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Pine Donkey

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Everything posted by Pine Donkey

  1. Pine Donkey

    Unit 23 New Mexico Muley

    Great buck, congratulations.
  2. Pine Donkey

    Forty-seven pounder

    Looking at the vegitation in your picture I wonder what those pigs eat...rocks?
  3. Pine Donkey

    Worth the Wait!!!!

    Great main beams on that buck. Congratulations.
  4. Pine Donkey

    Going to be a long years wait!

    Love the bucks with mass and width.
  5. Pine Donkey

    My first bobcats

    Two bobcats in two outings, wow. You better go buy some lottery tickets now...or apply for your trophy bull tag.
  6. Pine Donkey

    European Mounts

    That looks great.
  7. Pine Donkey

    i knew this would make you guys proud!

    One less deer eater
  8. Pine Donkey


    Darwin at work?
  9. Pine Donkey

    Commission Award Banquet

    My hat is off to both of them.
  10. Pine Donkey

    My 2012 Archery Coues Deer

    Great buck, congratulations.
  11. Pine Donkey

    My 118 inch late whitetail

    That's a great buck. Width and eye guards...just a gorgeous animal. I bet there is someone around that keeps telling his buddies about the huge buck he shot right in the eye, but it ran away, and his buddies just keep telling him he is full of it.
  12. Pine Donkey

    mexican drug war deaths

    The violence in much worse in the northern part of Mexico. In Jaurez there were 3100 killed in 2010. That is over 300 per 100,000. Throughout the boarder region the deaths per 100,000 are astronomical verses anywhere in the US.
  13. Pine Donkey

    mexican drug war deaths

    Some of this is spilling over the border. The war is not just in mexco, it is in the US. Take a look at the Operation Detour program that is presented by Boarder Patrol.
  14. Pine Donkey

    Good Habitat?

    Find agave, climb high and glass with good optics. A little luck won't hurt either.
  15. Pine Donkey

    San Francisco River Hunt

    Great looking ram. Thanks for the nice story. Congratulations!
  16. Pine Donkey

    Last hours of 2011

    Great buck, great story. Thanks for posting.
  17. Welcome. You will love hunting coues, but be careful, they are addictive.
  18. Pine Donkey

    Desert Double...

    Double wow. Those are great bucks. Congratulations!
  19. Pine Donkey

    Nice muley

    Congratulations on a great buck. He will look great once you work your magic on the skull. Be sure to pot pictures.
  20. Pine Donkey

    First Deer

    Wow, you certainly drained the blood out of him! Great first buck, Congratulations!
  21. Pine Donkey

    3 Main Beam

    I had one standing at 25 yards this past season. I could have shot him several times but decided to let him grow. He was about 75 inches. Had he been a 105 class buck he would have had lead flying at him. I dream of the day that I could be good enough or confident enough to pass a 105. I also dream of winning the Powerball...neither one is likely to ever happen.
  22. Pine Donkey

    Huachuca Road closures

    Im calling BS on this. I am not saying it never has happend, but I work in the Riparian area EVERY DAY. I have NEVER seen a off duty BP, Sheriff or BLM employee in their personal vehicle hunting behind locked gates. Also those keys are accounted for pretty hard (I have one that is inventoried pretty regularly) so I doubt they are being given away to their friends. I do know some that hunt it, but they walk in, just like you or I. The reason that there is so much vehicle traffic in that area is because smugglers use those areas to drive around the checkpoints and the SD and BP work the area to partol the area for them. Yes, it is true that occasionaly BLM will allow biologists or others in there in their private vehicles but I personally cannot comment on that. If you ever see a BP or deputy or BLM hunting either on-duty or off duty in their private vehicle, I would suggest that you call BLM dipatch or their respective agency and they can be held responsible for it. You can call BS on this, if you want. I am not saying that this is an open highway of hunting vehicles, I am just saying it happens, and it is not a rarity when it does. Some of the people who have done, and still do this are friends and I am not wanting to cause them any problems. My pointis simple. If it is in the public's best interest to close a road, close it to all, official and non official vehicles. If the use of a road is not damaging to an area, let the road be open. Keys are inventoried, and regulations are in place, but people will be human and things happen. Some gates also have combination locks on them rather than locks with inventoried keys. You say you work in there everyday. Will you honestly say that you don't know of employees who ever check their trail cams or did a little shed hunting during their lunch break? I have no problem with them doing this, heck I enjoy seeing the pictures and sheds. However, they have benefitted from vehicle access that is denied to others. One other point, if driving in the closed area is harmful, why would BLM build a new building two miles past the locked gates? I am not looking to cause problems for anybody here. I am just saying that we already have closed/restricted roads and on those roads there is traffic that is official, unofficial, and illegal. If they are to be closed, close them completely, if use is going to be allowed by some, allow it by all. Right or wrong, it's just my opinion.
  23. Pine Donkey

    Ward's Outfitters Hunt Report

    Those are some stud bucks! Congratulations.
  24. Pine Donkey

    Huachuca Road closures

    I can't tell from the info I looked a so far. Several roads are listed as "FS restricted", I'm not sure what that means. All of the roads closed for Wilderness and Az. Trail do not allow Border Patrol access. My guess is it would be difficult to close them for hunting and 4-wheelers and keep them open for the BP. neb I spend a lot of time hunting in the San Pedro Riparian Preserve. This area is closed to ALL motorized vehicular traffic so we walk or bike in several miles each way. The access points are all locked and well signed to make it clear that no motorized vehicles are allowed...but what they really mean is no motorized access to hunters unless you have connections. If you are with BLM, boarder Patrol, or Sherriff Department you can get a key. If you have a friend who works for any of these groups you can get a key. If you need to study or photograph birds, you can get a key. It is amazing how many BP agents, BLM employees, and their friends need to work in the area during January, all the while they take their private vehicles and bows to work with them and camo is their uniform. Somehow hunters vehicles must be more environmentally damaging than the vehicles of these other interested parties. I don't mind vehicle access to these areas being shut off, but let's all play by the same rules. Rest assured, if these roads are restricted, it will not be to all hunters, just those who are not well connected. You will be able to still hunt your favorite spots if you are willing to work hard enough to hike in. Once you get there you will be able to share it with the friends, neighbors and family of the chosen few who have been blessed with keys and are able to drive in.
  25. Pine Donkey

    San Carlos 2012!

    Great buck. I just love that flat country coues live in.