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Everything posted by GRONG

  1. Hey don't be a hater..... be a gamer. Ok if you are tired of your 150+ buck I'd gladly adorn wall of my house with it for you Ya those things are pretty freakin unreal, it was a pleasure just getting to hold them finally. I sure hope some of the matches to those antlers show up. Right now some rotten butt squirrels are probably chewing on them I'm sad to say.
  2. GRONG

    tri bull

    Actually this kind of growth is typically from some sort of damage to the pedicle when the bull is super young which causes it to grow at the angle at which the pedicle fixes it's self. Normally on these bulls, once killed, you can see the scar tissue on the pedicle to prove it. I see them a lot each spring while buying sheds and heads.
  3. GRONG

    Mound of sheds!

    I tell you what, that is one cool dude right there. I buy all those sheds from Hank and I love listening to all the cowboy stories he's told me. I'm proud to know him too, seriously.
  4. GRONG

    Late night snake

    Did someone catch me on a trail camera taking a wizz or what? Or maybe you just talked to the Mrs........
  5. GRONG

    tri bull

    At first glance it looked like one, 3 pointed antler but upon a closer look it's two antlers blended in. The left antler is a normal antler just forming while the other one is growing off the front of his face. I see quite a few antlers and bulls like this every year. Pretty cool stuff!
  6. GRONG

    Leave it up to me.......

    HA!!!! Anytime you find one in the water they're always that smelly. First one I ever found dripped on my back and it took a few minutes to figure out what the heck that smell was till I realized it was coming out of the antler onto my backpack. Way gross!!!
  7. GRONG

    Found a couple

    Ya I know Donny but don't know any others. Had lunch with Gail today but forgot to mention if he saw your posts or not.
  8. GRONG

    Leave it up to me.......

    Well did you get muddy or what? WTF bro, why you gotta be such a teaze?
  9. GRONG

    Found a couple

    That would be he. What's your name and I'll tell him you saw him on here? heck, if you went to school with Daniel then you went to school with me too bro!
  10. GRONG

    The Motherload

  11. GRONG


    I just had to cut-n-paste that in an email and send it to just about 95% of my entire address book. That was just freakin AWESOME!! Thanks for posting that
  12. Did you guys notice that is was a 5 to 4 vote!!! If that isn't a damned good reason to vote Repulican so that ol turn-coat McCain can at least nominate some judges instead of Hussein......... I'm very very afraid for our country and our way of living, in every sense, if ol crack-pot B.O. and his commie wife get in there.
  13. GRONG

    contest idea.....

    I told all y'all! I ain't got SHEEET on Drew's stuff. Does the mule deer have a giant tarantula on it's head?!?!?! GOOD LORD!!
  14. GRONG

    contest idea.....

    +1, although i liked the original title much better HAHAHAHA!! Ya I hear ya but for some reason I thought I needed to tone it down a tad. I'm tellin you guys ol Drew (littlebear) has some killer action shots that if he wasn't so busy wearing his new uniform for his lady maybe we'd get to see some of them.
  15. GRONG

    contest idea.....

    This is still one of my all-time favorites.... Slappy slap!!
  16. GRONG

    june 21st day trip

    Hey AZantlerhead, nice sheds bro. You know it's the middle of 2008 now and they do make these fancy little cameras that can actually take pictures digitally.........
  17. GRONG

    Just got back, pics of my pack

    Or, the AZGFD could trade you the head with a citation.... exactly PULEEEEZE! Any of you guys find a dead head and you're all telling us here on this site that you'd just leave it!?!?! I sure as heck wouldn't but that's just me. Does that make us that do outlaws? I harldy doubt it. I guarandamntee if I was 4 miles into a roadless area and found a head that it'd be on my pack just as ol AZantlerhead did. Now if it happened to be a GIANT head I'd at least make a call and let them know that I was gonna take it cause big heads attract a lot of attn, most good but the little bad that it does can spoil all the fun of finding it in the first place. I rarely find skulls but got lucky back in March with that big nt wt head I found. I made sure that I called a GW just after I found it just in case any brown stinky stuff about it surfaced.
  18. GRONG

    Alright suckers, here it is..........

    I totally understand your passion my friend and no I'm not worried about anyone stealing what little glory I have. Believe me I just know how many people out there can and will recognize ANY PLACE if given just a hint of scenic background. I was just saying be careful is all. Can't wait to see whatever is that you guys get put together. Keep us posted!
  19. GRONG

    contest idea.....

    Holy rules Batman!! Whats wrong with photos from the past few years?
  20. GRONG

    Alright suckers, here it is..........

    I don't make the video, only submit some footage. Maker of the series is Mossback Productions and you'd have to contact them. As far as getting footage of your trips I'd be EXTREMELY wary of what you videoed as far as scenery goes. Cause if you have a spot like you claim here in AZ then you've got something extremely special and ANY scenery can be recognized and therefore you compromise your own shed hunting spot, unless you don't care. Just my two cents. Post some pics!!
  21. Ya probably not the one on Round-up Basin, actually I think the one pictured is a lot smaller. There's a big indian ruin on the right side of the road that you pass as you drive down into the tank and cabin area.
  22. GRONG

    Monster coues bucks

    AW COME ON!!! Well heck, I don't have anything on younghunter........... Sounds like he's been around the block a time or two.
  23. Is that the shack in Roundup Basin?
  24. GRONG

    new pic 80's Coues ridiculous

    Got to meet Nate the other day and hold that awesome rack but I gotta say it's 99% muley. I hate throwing the "hybrid" word around but I'm not gonna rule it out. The skull was huge, significantly larger than a coues head but yet not like a mule deer skull so that's why I say 99% sure it's not coues. Killer rack though and I'm glad I got to see it in person. Nice meeting you Nate and don't forget to mention that replica rack to that guy please.
  25. GRONG

    new pic 80's Coues ridiculous

    Very interesting indeed.......... Whats the story Mathews? MAGNUM, Looking forward to meeting you tomorrow if our schedules work out.