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Everything posted by GRONG

  1. Man that is just fantastic!! A huge congrats to you and your luck!
  2. GRONG

    Crooked Horned Coues!

    That's funny! This is now the 3rd buck I've seen like this just this year. That one I posted pics of earlier in Oct. Then in November I was guiding down in 36C for a friend and we killed one really similar to it. And on the one we killed, the left antler wasn't even connected to a pedicle, it was just flopping on the side of it's head! And now the buck posted in this thread.... That's crazy stuff!!
  3. GRONG

    Found one

    Oh my gosh, so precious! Thanks for sharing
  4. GRONG

    Unit 8 November Archery

    Jeff yer killin me!! Gettin old my ace! If you didn't have your bow at 83 lbs to show everyone how tough n manly you are you wouldn't be having this problem. People of your grey haired old age should be shooting no more than 55lbs. Just ask graybeard.....
  5. GRONG

    Couple scope pics

    Just a hint on what to do once you get the bull in the frame like you did is just zoom in with your phone/camera and you'll get rid of the dark circle around the subject and you'll be zoomed in quite a bit more. Just remember to zoom and you'll probably get better pics but of course you've got to be STILL when taking the pics.
  6. GRONG

    My Wife's first buck

    LOVE IT!! Congrats!
  7. Oh dude that was a great story! How flippin exciting, thanks for sharing.... How bout some trail cam pics of that hog?!?!
  8. GRONG

    Meet Mr. Wide

    You, my friend, are an absolute stud!! That pic of you all lathered up with that grimace on your face says it all. That must've SUCKED!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Next time knock about 40lbs off your pack by boning that SOB out. Congrats on a sweet deer man!
  9. My buddy Jimmy and I put our ladies in together for an October whitetail tag and they drew 6A as their 2nd choice. Three weeks prior to the hunt we started scouting pretty hard and found a lot of bucks so our confidence was high going in to the hunt. Opening morning welcomed us with those BRUTAL winds that pretty much every one in the field across the state was very aware of. I elected to keep my family in bed and just wait till things chilled out as to not make them suffer in the weather. Around 9 AM we headed for the ridges to glass. Jimmy and Jenn manned up and were out at first light a few miles away and they didn't see much. We hiked up into some hills and sat in the sun. I glassed a couple small bucks a long way off and several does during the day but nothing close. We changed locations that afternoon and right before dark I glassed up that drop antlered buck that I posted pics of a couple weeks ago. The buck was a little to far away and up a nasty slope so we decided to just watch. (Here's the link to the buck I posted) http://www.coueswhit...en-one-like-it/ Saturday morning Jen, Isaac and I climbed high on a ridge top to glass some different angles. We eased over the top, glassing carefully as we crested, and we got busted! 2 bucks and a doe were flagged and running for the top.... Oh well, that's whitetail hunting I guess. I set up and glassed and found that drop antlered buck and 2 smaller buddies feeding the opposite way from us about a half mile or more away. A while later we moved to another spot about 150 yards away and while we were glassing Jen looks down and says, "There's a buck right below us!" At 90 yards out walks a 90ish 3x4 that I'd seen 2 weeks before. He knows something is up and starts scootin down the slope quick and another buck we hadn't seen yet either joins him. I tried getting Jen behind the gun but in the mad panic of getting it arranged it's over before it began and the bucks were quickly out to well over 600 yards. Frustrated but still having fun we continued to glass for a while. I mean come on, we'd just seen a total of 7 bucks in about an hour so it was pretty encouraging. Here's a picture of the 3x4 that walked out below us. After enjoying the views and morning sun we decided to go back to where we'd been the day before and sit the middle part of the day, above a tank, that had been getting some action. We sat in the sun and got sleepy and took a nap while Isaac was playing games on Mom's phone. After a while Isaac says, "Dad! There's a snake!" I looked and it was a small racer putting the sneak on a lizard that was sunning it's self high on a rock. Needless to say, Isaac had to pester the snake by tossing small twigs at it and eventually it slithered off. Only had a doe and fawn come in so we decided around 3:00 to head across and get into some totally different ridges and glass some other stuff. The late afternoon sun was strait in my face as I got set up and within a couple minutes of glassing I glass up a nice buck facing us 2 ridges over. Within 30 seconds the buck beds in a spot I guarantee I never would've seen it in, so I got lucky spotting it when I did! We had plenty of time to get over there and above the buck so the 3 of us took off. It took us nearly 30 minutes to get situated in a good spot above the buck but for the life of me I just couldn't pick him out of the brush it'd laid in. We scooted down the ridge carefully trying to get different views as I knew I was looking at the right patch of brush but I just couldn't find it!! I had a good feeling I could find it the next morning so we hiked back out. Jimmy and Jenn had glassed all day too and only had seen a couple small spikes and a forky and decided to pass. Sunday morning all 5 of us of us decided to go back into the same area and spread out. Jen, Isaac and I snuck up the ridge we'd been on the evening before and and soon as we could see the opposite slope I spotted the buck feeding alone. We had about 300 yards to go to get within range and we snuck up there being as quiet as we could and got set up at 404 yards from the buck. I sat Isaac about 5 yards behind us so he could watch. While trying to get set up the buck fed closer to us and I told Jen where to place the buck in the scope. The first 2 shots just barely missed the buck over it's back! I told her to now just put the main crosshair on the buck and let it rip. POW!!!! The gun goes off and she hammers it perfectly in the heart! The buck made it about 30 yards before piling up in the brush! Jen looks at me and says, "Is it dead?!?!" I said "YES!" and she broke down crying from all the adrenaline and intensity that comes with harvesting an animal. It was a sweet family moment, especially since Isaac was sitting right there watching his Momma kill her second buck. Jen in position not long after taking the final shot. As we sat there talking about all that went on, my buddy Jimmy calls me on the radio and says that there's 2 bucks above us on the same slope Jen's deer just died on. We watched the bucks spar and eventually bed and that's when Jim and Jenn made their move across the big draw and got set up below us a couple hundred yards away. Isaac watching the sparring bucks. Then being a boy Soon as they got situated and relocated the bucks we made our way across the super steep drainage to Jen's big buck. Crossing the drainage.... Jen with her buck As I'm caping and quartering the buck out a shot from Jenn's rifle surprises us! My Jen finds her in the binos and watches as her next shot center punches her first buck in the heart at 517 yards with Jimmy's .270! We met them up at their buck a while later for some more pics. Jimmy and Jenn Dos Jennifers Jimmy and I got the chore of carrying the meat while the girls carried their well deserved trophies! Way to go girls! Lots of great memories were made on this hunt and it was such a pleasure to share them all with such great friends like Jenn and Jim. Isaac and I got to find some sheds while scouting and he even got to drive the quad quite a lot which was the highlight of his entire trip
  10. GRONG

