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Everything posted by GRONG

  1. GRONG

    Almost, but no cigar!

    HOLY G-2S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sweet man!
  2. GRONG

    Are they done growing?

    Ol Littlebear just got pics from Sept 15th that had a buck just starting to shed it looks like. The G2 on it's left antler was just poking thru the velvet. Should be soon!
  3. GRONG


    115 1/2" gross, killer buck man! Congrats to your G-pa. The inside spread on that bad-boy is awesome too.
  4. That was awesome! Thanks for the story, too cool. I can't get the same bucks to come in harldy ever, you seem to have something going for you. Way to go!!
  5. OH MAN!!!! Killer story, that was exciting to read. Spot and Stalk coues is TOUGH and you pulled it out bro, congrats! Fantastic deer!
  6. GRONG

    Opening Day Success!!

    NICE!!! MY TURN, MY TURN!!!!!!!!!
  7. GRONG

    Monster Coues

    OH GOOD LORD!!! I think I just peed a little! HAWG HEAVY! Freakin awesome, a huge congrats to your friend and thanks for sharing!
  8. I try and leave them hanging from August thru Jan w/o moving them. I check them every week if I can to replace memory sticks and batteries.
  9. KILLER DEER MAN!!!!!!! Now that was just the motivation I needed bro!! Congratufreakinlations dude!!!! Post more pics of you and your trophy man that is incredible. AWESOME!!!
  10. GRONG

    Hunt of a Lifetime

    Last year my Dad and I guided a kid with Hodgkins Disease in 22 for bull elk for HOAL. It was a cool experience and the local businesses chipped in with free food and dinners at local restaraunts. If they can find a guide that will do the hunt I think most of the time the local merchants help out enough that the only thing donated on the guide's part is his time and expertise.
  11. GRONG

    some of my sheds

    What the crap does that one on the upper left score?!?!?! What a HOG!!!
  12. GRONG

    massive shed

    Looks muley to me. Cool shed though.
  13. Dad and I were out glassing on Sunday morning and we saw a coues doe with triplets. In all my years behind the binos that was a first for me.
  14. Glad you guys all liked the pic, they sure were fun to watch. Those little suckers couldn't have been but about 15lbs each when you consider the size of an adult doe. I wish I coulda taken them home with me.
  15. YIKES!!!!! Awesome man!!!!
  16. EEK!!!!! I just got buck fever! Heck if I was in a stand and had that dink show up I'd be shakin', let alone hoping the deer wouldn't notice the sound of urine as it was falling from my stand if that big boy was right there! JEEZ man nice dang buck!
  17. GRONG

    Pine Mtn

    Ya Shawn doesn't have a mustache so that rules him out. Not sure who that'd be. Oh well. Good luck in your searches.
  18. GRONG

    Bad Ass "mule"

    Oh hells no!!! I'd rather walk than ride a mentally challenged mule. You never know what those crazy suckers are thinking or are gonna do. My Dad has been pitched on his face to many times and now can no longer pull a bow back cause the last time he got dumped it jacked his shoulder up real bad. I like to learn by someone else's experiences and take heed to their errors. Riding a mule seems like bad judgement to me. Still can't keep Dad from riding them though. One of these days he'll learn.
  19. GRONG

    A few nice bucks

    GACK!! That extra beamer is dang cool and that big 3 is SICK!! WHACK EEM!!
  20. GRONG

    Pine Mtn

    Rancher's name is probably Shawn Moore, he just took over the T-Anchor Ranch this summer. He's from Camp Verde and a real nice guy. About 30 I'd guess.
  21. GRONG

    A few pick ups from this weekend

    Right on!!
  22. GRONG

    Fall is here!!!

    Andy won't even try to kill one of those bucks since he's addicted to spot and stalk. Right Andy?
  23. I was thinking that if I can't find a good buck for my Oct tag I might just sit some of my treestands with my .357 and see if I can get a coues buck that way. I think it'd be pretty cool and seldom done.... handgunning a buck that is.
  24. Ol' Coueskiller himself asked me to post these for him.
  25. GRONG

    Unit 23 Skull

    I love the whitetail rack you found Dan!!! I love those double beamers! Killer find!!!!!!!!!!!