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Mr. Jonathan

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Everything posted by Mr. Jonathan

  1. Mr. Jonathan

    Arrow help.

    Gold Tips, either the xt hunter($55) or expedition hunters (cheaper , $45). I think those prices are right... Great arrows though, six years shooting them and I still recommend them.
  2. Mr. Jonathan

    Fresh Muley Shed

    I agree: another beer and another slow walk!
  3. Mr. Jonathan

    Two pick ups in one week

    Just when I was starting to get discouraged at the lack of antlers in the area, I stumbled across this guy. One hard white, two chalkies, and a dead head. I found out that many states use Reno as an illustrated example on how not to develop a city that borders crucial winter range. Every year it seems the herds get smaller and the quality decreases. In some of the best areas I used to get sheds I only pulled out two brown horns this week, and it wasn't because the deer haven't dropped yet. Its too bad, but at least other areas are learning from Reno's mistakes.
  4. Mr. Jonathan

    first browns/sheds and heads 09

    Wow. What else can I say? That's an awesome trip! You have better weekends for sheds than I have years!
  5. Mr. Jonathan

    Family Shed trip.

    That is an awesome find!
  6. Mr. Jonathan

    Two pick ups in one week

    Get 'em young and train 'em right! But seriously, I'm just ridiculously lucky. I don't know how it happened, she just started coming with me once we got married, and she loves it too!
  7. Mr. Jonathan

    Antler Development

    Thanks Jim! I'm curious about your book now as well. I'll have to take a look!
  8. Mr. Jonathan

    Antler Development

    I've noticed on several heads of several antlered species, that when one pedicle becomes injured and hinders the antler growth on that side, the other side seems to grow quite large and produce more unusual characteristics, like excessive mass, extra tines, etc. I was wondering if perhaps this occurs because the nutrients from the injured side are deferred to the healthy side? I don't know if that's even biologically feasible?
  9. Mr. Jonathan

    Take it or leave it

    All the normal shed spots were still under snow, so I checked out a new spot with my wife and came across this dead head. Do you think its still too fresh to pick up? Should I take it or leave it? It looks like it broke during the rut, since the break is smooth and stained like the rest of the antler. So should I leave it or take it?
  10. I found these yesterday, about three feet apart, they're pretty massive, but its just a mule deer... Oh well. Here's some whities I found today. Go figure I found white horns on a snow covered mountain, and no brownies to show for a lot of walking. One of my better singles, as it lay. It was pretty gnawed on, but I took it anyways. Here's a little 2X3 set I had to borrow my mom's Kia, and I had to stop about a mile below the normal hiking point, which is then another 1500 vertical feet or so. The view from the top.
  11. Mr. Jonathan


    That's awesome!
  12. Mr. Jonathan

    Video of Big Buck

    I think he scores around INCREDIBLE! At about 1:11 in the footage he stands almost still looking broadside and its just gorgeous. I think these deer get more and more beautiful every time I see them. Thanks for sharing, but this coues deer business is starting to turn into an addiction, according to my wife anyways!
  13. Mr. Jonathan

    Weekend Finds

    +1 so stinkin true!
  14. Mr. Jonathan

    first of 09 for me (more pictures and other side!!)

    that's so sick! i love the kicker
  15. Mr. Jonathan

    Another ride........

    I'm pretty sure I can see empty pedicles on most of them! Let me know if you want any help carrying a load of sheds off the hill .
  16. Mr. Jonathan

    Pre -scouting

    I missed my buddies kill shot on a P&Y antelope because I couldn't keep my eyes open. I had a video camera on a tripod and everything, but wasn't coherent to push the record button. Oh well. Our other buddy barely made it out of the water hole area before letting loose a gallon of carlo rossi red wine everywhere. Good times! I'm a little older now, don't goof off nearly as much.
  17. Mr. Jonathan

    Another ride........

    Those elk are all bulls aren't they?! Where are the horns?
  18. Mr. Jonathan

    Lucky Find

    That's awesome! I love the inline fifth on the passenger side! Great find, I'll take sheds over coyotes anyday, (but that's just me...).
  19. Mr. Jonathan

    Take it or leave it

    So true! But yeah, I took it anyways. I'm on spring break here in Nevada, and I think they're a little more lax on these things. Just curious what everyone thought.
  20. Mr. Jonathan

    Couple more dry ground lion pics...

    Oh man, seeing those pictures is like a shot of adrenaline, thank you! Is that a walker immediately below the cat in the second pic? I was planning on getting a pointer after I graduate, but maybe I should get a hound. I get more and more addicted to cats every time I see them. Keep the photos coming!
  21. Mr. Jonathan

    Went for a ride...................

    Blazer? Like a sport coat? I don't know about some of you guys... Either way, really enjoyed the pics!
  22. Mr. Jonathan

    A few AZ Grey Fox

    that tanned hide is exceptionally beautiful. I think I need to add one to my list now. nice work!
  23. Mr. Jonathan

    antler head with sheds

    So I was thinking if you guys need any help hauling sheds off a mountain, I'm totally available. I won't even pick any up or try to find 'em, I'll just be there to carry some of that extra weight y'all got there.
  24. Mr. Jonathan

    Spring its in the air!! Got Pics of it??? Post'em up!!

    I don't get it. I can't see the deer anywhere! Is there a shed in there? What am I supposed to be looking for?
  25. Mr. Jonathan

    This is cool!
