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About IKillCoues

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  • Birthday 03/17/1992

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  1. IKillCoues

    Guess the Score - Sept 09

    116 6/8
  2. IKillCoues

    my "trophy"

    congrats on harvesting a coues with your bow, i know how difficult that can be. I dont want to dog on anyone but i have too agree with Vizsla on this one it doesn't take too much effort to drag the deer away from the area that another hunter might want to hunt since he already has his stand there. Ikillcoues
  3. Clicked the link and it said the video was unavailable.
  4. IKillCoues

    Last day buck

    It's a shame he's broken off, thats a good deer.
  5. IKillCoues

    Allergic to Coues Deer????

    I know where i would be in Januray Aaron
  6. IKillCoues

    for all kids on this forum

    I'm Aaron.. I'm 16.
  7. IKillCoues

    Day After Christmas

    On Friday, me and Justin (gotcoues) went down to Arivaca to chase some mulies before the end of the year. My dad wasn't able to come cause he broke his hand shooting his bow Christmas day . We got out there and trying to glass was miserable. It was windy, rainy, and you couldn't see very well from all the rain. We tried from a few different places during the morning, but we didn't have any luck, other than glassing 3 coyotes. Justin also spotted a her of javelina, but they dont count cause he sow them with the naked eye bofore we even had our tripods up .While driving around during the middle of the day, we kept seeing these huge jack rabbits right off the side of the road. So Justin got out and got his bow, but before he got a shot the rabbit ran another 40 yards away from the road. Justin "stalked" the bunny and since i lost sight of both of them i sat there and texted my girlfriend for a little while. After a couple minutes i was wondering what was going on so i got out and went and looked for Justin. I found him right as he came to full draw and saw him release, then turn and give me the thumbs up. After several more failed attempts at chasing rabbits, the weather had finally cleared up a little so we found a place to sit and glass. Within 5 minutes, i had a herd of mule deer. After watching for a little while the buck walked out from behind the bushes. Since it was the last time i would get to hunt this year and i have never taken anything with my bow, i decided to give the big forky a try. For Christmas, Justin was given a Zebu decoy. Its basically a lifesize cut out of a cow with a hole in the center to shoot through. We wanted to see how affective it was and figured we would give it a try. We were able to saty within 60 to 100 yards of the herd for about an hour, just following them around. Unfortunately, i only have up to a 40 yard pin on my bow at the moment... Eventually the deer got to be upwind of us and we were really far from the truck so we headed back. By the time we reached the truck it was about 4:45 so we decided to head home early. But on the way, we spotted a jackrabbit on the side of the road and i decided it was my turn . I smoked him with a broadhead at 30 yards. My first kill with a bow. Pretty fun day for technically being unsuccessful. Aaron
  8. IKillCoues

    My Arizona Buck

    Those are some sweet deer and cool story. Scores?
  9. IKillCoues

    Hunting Trucks / Offroad Rigs

    Hasn't failed me yet.
  10. IKillCoues

    whats wrong with us!!!

    I'm 16 and i have been going out hunting with me dad since i could walk. So im not sure what starting from no experience is like. But i can definately tell you will get what you put in to it. Spending all those hours out in the field scouting will help. And it could also have to do with the way you are hunting. And some of those units don't look like your makin it super easy on yourself Aaron
  11. IKillCoues

    More Late November Success

    Haha thats why me and Justin were finding all the deer Tracey. You couldnt stay focused with Angie there
  12. IKillCoues

    More Late November Success

    Sweet buck! Too bad i missed the last two days. But theres that work and school thing i have... Haha. Aaron