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Everything posted by GRONG

  1. No thank goodness!! There would be a serious problem if that happened seeing that our hunters are paying a lot of money to hunt lions with us. I hope that never happens!
  2. Shiras that was funny! The hunt lasted from mid-morning till about 3:30 or so. The thing tried running up the side of a freakin STEEP mountain face but turned, crossed a creek and ran up another slope where I think his give-a-shitter just wore the heck out! He'd been treed for a while before we could all catch up and get there.
  3. Here's an upclose of his grill.
  4. GRONG

    35B Dec. coues

    Dude that was sweet!
  5. GRONG

    Here's the skinny on my hunt

    Bowsniper, what is an adrinal gland? I hope to have some more exciting stories in a few days, I'm headed out around noon for a few more.
  6. Last one, hope everyone enjoys the pics.
  7. OK, here's the buck. My friend forgot to bring me the disk to put the pics on my computer so I had to take pics of his pics w/my digital camera, that's why they've got that not so sharp appearance to them. I've cropped and minimized the pics so freakin much so that they'll meet the requirements that the pics are small and I'll have to post the pics in many different posts. Anyway, enough of the rambling here's Clint Piper and the abbreviated version of his hunt and some pics. He found the buck early in the season, shot a time or two and never connected. He found the buck again in the same area on the 30th and finally got him. Actually after the first shot missed he shot again and never could tell where he hit. He hiked across the canyon to where he thought the buck was standing and couldn't find a trace of it. He looked for a while and soon as he was gathering his stuff to leave his dog started barking up a storm about 50yds up the hill from him. He thought it was barking at some javvies and went up to check. When he got close he could see the dog biting at a deer's hind leg and could see the 4pt side of his buck! He couldn't believe it! Boy was he pumped to say the least. The deer had a really small body, he figured at most, the deer was 100lbs live weight. He also thought the deer would go around 110" until his brother measured it and came up with 56" on the right and 51" on the left side. Add the inside spread of 15" for a gross of 122"!!!! The rack has a 4x3 frame with 4 1/2 and 4 3/4" bases and carries great mass all the way out. What a buck of a lifetime, congratulations Clint! Enjoy the pics guys and gals.
  8. My friend that killed the 122"er is coming over now but thought I'd add this monster set of sheds that I bought from a guy that picked them up in 6A this year. They measure 118-120" depending on what you'd give it for a spread. As far as I know this buck is still roamin.
  9. GRONG

    my dec 24a hunt

    Right on Amanda that was a fun read, cool story and love the pics!! Congrats to you for some fun with friends and a nice buck.
  10. I'm not saying 6A is a fantastic unit for monster bucks since it gets hunted so hard but a few have emerged out of there over the past 15yrs or so... but not many. Actually I can only think of about 2 and one of them is Geoff Lloyd's monster from the mid 90's. I'm sure that we just had the right combo of rain, feed, age and genetics happen here and there and a few of those bucks got busted. 21 is right across the river and so far I haven't heard of 1 giant buck out of there yet. Has anyone? I guess what I'm saying as far as northern AZ is concerned 6a isn't well known for the #'s of huge bucks to come out of there like 23 or 22 has. I bet 4a is gonna pop out another WHOPPER here in the near future, that's just me talking though. It's amazing how all the shouthern units get all the praise for the big bucks that come out of there. I don't want to sound like we've got it tougher up here but it's just so much thicker and timbered, that it makes it harder to hunt, plus the deer numbers just aren't as high as down south. Now you S. AZ boys don't jump on the band wagon here, I know there's a lot of tough nasty country down there that's awfully tough to glass but I'll take you out to some stuff where you can hardly see the ground for miles and there's Coues all over the place but you can't even see them to hunt them. Just gotta git lucky! Try unit 8 or 6B for Coues and hunt in Sycamore Cyn... ouch! That's tough hunting! Ok, sorry I haven't got those pics yet of that latest 122"er from 6a, I'll have them manana!
  11. Here's the other. I'm pretty sure the beam was right at 20" and it's really heavy!
  12. What's up with a 120" lion kill from 6A? Pics dude, pics! Here's a picture of a beast of a shed found there a few years back that I measured at 61 7/8"!!!! This thing is awesome! A guy named Vance Ackerman from Cottonwood found it in the late 90's if I remember right. These are the only 2 pics I have of it. Ok, the file size is too big so I'll have to post the pics in separate posts.
  13. Oh I'll get them, but between trying to get a good buck with my bow for about 11 hours a day on stand and time asleep I'll try. Hopefully tomorrow but maybe in a few days. I know I know, the wait is tough but so is 11 hours in a treestand with VERY little movement!
  14. Here's one pic of that gorgeous 3pt I mentioned. A guy named Larry Granados (sp?) from Cottonwood got him with a good friend of his. Took a couple days and a few shots to get him but they finally did. Check out those eyeguards!
  15. GRONG

    Happy Birthday Josh!

    Hey thanks guys. Boy if I did a day by day of my hunt my truck would have already fallen apart and I would be sleepless. Soon as season is over I might give the goins ons of my hunt it's own little thread, not that it's worth that even. I will say this, it's kinda amazing watching my arrow deflect off of a buck's antlers and then watch him go back to feeding and grooming himself while my knees were about to buckle in the stand. Giddy-up!!
  16. GRONG

    record book tail shot in dec.

    I guess that rut does wonders for travelling bucks in search of the almighty "tail".
  17. GRONG

    record book tail shot in dec.

    GACK!!!!!!!!! Ya I think I'd have to fling some arrows. Details, any trail cam pics prior to getting him or prior sightings? Congrats to your buddy!!
  18. GRONG

    Happy Birthday Josh!

    Hey thanks man! I'm headed up tomorrow to try it again for a few more days in the tree. I won't be able to do a day by day post like some other guys cause I'm so far from the puter but I'll let everyone know if I happen to get one.
  19. John F, you said it best in your last post. Ya a tree hugger is the same as a bunny hugger, no difference. Some call them granolas as well. I will say that my comment may seem a little harsh but I will stand by it as well. I do know that there are a few good game wardens out there that I could trust to an extent and some others that work for the dept in one way or another. From my personal experience with game wardens is all I can go on. I think that most of them are looking to make a name for themselves w/in the dept somehow and they will do anything to do it, ie: make up stories about a case and outright lie about "what they think went on" instead of what the facts actually were. They're an interesting bunch that's for sure. I'm just telling you P15 that if I were you I'd watch every little word you tell a GW cause you never know how he's gonna try and twist anything and everything you say and try to make it into a case somehow. Someone that that will do that to another person doesn't have a thread of integrity and zero concious. They can drag a poor blue collar worker thru the court system for years requiring them to spend $10's of thousands of their hard earned dollars to defend themselves against the AZG&F over what a person whimsically said that they did. If you care to find out more, read old posts from a couple years ago about certain individuals that personally went thru that exact kind of stuff. If you don't care to look then PM me and I'll be more than happy to enlighten/educate you about a few instances that I personally know of. I'd rather not waste my time though but if I must prove a point then I will. Good hunting everyone, I'm off to go try and put a little arrow between a certain buck's ribs.
  20. GRONG

    Area 33 Archery

    You've got to be kidding me that that's the name of the meat processer!!!!!!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!