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Everything posted by molukin

  1. molukin

    Unit 30A

    Hi guys, I am new to the forum, but I must say that you are all a great source of info and help. I have been browsing around here for a couple of nights and find you all to be most helpful. My brother lives in AZ and sent me a 30A (nov 28th) tag out of the blue, apparently it was an under subscribed unit... In reading the AZFG website and other information I am a little concerned about access, is this a problem? Any other info you can share about the unit without giving away your personal secret places? Seems the deer population might be a little spread out in this unit. I spend the majority of my time in Utah and Colorado working, so unfortunatley my scouting will be done every night on the computer and phone until I get on the hill with my binos Once again, thanks so much for all your information, this group really represents what is good about hunting and hunters.
  2. molukin

    Unit 30A

    If you dont mind me asking, about how much did that cost to have him fly you in?
  3. molukin

    Great time in unit 32

    Years ago I used to hunt Javelina in unit 32. I remember the road from Mammoth to Klondyke as being some awesome country, but I have been curious about something for years... is there still that section of dirt road that has carpet all over it? What was the deal with that?
  4. molukin

    Unit 30A

    ok, so if access were NOT a problem, which of the mtn ranges would you hunt?
  5. molukin

    Unit 30A

    ok, maybe I should have said "my brother facilitated us getting tags from the Arizona Game and Fish...", at any rate I do appreciate the efforts of guys like you all that make it even possible for all of us to understand different species and techniques better. I have hunted Utah, Colorado, Idaho, California, Wyoming, and many times in Texas if anyone needs to be pointed in the right direction. I may not know much, but I know many who do. Thanks again guys.
  6. molukin

    Unit 30A

    ummm, what are you talking about?
  7. molukin

    Unit 30A

    We have hunted AZ together before, he had my personal info, so he bought a leftover tag for each of us. I guess technically, AZFG sent the tag to me...