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Everything posted by elkiny

  1. elkiny

    Going back to Mexico on a coues hunt

    They are located in Hermosillo, Sonora Mexico. I don't really use FB as I deal directly with Temo and Ernesto. I beleive their website is still under construction. PM me and I will send you his phone number if you want or PM ernesto c directly for more information
  2. elkiny

    Getting it done at 92 years old!

    Thats awesome! great bull too! elkiny
  3. elkiny

    Happy Birthday Cramerhunts!

    Happy Birthday Phil, from the Pacific Northwest! Elkiny....aka Ramon
  4. elkiny

    Mexico coues tags

    El Trofeo outfitters, pm me and I'll send you the details. Elkiny
  5. elkiny

    Going back to Mexico on a coues hunt

    Hi Couestracker, I am going too and I can't wait! This will be my 3rd straight season hunting with Temo and Ernesto @ El Trofeo outfitters. It should be an awesome time as usual. Good luck in Mexico! Where is El Tinaja located? Close to what town? elkiny
  6. elkiny


    Hello flatlander, I have gone thru a similar situation and my problem turned out to be the scope. Leopolds are solid so I would highly doubt that your scope is bad but maybe you got a lemon. I would eliminate that 1st and while replacing the scope check your mount and rings (l have a hunch it's your mount or rings). Like a previous poster mentioned that MLs have a way of wiggling loose screws. I normally shoot 100 grains/2 pellets, I find it more accurate. I too have a TC Prohunter (just like the one pictured) except I use a pistol primer in a 25 acp casing, trigger is lightened too. It's a tack driver tho, you are welcome to use it too. Pm me if interested.
  7. elkiny

    5A Late Nov. Hunt

    Hello all, Helping my dad scout 5A for his late November hunt. Anyone have any good starting points or have any experience hunting elk in this unit. Any tips will be appreciated. Thanks, El Kiny
  8. elkiny

    5A Late Nov. Hunt

    thanks guys
  9. Hello Everyone, I recently purchased a new scope my 270 WSM and I was having it installed at a Phx area sporting goods store. The installer asked me if I preferred steel or aluminum bases/rings. I had already purchased a set of aluminum Talleys in Medium height for my Tikka but his comment got me thinking, I guess I never gave it much thought, but...Should I? what do you guys think? El Kiny
  10. elkiny

    Custom Factory Ammo

    Hello, has anyone tried this ammo from Nosler yet? Custom Nosler Trophy grade...Sportsmans Warehouse carries it... just curious of what your thoughts are?
  11. elkiny

    My mexico buck

    You are right, the pictures don't do it justice. Sweet buck Ernesto, hopefully we will come back with even bigger bucks this next season.
  12. elkiny

    Jaguar-Macho B

    Hello all, I don't usually post much but this really, really erks me. What do you all think about Macho B and the AZGF departments involvement? Seems to me that they knew exactly what was going on and when things went bad they tried to cover it up, lie and throw lower level people under the bus. I'm sure if things had worked out and the cat was fitted with a gps then the AZGFD would have been all over the media touting how great they are and patting each other on the back. It ercks me that they will throw the book at someone for minor infractions and yet they go and do something like this and try to minimize their involvement. Fo petes sakes, they killed the only wild Jaguar in the state. Greed and arrogance at it's highest! elkiny
  13. elkiny

    Pack Goats for sale

    You learn something new every day....I didn't know that you could use goats as pack animals, thats cool. I wish I had a bigger backyard or farm land cuz I would take them. I had a goat as a kid and it followed me every where, never thought about bring him with me to the hills though.
  14. It's both a gun control issue as well as a mental heath issue.
  15. I was going to write about this too. I feel the same as Muskrat...I'm all for gun rights but something has to be done to prevent this sort of thing from happening. Just in the last few weeks we have had multiple shootings from footbal players to mall shooting to this latest school shhoting...I mean WTF is wrong with some people.....who shoots little defenseless babies, for Gods sakes these are 4,5 and 6 year olds at school....a place thats supposed to be safe....I haven't been able to concentrate on anything this AM, can't imagine what the parents of those kids are going through.
  16. elkiny

    Hermosillo coues bow hunt

    I agree with Coues Sniper, I have not seen too many bucks that had busted up antlers. It does make sense however that the later you hunt the higher likliehood of this happening would increase. I think you will be fine. Good luck and post your pics.
  17. elkiny

    Hermosillo coues bow hunt

    Hello, I have hunted in Sonora several times and I've not had a problem thus far, actually heading down again in mid january to an area close to where you described. Frozen 24 hours, then thawed to come back across, tick free. Here is the number just to be certain. (602) 392-4440 x 190 or (602) 392-4440 x4.
  18. elkiny

    Weird deaths!

    Once when deer hunting in 19a I heard a terrible scream. I went to see what it was and it turned out to be a baby calf (moo cow) that was being attacked by 2 coyotes. The mother moo cow was chasing them around but one of the 2 coyotes would nip at the baby cow while the other was being chased by the mom cow. I set up for a long shot and blasted one of the coyotes, the other one ran away. That will teach them, I'm sure the rancher was happy.
  19. elkiny

    4 days + 228 deer = 0 bucks!

    The AZ Game and Fish does a great job of managing the buck to doe ratio just like they managed to kill the only wild Jaguar in the state and then try and cover it up.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCWIgwGVEIA check it out!
  21. elkiny

    Pot Smokers and College Bound

    3x's....shoot it could be 10x's the cost so long as its high quality and accesible, people will buy it. They wouldn't have to make shady back alley deals anymore, just go to your local Circle K and pick up your dope...cha ching $. The Cartels aren't really known for the quality of their MJ, potheads don't want to smoke weed that smells like gasoline.
  22. elkiny

    Pot Smokers and College Bound

    Have we learned nothing from prohibition? legalize weed, have the (Dept of ATFM) alcohol, tobacco, firearms and marijuana regulate it just like they do alcohol and tax the heck out of it. We'll be out of debt in no time. That will deter crime, slow down the cartels and increase revenue. Problem solved. They are going to smoke anyways, might as well capitalize on it....the American way.
  23. elkiny

    Pot Smokers and College Bound

    What are you talking about?
  24. elkiny

    What rifle to set up

    Hello, I have shot both and for CW I prefer to use my 7mm-08 with Hornady 139 grain. It shoots flat and I'm comfortable out to 550 yards. I have a Nikon buckmaster scope.
  25. Hello all, I really didn't want to spend a boat load of $'s for a bracket so I did some searching on-line and found this on Amazon for $16...works great. Best part about it is that it is actually made out of metal and not plastic like some of the more expensive ones that I saw. These also allow for the bino to close all the way. I have them on a pai of Swaro SLC but they work with most roof or porro prism binos.