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About tanclan4

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 06/24/1964

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  1. tanclan4


    One more time
  2. tanclan4


  3. tanclan4


    Thanks Gjones have a successful safe hunt!
  4. tanclan4


  5. tanclan4


  6. tanclan4


    Hey wait a minute! Wait one stinking minute! How do we know this is the real SpotNstalk? What is the name of your cousin’s little sister’s aunt Chela’s baby brother?
  7. tanclan4


  8. tanclan4

    Merry Christmas 🎄🎁

    Merry Christmas to you all! Enjoy your family!
  9. tanclan4

    22 Caliber 55 MC Bullets SOLD

    MC HAMMER!!! lol
  10. tanclan4

    Anti Hunters

    Jackasses! Next they’ll claim bullets flying through the air while hunting can hit the Arizona Grasshopper Sparrow pushing them to extinction!
  11. tanclan4

    FYI Big Boy camo coming soon **Updated**

    I found a duffle bag in the middle of the road on my way to hunt and the pants were 48-15’s! Lmao
  12. tanclan4

    WTB youth camo

    Ok let me see what I have and I’ll let you know, if they work I can meet you tomorrow somewhere on your side
  13. tanclan4

    WTB youth camo

    What sizes are you looking for?
  14. tanclan4

    Free pellet air rifle - Gone

    I’ll take it, perfect for my grandson to practice
  15. Scored him at 82” not a bad buck thanks all!