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Everything posted by azhunter85

  1. azhunter85

    vortex vipers non hd

    9288997237 you can send em to me also
  2. azhunter85

    vortex vipers non hd

    I'm interested , got any pics?
  3. azhunter85

    big tv

    I hear ya!!!
  4. azhunter85

    big tv

    I got a ranch in Montana I'll trade for that! Seems fair trade I'm in!!
  5. azhunter85


    Any one been to Alamo lately? How was it?
  6. azhunter85

    Hoyt Vector 32

    I'd wanna see pictures 9288997237
  7. azhunter85

    14x18 wall tent

    Brown canvas steel frame, two windows two doors all with screens with a half floor and stove cut out. Awesome condition 1650 obo call or text me 9288997237 only used for a couple thanksgiving dinners
  8. azhunter85

    Carry-Lite Pretty Boy and Pretty Girl Turkey Decoy Set

    hey pm sent to you
  9. azhunter85

    6A Turkeys

    Watch the you tube video titled turkey vs man, I don't recommend this at all in Arizona but pretty cool!!!!
  10. azhunter85

    Anyone want to sell?

    Text me, 9288997237 I can hook ya up
  11. azhunter85

    Dec. rifle hunts

    i hope they dont do this!! they are crazy why would you wanna hurt the herds that much. a dec rifle hunt in a couple of those units could be really bad decision. .....
  12. azhunter85

    Some spring turkey fun

    Yesterday morning we took a hike close to home to see if it would help my girlfriend go into labor. We located some birds and off we were chasing them with our camera, check out the video at our blog http:www.huntinaz.blogspot.com Im ready for the spring hunts to start!!!! hopefully this can help everyone get pumped with turkey season coming fast! enjoy
  13. azhunter85

    swaro hd 20 60 80 spotter

    Buddy has a Perfect conditon swaro angled Spotting scope. No scratches. 9289257202 2000 firm
  14. azhunter85

    swaro hd 20 60 80 spotter

    Buddy has a Perfect conditon swaro angled Spotting scope. No scratches. 9289257202 2000 firm
  15. azhunter85

    awesome javelina clip

    so here is a clip brittany filmed of our good friend jimmy, he is shooting a alphamax set at 75 pounds, and this thing whacks this pig with some force! this pig tries to jump his string at forty yards, enjoy
  16. azhunter85

    How good does Javelina taste

    wait wait wait, try pig jerky. found you a good cure and seasoning, get a smoker, some kind of wood chips and a dehydrator. cut the whole thing up in pieces and cure then season and smoke for 30 minutes. then finish in the dehydrator and its the best dang jerky ever. it will make hunting them that much better!!
  17. azhunter85

    Swarovski 10x50 slc and Outdoorsman tripod mount

    phone number? my buddy is really interested
  18. azhunter85

    g5 bow sight

    Brand new g5 bow sight, 3 fixed pins and one floating pin. Put it on my bow and shot with it for a couple months, still looking for the sight that suits me best. 80 $ obo 9288997237 thx
  19. azhunter85

    tires n rims

    I have four 35 12.50 r17 general grabbers on black motto metal rims. Interested call or text 9288997237 i can send pictures. Bought them four months ago
  20. call me i would like to talk 9288997237, im serious about wanting this
  21. azhunter85

    badlands monster fanny pack for sale

    How old? Condition?
  22. azhunter85

    Wondering how it's up in 9?

    Ive been working in williams and driving to tusyan everyday and its been raining everyday and another big storm is hitting now, tons of hunters driving by, one nice 6x6 thats all ive seen but every truck is covered in mud. Good luck
  23. azhunter85

    What is this?????

    its in a shadow you can see the back of the head in the sun, the front is in the shade. hard to tell, maybe chupacarbra
  24. azhunter85

    What is this?????

    sure it a bear? looks like a lion to me