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Everything posted by GRONG

  1. GRONG

    Went bowhuntin' in unit 22 today

    OH MAN I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Tom Miller's email is nashc02@yahoo.com That's the guy you want to talk to. Josh
  3. GRONG

    My boy holding a biggin

    I bought this shed this summer from a rancher here in 6A. I'm pretty sure it was dropped in spring of '06 so maybe he's still around. Unless he's lion poo of course. My boy found one of my hats in the closet and he's been wearing it ever since. He loves it and I thought this pic was appropriate for the site and to share with you all. Any guesses on the size of the shed?
  4. GRONG

    Anyone Heard From The Super 80

    HOLY LORD!!! Come on man post the pic that you sent Geoff! CLASSIC! And the fact that your Dad was jumping up and down with glee that he'd just wacked a buck like that and twisted his ankle, JUST AS CLASSIC!! Believe me, you'll look back on this in 10 years and seriously bust a nut laughing! Congrats on a nice buck dude.
  5. GRONG

    rumor has it

    You thought that buck was only 108-110?!?!?!?! Good lord man! What a whopper dude that's freakin awesome!!!! Congrats!
  6. GRONG

    Christmas Fun!!!

    Yuh bunch of homos!! About two weeks ago a friend of mine put my face and his in the elf dance and I laughed a little but didn't pee myself like he did. So when I saw the link I knew what was up already. I did crack up at the scrooge one cause I hadn't seen it before. But seeing Jim's face on that elf when he dipped back and shook his shoulders gave me a pretty good laugh! Too funny!! A friend of mine called me tonight and asked if I'd seen this so that's why I'm just now responding. How bout Santa's reindeer with a bunch of coues heads on them dancing? Just a thought......
  7. GRONG

    Buck on the Wall

  8. GRONG

    CW.com Bumper sticker?

    I say who cares if it offends ANYONE!! Just let the stickers fly and see what happens. Just don't plan on going hunting way out on the Strip sometime and expect to come back to your truck and see all your tires with air in them. HA!!
  9. GRONG

    first pickup

    If the beam wasn't broke I'd have to say in the 115" class. Nice find!
  10. GRONG

    Trashy Wash

    That I iz brutha......
  11. GRONG

    Did anyone notice?

    That poem was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
  12. GRONG


    For what it's worth, in early Nov (Nov 5th actually) I saw two scrapes in my favorite area. One looked a week or so old and the other looked less than a day. Both in the same hill side. Not sure what that all meant in deer terms, I'm just telling you what I saw.
  13. GRONG

    Learning the Hard way

  14. GRONG

    Help me name my new dog!

    Personally I like Grongulita, Grongulicious or Grongulectable. "No pooping on the floor Grongulcious!", "No barking at the boogeyman Grongulita!" I think it's perfect, thank you very much. My address for the shirt is 3640 Clea........
  15. Ya I hear ya. Point well taken but all the pics of lion killed deer, to me, seemed to make a statement all in it's own. My $.02.
  16. GRONG

    Unit 23 monster?

    Call me crazy but I think the guy in the pic is the same dude that Ty helped get that big NT buck from 22 a couple years ago. Can't remember his name though but it looks like the guy in the crap picture I saw.
  17. You know, I'm not quite sure how I feel about the article. It seems as if this article just makes more people jump on the "I hate lions, lets kill em all" bandwagon. When in fact lions eat a whole lot of javalina and skunks too. I don't hear the javalina and skunk lovers chiming in. In fact they take a handful of elk too but since the elk seem to be doing quite well nobody says anything about that. In my opinion the best thing to help the muley herds in Arizona would be to stop 9/10ths of all the hunting for them for about 5 years and I bet money you all would see a HUGE jump in the amount of deer you'd all see. The G&F dept is fully to blame for the decline in the deer herds (in my opinion). Remember back in the 80's when they had 1500 permits for 19A? Thats just one unit. They still give hundreds and hundreds of permits out for units that only have a limited amount of bucks in them to begin with! You add up the amount of permits given out thru the 70s, 80s and early 90's and tell me that didn't have a devastating effect on the deer herds. This is all my opinion but it's easy to say the predators are killing our game, oh and don't forget the droubt either. All great excuses the G&F likes to use when in fact I believe they are to blame. I'll get off the soapbox now........
  18. GRONG


    Just got stand in most any parking lot such as Wal-Mart or a grocery store and there's always people peddlin them..... Or is it just Camp Verde?
  19. I like it for 2 reasons: 1, It's my biggin! and 2, It's GRONG orange baby!!! Not diggin the vinyl though, all the sharp rocks we've all sat on would definitely tear it up to easy. I'm likin the thought process though Amanda!!
  20. GRONG

    Unit 23 monster?

    WELL? PICS?!?!?!?!
  21. GRONG

    Big bull down

    I bet you would....... Charlie that bull is a HAMMER!!!!!!!! Congrats man! Gorgeous color and I love the extra point!
  22. GRONG

    Unit 23 monster?

    If you've got Verizon and want a pic of the deer that I have just text me at my number below and I'll send it to you. SHould clear up ALL CONFUUUUSION you ding-dongs! If you text me please let me know who the heck you are first. That way I can decide if you deserve to see the deer or not. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!
  23. GRONG

    A set we found while hunting

    Oh now that is the COOLEST!! A shed hunter and a smart alek!!! I love it
  24. GRONG

    My '07 New Mexico Coues

    AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great buck!