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Mr. Jonathan

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Everything posted by Mr. Jonathan

  1. Mr. Jonathan

    New Bow!

    Welcome to your newest addiction! Archery is one of God's gifts to mankind.
  2. Mr. Jonathan


    You are a stud! That story got my adrenaline pumping bad! I can't wait for January 1st! Way to go, that only inspires me all the more to get after these deer.
  3. I was visiting a buddy of mine in eastern Nevada and we went out to call coyotes. About half an hour into the hunt we cut this tom on a drag trail where he had killed a deer and drug it up the mountain. A quick call to get some dogs and a buddy with a tag and this cat was treed about half an hour later. It was a milk run. One shot from our buddy's bowtech allegiance and the cat was down. It weighed 143 pounds and green scores a little over 14 1/2 inches. Not bad for a lazy coyote hunt! It had three toes on one paw from where it had stepped into a trap.
  4. Mr. Jonathan

    Word screening

    the voice of a fool is known by his many words...
  5. Mr. Jonathan

    My Wife Beat Me To It

    Here's a shed my wife picked up before Thanksgiving. We found four that day, but the camera battery took a dive before I could get the rest.
  6. Mr. Jonathan

    2008 Ryan & Amy

    That's really awesome that your wife hunts with you. We need a lot more of that, in my opinion. Congratulations to you both!
  7. Hey everyone, So being this time of year and all my wife asks the inevitable question: "What do you want for Christmas this year?" Well that got me thinking, and since a pair of 15x Swaros are little out of budget right now, I was really leaning towards some good classic hunting literature. I really like literature with some class and soul, where its not just a chest beating thing and ranting about B&C or P&Y stuff, but where a trophy is a good representative of the species. I read the man eaters of Tsavo, and some stuff about Fred Bear, and even some titles by Teddy Roosevelt. Can anyone turn me on to some good classic literature, perhaps even about Coues deer? Thanks for the help!
  8. Mr. Jonathan

    Reccomend any good books for me?

    Guys: THANKS! Hopefully I'll get a start on this list over my break from the university. This looks like a lot of really good stuff, I'm definitely on the right track here.
  9. Mr. Jonathan

    Rainy day dog

    Looks like you need to shoot him again, that things fixin to bite you son!
  10. Mr. Jonathan

    3 bulls and over 1000 inches of bone……

    Since I don't have a golden ticket can I keep using my satellite powered thermal readout gps to find animals? It actually uplinks me to an expert who can pretty accurately determine what animal the thermal sensor is picking out but they have to route the call through india so it can be hard to understand the difference between coues deer and cougar...
  11. Mr. Jonathan

    Sarah's First Buck!

    Stories like this make me want to be a dad all the more! Awesome job, especially with one shot! Beautiful buck too.
  12. Mr. Jonathan

    Jr hunters cleanin' house!

    that is too cool! when I was Ty's age I'd never have dreamed shooting that far, and at something that small too! great shooting man! WHAT A STUD!
  13. Mr. Jonathan

    Are you kidding me?

    You reap what you sow. I've rarely had generosity and kindness not returned to me several times over.
  14. Mr. Jonathan

    little muley

    That's awesome! congratulations.
  15. Mr. Jonathan

    OHV Tags

    I've found very very few parked at the ends of roads. In fact, I hardly find them parked ever. But I definitely have seen where they've been driven, and not a road in site.
  16. Mr. Jonathan

    Are you kidding me?

    How is it that hunter numbers are dwindling across the country, we're surrounded by the rhetoric of "We've got to stick together" stuff, more and more rules are being imposed and rights taken away, and someone wants to get bent out of shape over people asking about what unit a buck was taken in? Tell them! Let them know, heck tell them the gps coordinates too while your at it. I'd be really surprised if your honey hole got destroyed after that. Western big game hunting is dynamic, and people pressure is only one of the many factors that make a spot what it is. Plus, they still have to secure the tag to begin with. Sure, more people putting in for the same area drops the odds of success, but that only means that success odds will increase in other areas. If we stop thinking about hunters in the context of community and instead treat everyone as the competition, it'll be all the more easy for anti-hunting activists to continue what they've started. "We must hang together or else we'll be hung separately." How about you make some friends and invite them along to your secret spots? How about getting a child or a woman interested in hunting? These are surely better pursuits than being deflated over someone asking where a buck was taken. Especially when the information is available for a price afterall.
  17. Anyone on here ever hunted chuckar in Arizona? It became an obsession of mine back in Nevada, and I saw that there's supposed to be some hill partridges up north in the state. If coues deer hunting is a poor man's sheep hunt, then chuckar hunting must be a poor man's coues hunt. Either way its a blast. I'm gonna do some hunting back home over the next two weeks, hopefully I'll have some pictures for everyone.
  18. Mr. Jonathan

    Are you kidding me?

    Not to nit-pic.... but if you have never "stumbled" into a "Honey Hole"... then you don't spend as much time in the woods as the knot heads I knock around with.... I grew up in the woods... and have even forgot places that I have been and had to re-find them from child hood memories.... guess I am gettin' old. I'd say personally 50/50 on my Favorite spots to hunt.... are personal finds vs. suggestions or huntin' with a Buddy. I only share my Fav spots with guys I can trust..... Junkies, like me, that trust me with there secrets as well.... I, as a matter o' fact, think askin' a guy where he killed something is like askin' a lady how old she is..... but that is just how I was raised. A gentleman never asks and a lady never tells...
  19. Mr. Jonathan

    Cats and Coues for the old man.

    That's just awesome. Hey, if you're dad can't go hunting with you next time and you don't see anything you'd want to shoot again, feel free to call me over and help you out. I'd be glad to shoot some smaller ones so you can keep looking for the big ones!
  20. Mr. Jonathan

    Reccomend any good books for me?

    Thanks guys! I really appreciate the recommendations. Tony, my birthday was last week and my wonderful wife got me your book on how to hunt coues deer with Duwane Adams. I pretty much finished that one already, loved the tales in the back. Thanks!
  21. Mr. Jonathan

    Are you kidding me?

    wow, what units were those bucks taken in? Looks like somewhere in Arizona to me.
  22. Mr. Jonathan

    December BLAST!!!

    Purchased my tag and 09 license today, along with a manfroto tripod with some leftover b-day cash. January first can't come soon enough now!
  23. Mr. Jonathan

    Caits first buck ...

    That's awesome, he's way bigger than my first buck, well first two bucks actually.
  24. Mr. Jonathan

    sitting water during late hunt????

    Bring a book. And something to pee in.
  25. Mr. Jonathan

    While we are on the subject (Mexican Coues)

    Anyone seen a mogollon monster? There's several subspecies in the state, with the larger ones ranging up north and some smaller, more lightly colored ones down south ranging even into the norther parts of Mexico. I haven't seen any harvest photos yet though. http://www.mogollonmonster.com/