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Mr. Jonathan

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Everything posted by Mr. Jonathan

  1. Mr. Jonathan

    Dry ground lion from February 7th

    Awesome story and welcome! Can you share any live photos from the hunt?
  2. Mr. Jonathan

    antler head with sheds

  3. Mr. Jonathan

    My New Pack in Gun

    too funny!
  4. Mr. Jonathan

    This weeks grey fox

    Wow they sure are beautiful. Have you gotten any foxes mounted?
  5. Mr. Jonathan

    Color Variations

    I was scouting this weekend and glassed three does. One doe had a white rump patch that extended from about the middle of her hams and curved up to the base of the tail and continued down the length of her tail, much like a mule deer's rump patch. I'm certain she was a whitetail, the tail itself was long and broad and had no black at the tip like a mulie, but her whole rump was white, like a mule deer. the other two had the typical whitetail rumps with the brown overlay covering the length of the top of the tail. Was this an old doe, or perhaps a hybrid? Has anyone seen anything like this? I would've gotten a picture, but I can't get my photos through my spotting scope to turn out at all. -Jonathan
  6. Mr. Jonathan

    Nick's First Javelina

    That's awesome, makes me want to be a dad!
  7. Mr. Jonathan

    Grey down

    Agreed! The picture alone is a trophy in my book! Excellent job.
  8. Mr. Jonathan


    Bummer. At least they're getting on this before it got out of hand.
  9. Mr. Jonathan

    This is insane...

    http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/f...rizona-rancher/ Can anyone explain to me how its even feasible that this guy is getting sued? Maybe I'm just too naive but it seems exceptionally illogical that this case would even be considered on behalf of the immigrants. If someone else has already posted I apologize.
  10. Mr. Jonathan

    My Boy's NM Buck (UPDATED on pg4)

    I'm not gonna lie, I peeked. Golly! Congratulations. Is he gonna get it mounted or follow suit with an outrageously large euro like his dad?
  11. Mr. Jonathan

    This is insane...

    Wow guys, not really the responses I had hoped for on this post, but perhaps that is to be expected. The issue here (in my mind, at least), is not the immigration, the trash, the drugs, the absurd hypothetical situations proposed, the gentleman's decision to run the ranch a certain way, etc. etc. The issue here is that this lawsuit would be given a second thought by any credible, intelligent, AMERICAN CITIZEN. The rants on this post are downright embarrassing, and I'm sorry for even getting the ball rolling in the inevitably wrong direction. Perhaps it should be nuked... Amanda? If we can't stop to look beyond ourselves and consider the many facets of this and any other situation we find ourselves in life, but instead charge headlong into them with fists up and accusations blaring, we will continue to be known as nothing more than a group of ignorant redneck animal killers (and I'm sure there are some who would love just that. You have your reward). If you can't see the rancher's point of view, you've not considered all that he's had to deal with for a very long time. If you can't see Scottyboy's point of view, you've not thought of what it would be like to go on the patrols that he does. And, forgive me, but if you can't see the immigrants' points of view then you certainly have not thought of what it would be like to grow up in Mexico (obvious exceptions permitted). Honestly, as a 24 year old male with a wife, if providence had seen it fit to place me in their shoes living in a house made of boxes and plywood in Matamoros, and everything I thought I needed existed just on the other side of a river, I'd spend every day I could trying to get across, legal or otherwise. But shooting at someone under the pretense of assumed robbery? How is that even relevant to the topic? That kind of behavior gets lauded in the very country these immigrants are coming from! If you want to behave like that by all means relocate yourself where you can be a Wyatt Earp. There's not a possession I own that I'd kill someone for. I would defend my own life, and I'd die in a heartbeat for those that I love, and I'd kill to protect them. But beyond that? These things are difficult at best, and have several perspectives relative to several different people who look at the same situation through entirely different worldviews. The one perspective I can't grasp is why any American citizen would take the time to try and make a case out of this situation. And that was the perspective I was asking for help on, and hoping, though naive as it may have been, that someone would be able to post an articulate and stately response to it. The bickering is ridiculous and unwarranted. If you want to validate yourself go kill a big coues and brag about how much it scored, because that would at least be appropriate.
  12. Swatting flies? Perhaps someone has never been chukar hunting... I think its a great idea! And in response to the 'bone-lust' thing, just because we can't put a measuring tape to a bird to boost our egos doesn't mean they shouldn't get some attention, right? After all, these gentlemen did have enough interest to read the post in the first place, no? (No disrespect intended here, Mr. Quimby or Mr. C&S, just friendly banter) As soon as I graduate, one of my immediate goals is to get a pointer and devote some serious time to training and becoming its best friend. Something I've wanted to do for a LONG time now. Single malt scotch? Not so much, but I've got a busted 870 and a few Coors Lights back in the truck. Its the finer things in life right?
  13. Mr. Jonathan

