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Pine Donkey

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Everything posted by Pine Donkey

  1. Pine Donkey

    Javy Boar Attacks Caller!

    That's pretty cool. Thanks for sharing the great video.
  2. Pine Donkey

    Like Father, Like Daughter

    That's a great deer. I love her smile in the picture! Congratulations.
  3. Pine Donkey

    30B pig hunt

    I just had to chase about 10 of them off the front porch. They were digging in my wife's flower pots and driving the dogs crazy.
  4. Pine Donkey


    In 1879 my great, great grand father on my mothers side came to Arizona, and Cochise County as a Taylor for the army. In 1880 my great great grandparents on my fathers side came to Tombstone because the mines in Leadville Colorado were playing out. This makes me 5th generation Arizonan and Cochise county on both sides of the family. I married a third generation Arizona girl so and we have three 6th generation Arizona kids. No grand kids yet, but hopefully it won't be too long.
  5. Pine Donkey

    Jackson's Junior Buck

    I jut love all these stories about youth having a great and successful hunts. What a nice buck. Congratulations Jackson!
  6. Pine Donkey

    Happy valentines day Amanda

    Lark, you are so right, we are amis ...happy Valentines Day Amanda.
  7. Pine Donkey

    Gotta love the Lady

    +1 Redman She had an incredible gift from God in one of the greatest voices ever. However she made the choice to live her life much like a tweeter who dies in a city park. Nothing to celebrate or memorialize here, just another dead drug user. Drugs don't care about talent, money, race, religion or anything else. Once a person chooses to hand their life over to drugs, they often never escape. Those who do are the onese who should be celebrated.
  8. Pine Donkey

    Coyote Pelts

    From what I hear, when you shoot a coyote they usually drop their bundle of drugs.
  9. Pine Donkey

    1st Successful elk hunt

    That's a good looking bull. Congratulations.
  10. Pine Donkey

    Got Lucky

    I love those lion kill! Thanks for posting the story and pictures.
  11. Pine Donkey

    Latest trail cam pics!

    Nice spot you have there. Thanks for posting some pictures.
  12. Pine Donkey

    Awesome antler repair job!!!

    Wow, that looks great. Originally were the antlers chalky or just white?
  13. Pine Donkey

    bear mount

    Looks great.
  14. Equipment Operator Construction Salary Survey Data in Phoenix, Arizona Equipment Operator Construct(48,369)Registered Nurse(67,574)Medical Assistant(35,006)Accountant(54,868)Executive Assistant(63,651)Administrative Assistant(44,643)Certified Nurse Assistant(29,747)Teacher Aide(24,921)Property Manager(76,543)
  15. I found this through a google search. Wal-Mart Management Salary Scale This information is from the 2008-2009 Salaried Managment and bonus plan. Asset Protection Coordinator- $30,000 - 41,000 Assistant Manager - 38,000 - 55,000 People Manager (HR) - 38,000 - 48,000 Co-Manager - 60,000 Store Manager - 70,000 - 100,000 Market Merchandisers (Electronics, Grocery, Fashion, TLE) - 85,000 - 110,000 Market Asset Protection, Human Resource - 70,000 - 95,000 Market Manager - 115,000 Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_much_does_Wal-Mart_Store_Management_make#ixzz1lwgaUiJo
  16. Pine Donkey

    Oh The Irony....

  17. Pine Donkey

    My new Popup Camper

    Amanda, mcelkhunter had a pop-up very similar to that on. Next week, while sitting around the fire with something cold and sudsy I will tell you about the time he got stuck inside the trailer. It's a good story that has been shared around many campfires by our hunting group.
  18. Pine Donkey

    Stackin elk in Jan! OTC ELK HUNT FUN!

    Thats a bunch of success on some pretty low percentage hunts. Congratulations.
  19. Pine Donkey

    Camera to Catch a Thier

    This is going to produce some "hot" posts in the future! Hopefully once it is known that these are out there, maybe camera theft will slow down.
  20. Pine Donkey


    Great finds!
  21. Pine Donkey

    Great Youth Javelina Hunt

    Coach, great post. You gotta love all the kids and their success. Congratulations to all.
  22. Pine Donkey

    Why Do I hunt?

    For some people hunting is what they do, for me, it is who I am. Hunting is a part of me just as much as much as my skin color, my eye color, and my rapidly balding hairline.
  23. Pine Donkey

    Couple Happy Hunters

    Great to see a coupe died deer eaters. Look at that full belly on the second one! Congratulations to all involved.
  24. Pine Donkey

    Jared does it again

    Great job Jared. Congratulations on taking a nice pig with a very good shot.