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Everything posted by GRONG

  1. GRONG


    So you're saying the cape wasn't salvageable? LOL!!! Great bucks once again man!
  2. Fantastic buck!!!! A huge congrats to Dad and son! 106 is my guess
  3. GRONG

    Dream Come True...

    Holy smokes thats a sweet buck man!!
  4. GRONG


    Couldn't help but surface this bad-boy again. In the latest B&C book, this buck is listed as the Mexico #1 buck with a net score of 177 1/8". What a tank!! I've seen a picture of this buck life-size mounted so don't think that the guy doesn't appreciate it. Josh
  5. I haven't been on here in quite a while due to super busy work and some good ol elk hunting going on. I got an archery bull tag this year and made the best of it with my best hunting buddy Isaac. On the 2nd wknd of the hunt my good friend Chris Gravatt, Isaac and I snuck up a slope listening to a bull occasionally bugling. Chris kept cow calling and the bull wouldn't budge so I left my pack and stalked in on him not knowing which bull I was going in on. I crept through the brush and thick trees and after about 150 yards I got my first look at him when I realized he wouldn't budge cause he was bedded. I could see his massive 7pt side up above the grass at about 40 yards and I snuck till I was around 25 yards. I bet I stood there for 15 minutes and he never knew I was even there. He had 2 cows with him and one of them fed in front of him and he finally got up and followed her. She fed straight at me at about 20 yards before she saw me standing there in the shade of some trees. She said oh heck no and walked up the slope. He turned broadside and as I was pressing on the release he took a quick step to follow her and I hit him high in the guts. I thought OH NO as I put another arrow on as fast as I could. He never knew what was even up and took a few more steps up the slope after his cow. He walked perfectly under a tree enough for me to see his vitals and he stopped at 25 yards. My Muzzy took his heart out and he took a couple wobbly steps and face planted! I couldn't believe it!!!! Chris and Isaac quickly came up to join me to celebrate. This was a special bull to me because I hunted this bull solely last year and just couldn't make it happen (Yes I had 2 tags in a row amazingly) and I went home empty handed but Isaac and I made some fantastic memories together and his passion for hunting was just getting started. This year the bull was just a little bit bigger too which was nice. Left side measures 185" and I didn't even attempt to measure the goofy side. Thanks for lookin, Josh We got back to our quads late that night. Isaac sacked out soon as his butt hit the seat of the quad while we got all the meat on Chris' quad and I got all our gear and the head on mine. Great times and great memories.
  6. GRONG

    Opening day buck

    Oh now that is a cool set of antlers!
  7. GRONG

    September bull hunt, big 7x4

    Thanks for all the comments everyone! It was sure was a great time spent with friends and especially my son. And Will K, not a sleeper unit anymore. I'm not kidding when I say this, most all bulls that I knew of got killed and/or wounded and lost during the archery and muzz hunts. I'm sure there's a couple around still but seriously, it got hammered!! The game warden has admittedly told several people, my dad included, that he "Hates elk and he's going to hammer them!" He even proposed a depredation hunt in the unit.... Unreal!!!!! He's a young guy who has big ideas about making the unit a trophy unit for muleys even though historically it never even has been but yet it continues to have several hundred muley permits. Not sure where he got his edumacation but I'm guessing from a crackerjack box.
  8. GRONG

    sheds :)

    That is just phenomenal!!! That whitetail shed on the right on your tailgate looks pretty sweet!
  9. GRONG

    Dream Buck

    That thing is just so freakin cool! Great job!
  10. That's probably the best story I've ever read!! Great job Shelton! Remember, if you've got haters or mockers then you're doing something right Highly commendable my friend. Josh
  11. GRONG

    Mogollon Taxidermy (more Coues)

    Houston that's awesome man!!
  12. GRONG

    Got Lucky in Mexico

    Keven I'm so happy for you!! Fantastic deer man, thanks for sharing!
  13. GRONG

    Mexico was good to us

    Friggin great trip guys!!!
  14. GRONG

    Nice Buck!!!

    Well I have no doubt you guys will get it done next fall Probably by Jodi's arrow...
  15. GRONG

    my 2015 coues deer!

    Now that is just an awesome archery buck!! Congrats!
  16. Nice buck man!!! Is that the Los Banos Ranch south of Douglas?
  17. Very pretty buck, congrats!! Looks like a mini chupacabra being birthed outta that neck... Yeech!!
  18. GRONG

    Eye Guards!!!

    104" and an even better hunting buddy
  19. GRONG

    When it all comes together........

    STUD deer!!! Congrats to all on that one!
  20. Thought I'd share this real quick. Not sure when a full story will come but thought I'd share with you all a couple quick pictures. I found this buck in March while glassing for elk and elk sheds. I'd never in my dreams seen a buck such as this. I can't imagine how much time I've actually spent looking for his sheds and/or trying to lay eyes on the buck. I've never put as much time and effort into hunting one particular animal as this magnificent buck but all the hard work paid off. As a typical 3 point I grossed the antlers at 129 4/8" with a net of 126 3/8. Not sure if the 2 small drops on the ends of the beams are measurable but if they are it will effect it a little. But who really cares right?! Beams are 21.5 & 21.7. I've never seen a more magnificently awesome buck with such cool character for just a main frame 3 point!! Bob MacMillan had one of the statewide auction tags and since I didn't have a tag myself we got hooked up and the rest is history. Bob is an awesome awesome man and I'm happy to call him a friend. Josh
  21. GRONG

    My last couple trips

    I like that ATLs way better than the crotch n toe shots..... LOL!!!!
  22. GRONG

    My last couple trips

    That's good stuff!!!