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Everything posted by GRONG

  1. GRONG

    Test pic

    That looks like a lion's ear....... AWESOME!!
  2. GRONG

    Coues Auction Tags

    Bret, I want to know your sources of information. Gino, don't believe a word if his dribble unless he starts spoutin names, pictures and scores!
  3. GRONG


    I was afraid of that......... Cool pic though Dan! You just find em?
  4. GRONG

    elk shed huntin.......

    Went on a hefty shed hunting trip and found some cool stuff that I thought you all might enjoy. I posted them on monstermuleys.com so here's the links. This first link started it off last week. http://www.monstermuleys.info/dcforum/DCForumID18/2776.html This one was from yesterday. http://www.monstermuleys.info/dcforum/DCForumID18/2781.html
  5. Phil, that picture of what looks like a bear rolling on the salt is actually BULLWIDGEON................
  6. GRONG

    elk shed huntin.......

    Hahahaha!! Just think, that could be a 3rd antler off of a freak buck! Ok, probably not but you never know.
  7. GRONG

    Freaks of the Woods

    I LOVE the rack in the water man that is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! This is a really cool little rack I found back in '99. I'll try to get a close-up shot of this rack cause this pic doesn't show it to well.
  8. GRONG

    elk shed huntin.......

    No problem man, it was a cool experience that I figured a few on here would appreciate. You're totally right about the pics not really being possible to show the true steepness. It was nuts! It was steep enough that you could hardly stand in one spot without sliding constantly. I just had to keep on keepin on. Guided shed hunts?!?!?! Then all you guys would know where I tromp around from time to time and steal all my spots! A while back I found over 20 bulls wintering in one of my favorite shed hunting areas so hopefully if everyone leaves the bulls alone there should be a good pile of brown bone to look for! Hope I get time to pound the brush like I'd like to this spring.
  9. GRONG

    elk shed huntin.......

    Phil, you're more than welcome!! Great meeting you!
  10. GRONG

    Freaks of the Woods

    Wish I could say that some of those antlers were mine, some are/were and some were my friend Alan's. I'm a picture junkie and I take LOTS every year at his house. This rack is mine and is one of the CRAZIEST elk racks I've ever seen!
  11. GRONG

    Freaks of the Woods

    Here's a total freak. Looks like the beams are upside down, esp on the rght antler. This rack some of you may have seen already but I thought it was appropriate here. This rack is just sickening, it's got 22" beams, an 18" inside spread, 12" G-3's and a 3rd antler!! This rack scores 134" but can not be accepted by B&C cause it's a "freak" with 3 antlers and they consider those unscorable. Here's an elk antler that I bought on my travels. I had the thing for a total of about a half hour and this guy came by and just had to have it. I hated to see it go but I knew he appreciated it as much as I did. It's got 9 points and mass at the base like few others. I bet the circ around either of the first two points was around 16", it was phenomenal. Just a crazy skull.............. I'll try and post more later, hope you all enjoy.
  12. GRONG

    Freaks of the Woods

    Great topic and pics guys!!! Here's one of the most craziest elk sheds I've ever seen. It's got 2 main beams which is awesome but that crap oozing out of the bottom of the antler is just nuts!!!
  13. GRONG

    elk shed huntin.......

    I think it's kinda random Jim. Some years they're there and some they are not. Or maybe if they're there they coulda walked a 1/2 mile somewhere else and shed there you know. It's nothing for an elk to wander off quite a distance away since they got nothing better to do anyway. I quit trying to figure out why elk do what they do years ago cause it just frustrated the pants off of me, I just hike and do what I can I guess.
  14. Got permission from CouesCrazy to post these two pics I have of the buck they killed in Mexico. Drool on!! 21" of mass per side!
  15. GRONG

    Change name

    What up PT? You wanna be cool like me or what?
  16. GRONG

    huge shed

  17. GRONG

    Whats In A Name

    You guys are hilarious!
  18. GRONG

    What a way to end 2006

    Bout time you slapped that thing up on here Gary! Way to go man!!!
  19. Boy there's some great shots in there for sure!!! What a great year! Congrats to everyone!
  20. GRONG

    Whats In A Name

    HA!!!!!!!!! Could be! "GRONG" def: Aphrodesiac made from antlers. That is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!
  21. GRONG

    Whats In A Name

    Alright got my handle changed now. Story goes like this........... I went into Walgreens a few years ago to turn in the film from one of my trail cameras. The young Asian gal asked my name and I said Josh Epperson. She says, "What's the first name again?". I say it again a lot slower and sounding it out..... JAWSH EHPERSON. I could tell she just wasn't getting it so I said J-O-S-H. Somehow she just wasn't getting it but could get the Epperson part no prob. She said okay and I knew she never really got it. Anyway I came back a couple hours later and this other gal asked for my name. I said Josh Epperson. She starts flipping through the E's in her file and said, "Whats the first name?" I said Josh and last name Epperson. She says, I've got an Epperson here but no Josh. She hands me the pics and says, "See if these are yours". I look at the front of the packet and it says GRONG EPPERSON. I just dropped my head and shook it to myself. That dumb lady got GRONG out of Josh!!! WTF?!?!?! Don't ask me how! Freakin moron is about the only nice thing that came to my mind then. Anyway, I paid for the pics and later mentioned the story to a couple friends of mine in Chino Valley. Needless to say that I've been GRONG since then. Cracks me up!!
  22. GRONG


    Looks like a good place for a treestand!!
  23. GRONG

    Here she is...

  24. GRONG

    nice bulls

    HAHAHAHA!!! Nice try Dave! That was funny!