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Everything posted by GRONG

  1. GRONG


    Well welcome welcome sir Don of the S.S. Trap-em-and-stack-em!! Ya you'll have to go to the "Whats in a name" thread from a year or two ago and read up on how all of us got our nicknames. I'm curious about yours as well... Is it a phallic reference or did you run cattle as a youngin'? From the sounds of things Gail says you and your bro really need to come to Mexico with us next time. I bet that'd be a blast! Sell some of those antlers on your fence and you'd have the money to go with us next time.... LMBO!! And to everyone else, thanks for all the kind comments, Gail and I appreciate them all. Wish I was still down there dangit.
  2. GRONG


    HOUSTON!!! That is awesome man!!! Congrats
  3. GRONG


    Oh, Jim that thumb-hole stock was the most comfortable gun I've ever held. It felt so natural. It's my dream gun for sure!
  4. GRONG


    Come on Josh, err I mean Antlerboy, you post up teaser pics of your deer and you're surprised that people wanted to see the rest of your trophies (ie the antlers)? Ease up my friend! I enjoyed the scenery pics as much as anything, but you know you were trying to stir people up about the 'money shots' and you enjoyed all the attention you got . At any rate, congrats on a couple phenomenal bucks. The tine length and character of that first buck is awesome. I really like the gnarled look they have to them. And that 2nd buck speaks for itself man, freaking awesome. You came home with 2 bucks that anyone would kill for. Congrats man, you deserve it. And by the way, the scenery shots were ok Kevin I wasn't trying to act holier than thou by any means by my prior comments it just struck me as odd that not one person responded to the mountain pics. You can ask Jim or Gail, the entire 7 days we drove and hunted around the ranch I kept saying, "LOOK AT THAT CHUNK OF COUNTRY, it looks AWESOME!!!" I caught myself saying that over and over and I couldn't get enough of it. And yes, I LOVED jerking you guys around by not posting the pics and just the teaser pics. Non of the bucks were monsters by any means so I hope you all weren't let down by seeing bucks less than 110". Jim says you gotta pass those 110" bucks to shoot a monster and I'll have to take his word for it but I'm not sure I could pass on one right now. I think Jim was kinda shocked by Gail and I passing on 3 or 4 100-105" bucks on the last day but neither of us really wanted it to end I think. To much fun watching bucks spar and interact with each other Here a doe walked into danger territory without realizing it. There's two young lions laying in the rocks about 15 yards in front of her. She stared that way for probably 20 minutes then got out of there. Lions never knew she was there. One more pic of the whole crew. Steve Shooks, Jim Reynolds, Gail Herrick and myself
  5. GRONG

    Sheep shed?

    Never thought of incorporating it into a mount but your right! Maybe next time I'm in there I'll see if I can find it again.
  6. GRONG


    I'm amazed that out of all you goons that responded, never once did anyone comment on what cool country we hunted in. You all are just concerned with the antlers and that is just sad. We got to hunt in some of the most awesome coues country I've ever been in and all you guys want is pics of dead stuff? That was such a small part of what we did down there. While looking for a 3rd deer we just enjoyed watching how all the deer interacted with each other. The posturing, making of scrapes and rubs, does throwing blows at each other and even got to watch a momma lion leave her two young ones and put a stalk on something we never did see. Don't miss what hunting is all about by just wanting to KILL KILL KILL. Enjoy what nature has to offer and feel blessed that we get to enjoy something so precious that God has shared with all of us. Here's some dead stuff Shot the buck in his bed with one shot at 234 yards. The buck harldy flinched and never got up. This gun of Jim's is UNREAL!! Gail with his mega-beamed whopper. 19 & 19 5/8" beams Sporting the cw.com official gear.... Last day buck which is exactly the deer I hoped to see. Had seen it there 2 days prior and went back for him. Shot him with one shot at 420-450 yards with Jim's 7.82 Lazzeroni Warbird. This gun has such little kick I actually saw the bullet strike the deer through the scope and was able to keep the deer in it as it ran it's final 30 yards downhill! Never seen anything like it! I'd highly recommend that gun to anyone with $6k burning a hole in their wallet.
  7. GRONG

    Sheep shed?

