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Everything posted by tanclan4

  1. tanclan4


  2. tanclan4


    I love mine, it’s the compact shield in.45 it’s a perfect fit and shoots great!!!
  3. tanclan4


    Burris does have a lifetime transferable warranty as well
  4. tanclan4

    Swarovski 10x42 question + vortex 15x50

    I hunt with them both, they’re close
  5. tanclan4

    Swarovski 10x42 question + vortex 15x50

    I have both and although the 10’s I have are clear the vortex 15’s will give you great spotting. I have the 15’s in Swarovski and 10’s and I would go with more magnification. My Viper 15’s are real comparable to my Swarovski 15’s, not better but close
  6. tanclan4

    Remington ultimate breech plug. Free 454 ammo.

    I’ll take them both
  7. tanclan4

    Remington ultimate breech plug. Free 454 ammo.

    I’ll take the Harris bipod
  8. tanclan4

    *SOLD* Lefty Athens R120

    You were telling me about these bows, why are you shouting lefty?
  9. tanclan4

    *SOLD* Lefty Athens R120

    You sure you aren’t interested in a meat grinder, two sets of new socks, box of sausage casing and two boxes of Pringle’s original? 😁
  10. tanclan4

    Tonto Xmas tree permits

    Pm sent
  11. tanclan4

    WTB Bolt Gun 6.5CM or 30-06

    Grab a gun.com has a Savage 11 with accutrigger and krypton stock for $425
  12. tanclan4

    Looking for BROKEN/non-running dirt bike

    There’s a Yamaha yz80 for 100 bucks on offer up
  13. tanclan4

    Mule deer antlers replication

  14. tanclan4

    Mule deer antlers replication

    Wow! how did my response about camp gone get in this thread? lmao!!!
  15. tanclan4

    Mule deer antlers replication

    Camo is gone to a new home, thanks 1uglydude! It was nice to meet you and I gotta say, you aren’t ugly at all! Lol thanks again
  16. tanclan4


  17. tanclan4


  18. tanclan4

    Coues Camo

    I agree, carhardts with a solid colored long sleeve shirt, army green or khaki colored when rifle hunting and for bow I’ll throw on a leafy wear jacket. The wind and slow movements work whether wearing Camo or not.
  19. tanclan4

    Stock and Scope

    Pm sent
  20. tanclan4

    Good buys on Offer Up App

    Nice Cabelas binoculars on OfferUp site!
  21. tanclan4

    Game and Fish screw up

    Azcouesandelk, there are no couesdeer in 24A. 😁
  22. tanclan4

    Youth rifle for my daughter

    Theres a Ruger 243 for $259 on grabagun
  23. tanclan4

    WTB tikka in 6.5 creedmoor

    Man, Grabagun.com had Beretta 6.5 Creedmoor for $499 the other day
  24. tanclan4

    Vortex crossfire binoculars

    Ill take them, let me know and I can head that way this weekend
  25. tanclan4

    Vortex crossfire binoculars

    Pm sent