I shoot a Winchester Model 70 300 win mag I had some trigger work done and a muzzle break, topped with a zeiss 4.5-14x44. Great setup and won't break the bank.
I shoot a 300Win Mag with a Zeiss Conquest, 4.5-14x44, Plex Reticle. I just have the standard turrets. I Really like I have it dialed in out to 700 (thats all the elevation I have unless I gat an angled base) Works great and crystal clear.
Howdy: My son and I both have cva accura's they do shoot very well even with a variety of bullet sabot combos, you might want to give the hornady XTP 240grain or 200 grain and the harvester sabot a try. They are alot cheaper and in both are guns they will hold a 1 and a half inch group at a hundred yards with 90 grains of blackhorn 209 and magnum 209 primers.
Howdy just got back into black powder I think you will have alot of fun TC is a good brand as are traditions and cva. I just recently puchased a cva accura for $239 at cabelas cant go wrong at that price shots great even out to 175 to 200 yards. I would agree with the other guys stick to one of these 3 brands and you really cant go wrong. You can also check the customer review on the cabelas website. Hope this helps and have fun.
Howdy all I am having a hard time finding some pigs in 36a this is my daughters second time pig hunting and I would like to keep her interested (she doesn't think they exist lol) anyway any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Tim
Has anyone ever used a digital camera with a trippler and do they make an adapter to attach the camera.
Now the dumb question
Has anyone ever tried to use 2 doublers at once (I can't really afford a new pair of sworo 15x56 right now and it would be great to use both eyes. anyway thanks for any help in advance.
Has anyone ever used a digital camera with a trippler and do they make an adapter to attach the camera.
Now the dumb question
Has anyone ever tried to use 2 doublers at once (I can't really afford a new pair of sworo 15x56 right now and it would be great to use both eyes. anyway thanks for any help in advance.