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About Diga

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  1. Now that I look at it again, it definitely looks like a shed. Goes to show you how locked in on the bull I was AND how easy it can be to walk right by those things.
  2. I had trouble posting the pictures but the bull I killed is the one in my profile picture. I will post more when I can figure it out. I dont believe it was a shed it was probably a stick horn, I've seen plenty of those.
  3. I was lucky enough to draw an early season archery bull tag last fall and could have not been more excited, nervous, and confident with the upcoming season. I knew there were good bulls in the area I was going to be hunting but there was also a lot of hunting pressure. After the first few days the bugles were good before sun up but then nothing after 7-8am. I had located a few bulls that were bedded and bugling with another hunter with a tag and we decided to make the move on him while he was in his bed. I snuck within 7 yards of the massive bull scraping the juniper on the other side of me when the bull took off and I heard the hoochie mama from other hunters down below. After several days of getting closer and closer we had to go home for a break. The next weekend provided windy and dry conditions and hard to locate bulls. On the first day of fall we followed a bugule to a small canyon and saw a big bull but broken off 6x1. My hunting partner asked me if I wanted to take it and I was more than happy to try. After sneaking down the small canyon about 500 yards the bull was screaming and close. I then put my GoPro on my head and started my sneak attack on the sound of the bugles. As I cleared some trees I spotted a perfectly symmetrical 5x5 feeding 60 yards away and had no idea I was there. Instantly I knew I was going to get a shot at this bull. After sneaking down and around the bull I was able to get within 30 yards of him while he had no idea because of the high winds. I was shaking because of the adrenaline and started ranging.. 7 yards...55 yards... 12 yards.... finally I steadied myself ad got the range of the bush he was feeding behind and it was 23 yards. As the bull stepped out I drew and shot as he was quarting away and he took off. I thought I had hit him too far back but it ended up being a double lung and he ran 30 yards and tanked. I couldnt have been more greatful i was gonna be happy with a spike as long as I could get close and I was able to make it happen on this awesome bull. Here is the youtube video of the stalk and the hunt and pictures after:
  4. grow some balls and enjoy the fact you have had deer blood in your backpack. i would love to have that smell in mine