn some about them in wikipedia.
  12. maximus

    Rain this weekend

    agree best hunting right after rain
  13. maximus

    looking for a hoyt

  14. maximus

    scent control

    i use all the soaps, deodorants and all the other products, wash my clothes with sceneliminator detergent , spray them and store them year around with all types of branches, leaves , and speccially juniper berries. and most important use the wind in your favor.
  15. maximus

    30b? any thoughts

    let me know if you hunt the mule's
  16. maximus

    30b? any thoughts

    are yuo going to be hunting the dragoon or the mule mountains?
  17. maximus

    New Scope

    Well, it is true buy the best glass you can afford ,i have a Leupold VXIII and is really great is so clear specially on low light and also i have a VXII an other rifle and is really good and i have a Simmons forgot thr model and you can tell the diference , if i was you i will go to sportmans warehouse or cabelas or bass pro and try them all see which one is clear and the best one you can afford. do some reseach on the internet sometimes you find crazy prices. go on e-bay or gunbroker on optics , a lot of those people don't have a inventory so their prices are a lot cheaper.
  18. maximus

    Will we ever see it?

    i think that if we go into remote areas like in unit 27 or unit 23 there are deer that have never smell a human being, the only thing is, are we willing to put in the time and effort to scout all year long those places with our busy schedules? we live a busy life with family and work and other commitments but i think in those units could be the next world record.
  19. maximus

    Trouble with Illegals???

    a sidearm won't do much, they have machineguns, just stay away if you don't feel comfy.
  20. [size="3][font="Arial Black]there is an article about a monster bull killed in arizona does anybody know what unit that bull came from? you should read the article, is really good and congrats to the guy, awesome bull and awesome story.[/font][/size]
  21. maximus

    photo radar ticket

    keep in mind that the postman is a federal worker and if he hand it to you is like being served.
  22. maximus

    in the market for a range finder

    i have a leupold RXII for sale for $200.00 if anyone is intersred.
  23. maximus

    photo radar ticket

    A friend of mine is a lawyer and he told me that 2 things to disregard are photo speeding tickets and jury duty summons unless you are served in person. i don't know if is good to take a chance but you can always say you haven't received anything.
  24. maximus


    Got a leupold RXII rangefinder, Manfrotto tripod with head and left hand Pse Nova all for $ 500.00. i think is a good price for the 3 . any interest please send a pm. thank you