    That is awesome. I found ancient one this spring attached to part of the old skull, if it was as nice as yours i woulda hauled it out.
  8. GRONG


    Hope you all have enjoyed the teasing. I myself found it quite amusing. I'm in the process of reducing the file sizes of the pictures so they don't take so darn long to upload/download for all of us. Hope you're not expecting 130" class deer just cause I was hunting with the famous Senior James Reynolds. Coues hunting is the same whether you're hunting them in the states or SOB (south of the border), tough huntin...... We had an absolute blast down there. It was the first time for all of us down there, other than Jim's trip down to check out the range a few months back. It was fun exploring where all the roads went. The ranch has tons of water holes and even some springs. The country is absolutely GORGEOUS there too! We could hunt in the flatter more gentler country if we wanted or stick to the high ridges and mountainous stuff. I personally prefer the high stuff but maybe that's cause I'm used to it. Out of 7 days of solid hunting we got robbed of nearly 4 1/2 days of our hunt but we made the best of it. We saw a lot of deer considering the winds and I killed my deer on the second day and my buddy Gail got his on the 3rd or 4th day I think. The days the wind didn't blow we saw deer nearly everywhere like you'd expect them to be. Jim put on one heck of a camp with an awesome cook and I can't wait to make the trip next year.
  9. GRONG


    Amanda you are hilarious and quite accurate. Over 1000 views and no content!! LOL!!!!!!!! Sorry guys/gals, being gone for 10 days requires some family time and I spend/waste enough time on this computer as it is. I'll get to posting pics soon as I can. Here's some quick pics, be back in a day or two with more pics and story hopefully.....
  10. GRONG


    Shhh... GRONG is sleeping............
  11. GRONG

    I really, really like Mexico

    Oh now you're just toying with me aren't you? Giving me visions of grandeur on my first trip down to Mexico. You're making it tough my friend! I hope I come back with something +or- 10" of that thing. That deer is a stud, congrats man!!
  12. GRONG

    I'M OFF!!!

    Headed to Mexico this Thursday for my first coues hunt down there. Going with Jim Reynolds and I'm anticipating a great hunt. Kind of a long one, 8 days, but I know we'll see some deer and I hope we can find a good one. Not really holding out for any particular score, just "the look". Whatever that happens to be I won't know till I see it. Hopefully I'll be back on the 20th with pictures to share. I CAN'T WAIT!!!
  13. GRONG

    I'M OFF!!!

    You're guys' comments are all to kind. I'm just hoping for something that looks good to me and scores A LOT!!! That to much to ask? LOL!!!! I can not wait, been looking forward to this for a few months now. Had the trip planned with two very good friends of mine but because of family reasons or hard financial times it didn't work out for those two dammit. Now that it's just me going it's not gonna be the same but I am very much looking forward to hanging out with Jim and his buddy Steve and getting to spend some good quality time behind the 15X Schwerbinski's for at least an hour or two during the 8 days we're down there. I won't have my cell phone down there to take any pics so there won't be any phone pics to go around but if there's much of any to share I'll do so around the 20th. To the rest of you going down there this winter, GOOD LUCK and take some good pictures!!!!!
  14. GRONG

    My Late November Coues'

    Oh my gosh!!! What a typical frame! That thing is stacked with points, way to go. I'll guess 113 6/8" gross.
  15. GRONG

    145+ Coues ?

    That is just unreal!
  16. GRONG

    Interesting Coues Rack

    Unfreakin real........ Thanks for the 2nd pic! WOW WOW WOW WOW!
  17. GRONG

    Interesting Coues Rack

  18. GRONG

    My Boy's NM Buck (UPDATED on pg4)

    YIKES!!! The body on that deer looks big too! Gorgeous buck Colton!
  19. That's so cool Mike! Maybe one of these days I'll invite myself along to hunt with the two of you........ Congrats!
  20. GRONG

    Another Trail cam pic of a deer killer

    Water hole? Looks more like a bird bath in your back yard.... No? Maybe it's one you made and put out somewhere then haul in 15 gallons at a time to maintain it..... No? Just wonderin......
  21. GRONG

    Big mountain lion

    You mean 400lbs of Pilosi I'm sure.....
  22. Was out helping my friend Chris this past weekend on his deer hunt and he found this shed about 5 yards from me. Wasn't wearin my GRONG orange shirt that day dammit... Congrats Chris on your best wt shed. Just a quick guess, probably around a 100" if the other matched. Can't wait to get out there and hopefully find the match or others off of him. Here's the buck from 2 yrs ago and I think the shed was dropped just a few months before this pic was taken. I used to think this buck was 105+ but after finding the shed I think he's upper 90's. The shed has a better G2 and eyeguard it seems but regardless I'd have to launch an arrow if I saw him.
  23. GRONG

    Back to Back 100+

    Thats what I'm talking about! Thanks for the other pics they're wonderful!!
  24. GRONG

    Back to Back 100+

    Dude that first buck's color and mass is AWESOME!!!! Congrats!
  25. GRONG

    My Unit 27 Oct Hunt

    Loved the story Amanda but I'll have to be quite honest with you............................ You just absolutely lost me when you mentioned that you had radio contact with Scott. What's the world coming to.......