    Archery Pig during the HAM hunt.

    that pic of the cactus is priceless. i love it
  14. Mr. Jonathan

    This is insane...

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_Doctrine I could be wrong, but I believe Arizona is one of these states. IF so, its even more mind boggling that this could occur.
  15. Mr. Jonathan

    2008 Mexico Coues Mount

    that's why I shoot little animals right now because if I killed one of that caliber i wouldn't have the funds to do it justice like you have! Excellent buck and amazing mount
  16. Mr. Jonathan

    250" Of Coues Deer

    That velvet buck is gorgeous What did you do to handle the velvet before getting it to the taxidermist? It looks perfect
  17. Mr. Jonathan

    First Shed of 09'- Not a brownie - but A good sign

    if you don't mind me asking, what elevation do you typically find coues sheds? Do they tend to drop at higher altitudes since they shed later in the year than other deer? I've only found sheds in one area and it was a touch under 6000 feet. However I've seen deer throughout the whole elevation range that they occupy. I was wondering if I should concentrate on certain altitudes. It was easier in Nevada since the winter snows forced the herds to congregate into traditional winter grounds, but that's not so much the case here. Or so I think... Beautiful find by the way.
  18. Mr. Jonathan

    Letters To The Editor

    Excellent. Absolutely excellent.
  19. Is that a bobcat on the bed too? Or did you bring your housecat to help retrieve your birds? Either way, looks like a great hunt. Beautiful gun too.
  20. my unofficial score is: don't miss them next time
  21. Silentbutdeadly- Thank you for being honest about your hunt. That is an exceptional story, and a real work of artistic literature. I really appreciate the honesty with which you dealt with all the thoughts and emotions, especially at the end. I'm glad to hear that the taking of a life had significance to it beyond measurable inches for some record book. This story was as effective at rekindling the hunting flame as the first cold breeze of fall is. If you've produced more writing since your first hunt, I'd most certainly be interested in reading it. Thanks again.
  22. Mr. Jonathan

    Bedded bucks

    Here's a pic of the second bedded buck I've found. azcouesandelk should recognize this guy, I think he's seen him around...
  23. Here's the skull from the buck my buddy harvested this year. I found a new way to coagulate the hydrogen peroxide on the skull by mixing it with toothpaste, plus it smells great after its done!
  24. Mr. Jonathan

    Trapping and ethics

    Yeah, I think you read it wrong, I'm laughing pretty good right now. I was totally referring to a group of guys I know, that's all. Your post was excellent, and I wholeheartedly agree with it! I wasn't trying to insinuate that trappers are dropouts, I was 100% referring to a group of goofy guys I know, that's all. I was trying to build them up as a reputable reference for trapping experience by implying that they've been doing it a LONG time. That's all. But that is hilarious, just shows how easy it is to interpret things online incorrectly (which was my bad in this case)... I was just trying to stick up for bowhunting. I'd love to do some trapping too, just can't afford it now, and I'm also not in Nevada anymore.
  25. Mr. Jonathan

    Trapping and ethics

    wasn't at all trying to argue against trapping, as I said I'm all for it. I was just trying to point out some assumptions that need validating, as you have done quite well for my own assumptions. I'm not a trapper, mainly because I can't afford to be, but I've spent time with enough guys that have been trapping since they dropped out of high school a few decades ago, and that's where I got my references for the post. Don't worry about being disrespectful, call it like you see it. I just think that a blunt statement about one method of taking game being more humane than another without any reasonable or justifiable validation is counterproductive for all of us. Maybe that makes me a hypocrite. i guess there's worse things that could happen.