    The one that got away

    I love that dang thing!!
  11. Yup, that right there is just fantastic!! Nothin sweeter than you and your girl out there makin memories. Thanks for sharing Broadside.....
  12. GRONG

    2012 Oct Rifle Coues

    Sweet lookin buck man! Thanks for sharing
  13. WOW! Thanks for the compliment guys! There was many many other pics I struggled with posting but just couldn't do it because of all the scenery in the background. It's hard enough to find a spot that's not crawling with people and I'd like to keep this spot to ourselves sorta ya know.... Some of the best pictures I've ever taken were on this hunt, guess they'll just have to stream on my computer's screen saver. Thanks again in sharing this amazing hunt with us. We just got the meat back this afternoon and can't wait to "dig in" tonight.
  14. GRONG

    Monster 2 point!!

    RIGHT ON!!!!!
  15. Ooooooooooooh dooooooood........ I hope I get a chance in my life to lay my hands on a beast like that after I've pulled the trigger on it.... Holeee SMOKES!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Just when you think you've seen em all and out comes a freak of God's beautiful creation!!! Oh my gosh Jim..... Phenomenal
  17. Oh man! Great hunt guys!
  18. Out scouting this morning with my son and this was the only dang deer I got to see. Way cool and to be honest, a little tempting.... Maybe it'll turn into something way cool in a couple years if it makes it.
  19. GRONG

    Still finding them

    Way nice! Thanks for sharing
  20. GRONG

    Yesterday's pickemups

    My wife has the Oct wt hunt that starts on the 26th. Yesterday's scouting started off great! I found 2 sheds hiking in the dark to my glassing spot and 2 others a while later. Found that big horny toad too. I saw a total of 10 bucks as well so it was a great day. Biggest buck I saw was in the mid 80's probably. Enjoy the pics. Found this one lying in the cockleburs in a tank that nobody had seen before. Here's a couple of Arizona Black rattlesnakes I've seen lately too. I knelt down to look at the bear track in the mud of this tank and came about 3" from stepping on the snake!! I was so tuned into the bear track I didn't notice the snake for about 2 seconds. Talk about an adrenaline rush when I saw it!!!! And another....
  21. GRONG

    Yesterday's pickemups

    Glad you all liked the snake pics so much, I'll try to get more pics of them soon as I find some more...
  22. GRONG


    Did you happen to get any other pics as the season has gone on of those bucks that you could share? That giant in the background is just stupid big!