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Everything posted by geiset

  1. geiset

    Thanks Eagarcoues

    Hey Jeff just seen the posted wanted to say thank you againg for what you are doing. I miss you and can't wait to go hunting witht you again. We went and did some squirrel hunting today and got about 13 of them little guys. Be safe ETHAN
  2. geiset

    2009 Coues deer

    Great looking buck Aaron and great story
  3. geiset

    UNIT 1 Help

    The forest service re surfaced the road last year you should be able to get a travel trailer down that road. There are quite a few spur roads off the main road that you could probably get a trailer in. good luck on your sons hunt
  4. geiset


    Congrats on the bull kolby
  5. geiset

    nasty deer fight

    thats crazy i like how the third buck rams the one right in the butt
  6. geiset

    Big C Richard Noble buck

    Thats a great buck congrats, whats he score
  7. geiset

    Monster Muley

    Thats a great buck i can't wait until my mulie hunt in october
  8. geiset

    unit 32 antelope pics

    Thats a good lookin buck, good pics too.
  9. I was lucky enough to get to go to eastern New Mexico on an antelope hunt with my step-dad and his buddy. On opening morning I shot this buck at 100 yards, he is 14 inches and taped out at 73 and change. The first buck is mine and the second is my step-dad's buddy's, it was twleve inches.
  10. geiset

    New Mexico Antelope Hunt

    Heck ya for sure I'm so excited for my deer hunt!
  11. geiset

    finally a brown and some whites

    Great finds buddy I'll be sure to get off work and plan on goin next time.
  12. geiset

    Nick got his turkey

    Good job on the turkey keep up the good work.
  13. geiset

    Got my first turkey

    Congrats on the turkey bro guess i won't have to take you to my spot after all
  14. Well opening day paid off for the third year in a row. This is the third gobbler I've killed within 300 yards of eachother. It was an exciting hunt this Tom came in and we watched him strut around for about five minutes and he finally came into range. I shot him but hit him kinda in the chest and with that it thinned out the beared but when we got back to the truck it taped out at ten inches it just isn't all that full anymore. But it was the most exciting turkey hunt I've been on not to mention how my mom got it on video.
  15. geiset

    My son's first turkey!! VIDEO ADDED!!

    Congratulations on a nice looking Tom, way to be patient.
  16. geiset

    Sam's Unit 27 Gobbler

    Very cool my mom has a hunt opening friday in unit 27 she is excited, great job and congratulations
  17. geiset

    Sucessful opening morning junior turkey

    That's a great lookin bird, congratulations keep up the good work
  18. geiset

    Jr's turkey - Grant's first yote

    Thats awesome, interesting how the coyotes came in to a turkey call.
  19. geiset


    Congrats on the bird it looks really nice, ya i had the same problem with a pellet going through my turkeys beard too this year.
  20. Thanks to everyone that replied.... i tried to upload the the video but i couldn't get it to. I'll try again another time.
  21. geiset

    this weekends finds

    Coues? You can't be serious can you? It's a neat rack for sure but not a coues. I'd bet money on it. Great finds guys and fantastic ventilation idea for the "boys", just not sure if I'd care to take a cat-claw bush across the inner thigh more than once. HAHAHA!! Thanks for sharing the pictures. HAHA ya thats me with the torn up pants i ripped them right before i found that bull. It made the whole trip worth it though.
  22. geiset


    Hey ya'll im new to the sight and i am interested in getting started on varmit calling especially bobcats. I was just wondering if anyone has any tips for me. I live in the white mountains but idk if that would effect calling techniques. Any help would be greatly apprectiated. Thanks
  23. geiset


    Alright thanks i have a cheaper eleectronic call its got woodpecker wail thats the only good noise i think, would that work ok