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Everything posted by GRONG

  1. Since these aren't the best photos in the world I figured I'd post them anyway w/o sending them thru Amanda first. I'm going to look for the buck again tomorrow and hopefully get some better video and pics of this toad. I spotted him this morning with a friend of mine. I got the binos set up and quickly took about 2 minutes of video of him. As I was setting up my spotting scope the two does he was with got fiesty and hauled butt over the hill never to be seen again so I never got a head on shot or even a decent profile shot in film. He's a HUGE 2pt on the right, he does have a G3 but it's only about an inch or so and it looks out of place. I think his G2 on that side is around 9". The left antler has 3 fairly normal points, he's wide and freakin gorgeous. I think he's in the 105" class as is. The video is of course better to look at than these pics but you'd have to see it to believe me. Enjoy, hopefully I'll have some better pics manana. Josh
  2. GRONG

    Coues in Rut in the Rain?

    Hope you don't get washed away cause here in Camp Verde this morning the water is UNREAL! I'm glad I'm not sitting on a hill somewhere cause I'd be pissed and soaked. Josh
  3. GRONG

    My first Coues, 112 inch

    GAAAAACK!!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!! That is so freakin cool I can't believe it! Congrats to you good sir. Gonna sit that stand again come the new year? Unreal!! Thanks for the pics, Josh
  4. GRONG

    biggin in 21 today

    Glassed my tail off today and couldn't find the biggin from yesterday. Found this nice one though. I've got to guide a hunt for the next 4 days so it looks I'll be making tag soup out of my '04 archery deer AGAIN! Oh well, always next year.... a few more days that is! Josh
  5. GRONG

    Josh Happy B-Day

    Well thank you kind sirs! I wish I coulda found the biggin but I didn't. I put a stalk on a 90" 3pt but got busted by the wind about 100 yards out. Maybe manana. Thanks again, josh
  6. GRONG

    biggin in 21 today

    I'll be using my bow today and it's my birthday also, so that'd be sweet if I could tag out on a deer like this today. I'll let you guys know. Desert bull, from what I've seen, the rut has been in full swing since the beginning of the hunt. Good luck! Josh
  7. Thought I'd start a new topic for this one. My buddies unit 21 buck. It's his first and after shooting it and coming to my house to see some of mine I think the guy is seriously hooked. dang, looks like I've got to share my hunting spots now. Josh http://coueswhitetail.com/az_rifle_hunters...ravatt-21-2.jpg Http://coueswhitetail.com/az_rifle_hunters...ravatt-21-1.jpg
  8. GRONG

    Anybody bowhunt scrapes?

    Jamaro, I think Amanda has them posted in her live deer section somewhere and I've got them on my site as well. www.rimrock-outfitters.com, go to the photo gallery of deer then the live deer link. Hope you like them, Josh
  9. GRONG

    Unit 21 102" buck

    Grizzly, believe me I wasn't trying to pump you for one of your spots I just wasn't going to tell you where we killed him freely you know. You say you hunted in there for the first 2 days, did you not see anyone else in there? My buddy was there for Friday and Saturday. He spotted him first thing Sat morning and hiked down on a bluff above him and waited him out till the evening. He said he saw a couple guys first morning and two others on Saturday. While he was waiting the buck out 2 guys that had seen the deer also hiked down there, not realizing my buddy was already a major step ahead of them. He shot about 4 in the afternoon. We didn't see a soul in there on Sunday when we packed him out. Elkhunter, I don't know who you are since you don't post your name but if it's Andy Knowlton you speak of then yes I know him. Sounds like a killer deer your dad missed, what a bummer! Hope you get him soon. Email me anytime you want. I've been way lazy with my site but hopefully I'll get it updated in the next couple of months. Thanks again, Josh
  10. GRONG

    Better lucky than good!

    Hey John, if I happen to get any hunters that want to hunt from the road I'll let you know, LOL. Like Scott said, you gotta take them when you can. Killer deer and congrats to you. Josh
  11. GRONG

    Unit 21 102" buck

    Thanks all everyone. IMG button.... OF COURSE!!! Amanda thanks for putting those in there for me. I really lilke the bottom pic and how it came out other than the fact that Chris isn't smiling. I tell you what, I get on my Dad about getting any camera other than an $8 throw away camera cause if you take your time and set it all up you can get pics like these. It's also funny how guys will spend good money to go on a hunt and also buy a stupid throw away camera to save their memories.... I don't get it. I love this camera and really enjoy taking good pictures with it. It's a Canon G5, pricey but man is it sweet! Thanks again everyone, Josh PS: Grizzly, how about you tell me where you saw that buck and I'll tell you if it's him or not.
  12. GRONG

