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Everything posted by GRONG

  1. GRONG

    Una Puma!!!

    PT you get yourself some dogs finally? Right on!
  2. BASS that is so freakin funny!! That killed me!
  3. GRONG

    Ancient set

    From my experience and my degree in "antlerology" the past 17 years I'm just giving it a guess. Really hard to say actually but I do know that a coues antler weathers much better than elk sheds do when left untouched in the field. A coues antler will not get very chalky till it's been laying out in the sun for about 3 years at the earliest. Sure they'll lose their color but they'll stay pretty solid for a few years. For an antler to start splitting on the ends of the beams and points literally takes more than 10 years, I'd say closer to 15. az4life, place an antler you really don't have a connection to and hang it up outside and see what happens to it and at what stages it really begins to deteriorate. When it comes to the critter damage it seems that antlers get eaten in really brushy country and in the pines, from my experience. Antlers dropped in the wide open tend to do much better than ones dropped in areas of high populations of squirrels, rats and porcupines. I just found a coues antler in a pack-rat's nest in 8 a couple weeks ago and I shoulda taken a picture of it, that was a first for me.
  4. GRONG

    Ancient set

    I found this set in 21 this past Oct on my coues hunt. I think they were dropped in the 80's by the look of them. They were about 25 yards apart on a bench I don't think anyone has been on since they were dropped there. Didn't see any deer either, maybe that's why. I only got one good "as it lay" shot when I found the first.
  5. GRONG

    '06 S. AZ LATE COUES

    No eyeguards!?!?!?! What the crap?!?! That's pretty rare for a deer of that class to not have them. He looks almost naked w/o them. Great deer, I'm gonna guess 114" gross, he may even net book too. Let us know what he scores when you find out. Congratulations!!!!!!!!
  6. GRONG

    az guide license

    Very very well said Jim!!!! Dittos to everything you said! Here's to going back to a real job after the hunting season is over...........
  7. GRONG

    2 coues

    Super 1st buck man! Heck of a 2nd too. Thanks for posting them and welcome aboard!!
  8. GRONG

    Una Puma!!!

    TAM, yup thats them! Good eye. If anyone is really serious about wanting a lion see my Rimrock Outfitters link on the main page of this site and you can check our operation out. TAM can vouch for us as he joined us on a hunt last winter and harvested a super tom on the 3rd day of his hunt.
  9. GRONG

    Treestandman - Accident!

    Glad your home Mike! I'm sure that hospital gets annoying after a while and there's always something to be said about being at home with your family. I tell you what, that stand looks COMFY!!!!!! Does it recline too?
  10. GRONG

    My 2006 Archery Coues hunt

    Great pics and I wish you some great success! I know I've never been to that spot before but I'd bet money DEERSLAM is right! Great looking area for sure!
  11. GRONG

    Found some nice ones

  12. GRONG

    Cactus Coues ?

    TAM, you talkin about Jay Gates' buck? Andy, Jay lives right near you in Chino, he's Chino Chief's godfather. I've been to his house and took a bunch of pics of his mounts. I might have to dig the one up of his life sized cactus buck, it's pretty cool.
  13. Plus the killing in WI was done by a Hmong immigrant from Asia, not an American in my book. I don't trust Mexico either, never have. I've always always felt uncomfortable when I've gone down there. I love it here in the good ol USA!
  14. GRONG

    Scouting does PAY....

    blitherblitherblither, blahblehblew. Thats the sound of me hardly able to speak! Killer deer man, I love how each side is completely different from the other. Congrats man!
  15. GRONG

    Deer tusks!!!?

    REMBRANT you rock!! I don't buy into the evolution theory either. Why would tusks get smaller as antlers grew bigger? The logic in that doesn't sit right with me, nor does it even make much sense. Did they stop ripping flesh off of other animals (like deer have always been noted to do) and feel the need for larger antlers because of the ol "small penis syndrome"? LOL!!! Seriously though, how'd they logically even come up with a theory like that?
  16. Nice antlers!!!!!! WOW!
  17. Real close to 100", freakin NICE!!!!!!!!
  18. GRONG

    Unit 23

    Great pics as usual Scott!! That pic of your buddy laying under that tree gives me the creeps!!! All I can think of is him waking up with about 300 chigger bites all over his body. I got chiggers pretty bad opening wknd in 21 a couple weeks ago. Thought it was a bit late for those suckers to be out but I was wrong. 3 of them even fed on my coin purse!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. GRONG

    Deer tusks!!!?

    I've seen it on a few muleys and a couple of coues deer in the past several years. Pretty crazy looking!! I found a muley doe skull this spring in CO that had them on both sides of her upper jaw, like elk ivories. Had the skull not been so old I woulda brought it back. I've got one big carp skull here at my house that has them. Pretty neat and pretty rare I believe. I remember Dan King showed me a coues skull one of his clients killed and they had them too. Way odd and I have no clue what causes it. Must be a genetic thing I guess.
  20. GRONG

    Josh's Buck

    Casey I want you to measure all my deer for now on. Over 100?!?!?! You've got to be smokin crack! Nice buck Josh I'll guess 84 1/2".
  21. Wetmule you said it exactly! Lions gotta eat too! I wish they'd eat every skunk and javalina in the woods but then the skunk and javalina afficianados would be saying the same sort of thing about our precious whiteys. It goes both ways I guess. Oh, and Rene, how can you say it was surely killed by a mtn lion? Was it found under a pile of dirt and sticks or are you saying that cause the deer is dead by any other means than a bullet? I'm just curious. Not trying to question your knowledge and provoke any hard feelings of any kind, I'm just questioning your statement. Killer rack!!!!!!
  22. GRONG

    Check this Monster out

    Steve, you're a funny SOB bro!!! A few years ago a guy called me and said he'd gotten this HUGE coues shed at the swap meet here in Camp Verde. The guy tells him he found it in West Clear Creek a couple years back blah blah blah. Anyway, he brings it over to my house to show me and it turns out that it's a decent heavy eastern whitey shed. It's amazing how people make up BS and even more amazing how often most people get duped into that kind of garbage and go along with it. That's how the #1 & #2 NT Coues bucks got recognized and rank where they do..... Out of sheer ignorance! You give me a pile of Coues sheds and/or racks with a few smiliarly sized eastern bucks and I'll pick the imposters out in no time! It's really not that hard when you know what each species' antler characteristics are. Anyone care to make it interesting................. LOL!!!
  23. GRONG

    Got Coues? Here she is...130 inch coues!!!(3x6)

    DOUBLE EYEGUARD man, hey I sent you a PM, did you ever get it. Let me know.... antlerboy@commspeed.net is my email Thanks, Josh
  24. Grosses 158 3/8" as is! G-4 is completely broke off the right antler otherwise it woulda scored in the 163-164" class. Nets just over 147" as is. To everyone that sees the split G-2s as being muley, this one aint even close. It's got Coues written all over it. Enjoy the pic. When I get the rack back from the taxidermist I'll try to get better pics of it.
  25. GRONG

    Monster Buck
