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Everything posted by Weston

  1. Weston

    New Guess the Score contest

    96 6/8ths
  2. Weston

    A Mexico Hunt for the Books!

    That buck is AWESOME congrats!
  3. Weston

    Good Buck

    Definitly over 100 that buck is cool looks like he might have a droptine next year
  4. Weston

    First Time Bow Hunter

    Find an experianced acher ASAP and have them show you the ropes if you build bad form now it will be much harder to change it later
  5. Weston

    first archery kill!!!

    Awesome! congrats gotta love the sound that arrow makes when it hits!
  6. Weston

    good buck

    Looks like hes got some good G2's I'll give him 92"
  7. Weston


    I've got a plum crazy lower, its made out of polymer I have about 1k rounds through my AR now and it shoots great (sub MOA) would have no problem reccomending the lower at all.
  8. Weston

    Caging Bobcats

    wow josh that is quite impresive
  9. Weston

    Finished Coyote Mount

    That mount is incredible! I love it!
  10. Weston

    One of my better days calling.

    Good shootin Casey, that shotgun is a killer for sure! Youre gunna mount that cat right?
  11. Weston

    2011 Buck

    EDIT:: His Official score is 117 and change
  12. Weston

    Looking for a weapon

    AR-10 in 308 with a 20" tube.
  13. I absolutly love my kennetreks reccomend them to everybody! I've used vasque and danner boots pretty much exclusivly before and the kennetreks are much better!
  14. Weston

    NAU sightings

    Casey I'm gunna have to stop CAG on my way home for thanksgiving and whoop your @$$
  15. Weston

    61" main beam

    been out getting some sheds the last coupe weeks to help fund the new swarovskis I need. picked up 14 in the last two weeks but figured this was one people might want to see he would have been 340 ish so definitly not the biggest shed but probably my favorite ive found so far!
  16. Weston

    61" main beam

    its a 5 point I'll pm you.
  17. Weston

    61" main beam

    Me neither! unfortunatly thats how I feel about a lot of the ones I find so I have quite the pile going now
  18. Weston

    61" main beam

    usually about 8$ for browns and 6 or 7 for hard whites (like this one) and about 4.50 for chalk horns. a good elk antler weighs about 10 pounds give or take a couple from antler buyers who come through town, but if you sell them online to collectors you can get quite a bit more. NOTE: This is out of state prices arizona prices are usually a bit lower
  19. Weston

    whats in your pack?

    add: first aid kit in waterproof bag Bandaids gauze athletic tape havalon knife 4 extra blades lighter aquapure iodine tables (along with MSR pump I carry) extra GPS batteries tylenol extra magazine for the 1911
  20. Weston

    More hunters ???

    I saw one other group of hunters this year and its been about like that where I hunt in 33 every year get off the roads and into the sticks!
  21. Weston

    2010 Coues Hunt

    Good luck man I'm rootin for ya!
  22. Well, opening morning I left camp at 4 AM and started my hike into some country that ALWAYS holds deer. about 6 30 I get to the first spot I like to glass from and glassed up 11 deer on one hill side but alas only 2 bucks and one was a fork while the other a spike. so I continued hiking. at about 8 30 I had glassed up 4 other small bucks and 3 decent bucks including one fighting with a fork. so I worked my way over the next finger and put up the spotting scope on the fighting bucks. I decided I wanted to take one of the bucks so I started getting my shot ready. about 15 minutes lated the scope was dialed in for the 600 yard shot and off it went. The buck went about 15 yards and piled up I hit him almost in the top of the back and it exited oput his chest right below the two front legs (quartering away hard) the buck he was fighting stayed around for about 30 minutes and didnt know what was up. My buck is in the top left corner this is the buck it was fighting
  23. Weston

    Illinois Archery Whitetail-Big Buck Down!

    Ilene, That buck is a stud! congrats! bring it by the shop sometime so we can check it out!
  24. Weston

    2010 buck down

    Yup! that was me, Thanks! Predator hunting is going well but slow I'm only at about 10 dogs so far this year but just started hitting it 3 weeks ago so hopefully within a few months I'll get some good bobcats on the ground!
  25. Weston

    My 2009 Mount is hangin'

    WOW! what did it score?