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Everything posted by maximus

  1. maximus

    limited entry tags

    Does anybody know when the results of those limited entry tags will be available?
  2. maximus

    Duwane Adams ?

    so you poach also?
  3. maximus


    that is a really great price.
  4. Hey Chef, is this the one on pinacle peak and pima? never been there but they look really good.
  5. maximus


    that is a beautiful truck, good luck with the sale.
  6. maximus

    Tags in mail

    Got mine today
  7. that's what i mean. very fine dining at Barro's
  8. very sofisticated palate!
  9. do you understand traditional and genuine italian Pizza? doesnt look like you do from your comments, i'm sure that you like those load up pizzas that you can even taste anything but the cheese.
  10. Prosciutto was good, everything is good there grimaldi is great in my opinion
  11. maximus

    Tacoma roof rack

    I have a new Surco safari roof rack for Toyota Tacoma, is the 4 door Tacoma, is installed on but I will take it off this weekend, it is adjust to fit on the predill holes that comes on the truck asking $325.00, new is $ 528.00 https://www.extremeterrain.com/surco-tacoma-safari-roof-rack-kit-50inx50in.html if someone can rotate the photos for me. thank you
  12. maximus

    Tacoma roof rack

    ok thank you , i have never learn how to rotate.
  13. Chef, This is Cibo. First is appetizer: Burrata with prosciutto, pizza's are Margherita and sausage pizza.
  14. maximus

    Tacoma roof rack

    no, why?
  15. maximus

    Storm last night

    lost power for 5 hours here in scottsdale.
  16. Fat olives in flagstaff is exceptional, truly napolitan pizza.
  17. maximus

    ISO reliable vehicle

    is crazy how we pay $4.50 and we are happy about it.
  18. maximus

    Another AZ Lifetime Combo License

    it says sold out
  19. Chef, if you have bad pizza is only $15.00 , bad steak is $ 65.00 that really will pissed me off, lol
  20. i have to disagree with the statement that az doesn't have good pizza, i'm from italy and bianco and cibo and also pomo are as genuine as they come, if you grew up eating a certain type of pizza maybe you will not like real pizza like is made in italy.
  21. give Cibo a try, it is fantastic. last time i went to bianco was 22 years ago,i waited 3 hours, i was drunk by the time we sat down, that was the last time i waited to eat anywhere.
  22. i think best pizza in phoenix is Cibo, second fabio on fire in peoria, and grimaldi is great for NY style pizza.
  23. maximus

    FS vortex Razor 12x50 UHD

    Like new 12x50 uhd vortex razor used only once. $1300.00 i’m in Scottsdale
  24. maximus

    FS vortex Razor 12x50 UHD

  25. maximus


    best dogs ever.