    Unit 21 102" buck

    SON-OF-A........... For some reason I can't make the pics appear in the post. Oh well, go to the link and see if that works. Josh
  13. GRONG

    Unit 21

    Desertbull, not sure what's happening in your area and same with you Kgaines as we've seen a few so far. My friend Chris just shot a real nice buck on Saturday evening. We packed it out yesterday morning. Seems like the rut is going pretty good so far as this buck was doing some doe trailing. The buck I'd guess would score around 100", he's got cheaters off his G2s on both sides. Pretty freakin awesome deer for his first Coues buck ever. I'm pretty sure he's hooked. I'd post the pics but I'm trying to be a good boy and wait for Amanda to give me the url so I can post them "properly". Josh
  14. GRONG

    24A scouting trip

    Good lord man, don't tease us with that tiny picture of your avatar photo.... post several angles of that pig so we can ooh and aah over it. Josh
  15. Anyone hear of a toad NT from any of the 36's? A friend was checking his deer he took down there in C and the G&F dude told him a monster NT came out of the unit next to C. That's all I know or have heard I should say. Josh
  16. I'm glad all you guys liked it. Josh
  17. GRONG

    Found a neat one today

    Here's a neat shed I found today. I call it an elbowed beam, for some reason I can't really explain, or as some people call them.... bitch heads. Don't ask me to explain that one either cause I don't know the answer to it. Josh
  18. CHD, That is a killer deer man. I was gonna say that with your digital camera you take some great pics. However if you don't mind a little constructive criticism I'd like to offer some. The only reason I'm mentioning this to you is cause I've taken dozens of what would be killer photos only to have them half in the sun and half in the shade and they are never what they could have been. What I usually do now is wait for a cloud to come over so it's all in the shade or drag my subject, be it a shed antler or dead critter, into the sun completely. The flash you mentioned can only help so much. Just a little advise from one hunter who appreciates good photos to another, take it or leave it. Killer deer man that is awesome. Beautiful deer and great looking country. Thanks for sharing, Josh
  19. GRONG

    Posting pics in the forum

    Amanda, ever get the feeling you're talking to yourself? Josh
  20. GRONG


    WHAT WHAT WHAT, 48?!?!?! Forget what I said on the mule vs lion post, you're way to old for me to hang with. The more I hang around my dad (he's 54) the more grey hair I get. I've got enough already so if you've got a noggin full of them then I don't want any part of it. That stuff is contagious. Happy B-day o' king of 23, Josh PS: I think the grey hair is from all the frustration of trying to pick up all the Coues sheds in the woods knowing that it'll never happen.
  21. GRONG

    Found a neat one today

    111, thanks man but it's not the same buck. The buck in the pics is from last year and the shed is from a different area and probably laid there for 4-5 yrs. I'm really hoping I can find that buck from last year, he should be pretty neat if he's still around. See you man, Josh
  22. GRONG

    Plane Crash

    Coues that was one heck of a post man, a tear-jerker too. I am really sorry for your loss and feel what you are going thru. What a terrible loss. It woulda killed me to drive my best bud's truck back home after that. Sorry man, I'll send a prayer your way as well as to the families of your friends. Josh
  23. Kevin, thanks again and yes I'll tell Dad hello. His email is dogman@commspeed.net if you want to drop him a line yourself. If you were hangin with him in the mid 80's I was just a little toe headed wanna-be hunter like my Dad. You should see Dad's dogs now and I don't mean his feet. He has a crew of dogs now that are unreal. It is awesome watching those dogs work. Mike you are too funny man, we really need to go hit the hills together one of these days. I agree that that pic of Dad's really does need to go into some sort of lion hunting book sometime. Mike you should hear the story about Dad lassooing(sp?) a lion in a tree where he was going to remove a homemade tracking collar put on it previously by some rouge lion hunter so he could just track it up and kill it later. I'll have to tell you about that one sometime. Josh
  24. GRONG

    Found a neat one today

    Here's the next one. His left antler came down about 2.5-3" I'd say, then kinda hooked and went up about 3" . The right antler was about double of what the left was in height. The spike is about 8" on the right side. If he hasn't been processed by a lion yet I hope to see him again this winter within archery range of course.
  25. GRONG

    Found a neat one today

    Bret you are way too funny! I would have shot him too. Aside from a B&C typical or non-typ buck my next goal is to shoot a buck, no matter how big, that has this type of antler configuration. I did see a buck last year that had this on both sides of his head actually but he was a year and a half old and I couldn't bring myself to do it. I guess that my "no matter how big" statement is BS isn't it? Here's a pic of him, they're grainy so back up from the screen. It's a lot better watching the actual footage believe me. Since they're too big to all be on this page I'll post the others after this one. Josh