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About maximus

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    Premier Member
  • Birthday 04/20/1959

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  1. maximus

    WTB Sig P226 made in West Germany

    is going to cost you with the new tariffs on europe, 200%.
  2. maximus

    6A bull elk 2025

    Check this: Pine Grove Quiet Area.pdf Rattlesnake Quiet Area.pdf
  3. maximus

    Post where your Elk Hunting!!!

    about just under 10%
  4. maximus

    And the Card hits will begin

    Don’t think they are tags available on the 3-5 pass
  5. maximus

    Superbowl What a gamw

    They say the guy didn't get paid for the halftime show, they should send us all a check for watching that, did not watch much of it anyway.
  6. thare is a bunch of guys from years ago that are not on the forum anymore, Coosefan is one and he was great to have, Snapshot also, to bad.
  7. maximus

    Timmy Winslow

  8. maximus

    Otc Deer kill location

    In the boquillas in unit 10 they don’t let you sit water and no trail cams before the ban, haven’t been there in a few years, does anybody seen improvement on the elk and deer herds?
  9. maximus

    Prayers for my Dad Bill

    Prayers for bill
  10. maximus

    Need Tripod Head Recommendation

  11. maximus

    Optics and scope rings for sale

    still for sale
  12. maximus

    Wheres our Point guy for elk?

    antelope for 5B and 4B thank you
  13. maximus

    AKC German Shorthaired Pointers

    same here i have 2 and yes they are the best dogs.
  14. I remember when I lived in New York early 80’s we used to go to Chinatown and have dinner for 4 and spend $50.00 and then go to little italy 4 canoli and coffee and was 40.00