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Pine Donkey

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Everything posted by Pine Donkey

  1. Pine Donkey

    New Zealand Adventure

    wow, what a great trip. Thanks for posting the pictures and story. Congratulations on the nice trophies.
  2. Pine Donkey

    Most Wallow fire closures are OPEN!!

    How old are you by the way? TJ Just looked up your profile, 26yrs old. Enough said young man! TJ +1
  3. Pine Donkey

    Crappie Bonanza San Carlos

    Those videos are great! I wonder if hey disjoint their jaw like a snake does. Thanks for posting.
  4. Pine Donkey

    No Browns, but some are black

    We spent Easter weekend in the White Mountains. While the adults were drowning worms, Garrett and some friends did some shed hunting. They found several sheds, but none were from this year. They hiked an old favorite spot in part of the heavy burn of the Wallow fire. They found several burned sheds. In a drainage with a small meadow in the bottom, they found 10 cow elk and four bulls that had all been burned. it appeared they died in the lowest point around.
  5. Pine Donkey

    San Juan River, New Mexico 2012

    Looks like you had a great trip TJ. Thanks for posting the pictures. I have always wanted to make a trip to that area, it's beautiful.
  6. Pine Donkey

    Josh's First Turkey

    Awh, good times. Congratulations to both he boys on a couple beautiful birds. Nice work dad!
  7. Pine Donkey

    Goodby old friend...

    What a beautiful tribute to a wonderful friend. Please post some pictures of Apache that we can all enjoy.
  8. Pine Donkey

    Turkey Success

    That's a great bunch of birds, congratulations.
  9. Pine Donkey

    Irish Venison Recipe

    Sounds very good, I will give it a try.
  10. Pine Donkey

    Big Lake is OPEN

    I was there two weeks ago fishing was steady for the 10" type trout, but not to many of the hogs were caught. We tried everything. Power bait, worms injected with air, salmon eggs, pistol Pete's, etc. Rainbow power bait worked as good as anything else. We usually have good luck with the garlic powerbait this time of year, but on this trip they were not interested in garlic. We fished from the shore at South Cove. Good luck and post your results. My assistant Principal just left for the mountains. If he has any luck I will post it. I received this photo last night. He dicided to try an old honey hole rather than Big Lake, but it seems he did ok. The board they are on is 18 inches wide. He had a great time, but his three year old boy was in Heaven. He is at the same lake again today. Ill let you know how he did. He just sent some pictures of today's return trip to the secluded little lake. I think his boy may be hooked.
  11. Pine Donkey

    Big Lake is OPEN

    I was there two weeks ago fishing was steady for the 10" type trout, but not to many of the hogs were caught. We tried everything. Power bait, worms injected with air, salmon eggs, pistol Pete's, etc. Rainbow power bait worked as good as anything else. We usually have good luck with the garlic powerbait this time of year, but on this trip they were not interested in garlic. We fished from the shore at South Cove. Good luck and post your results. My assistant Principal just left for the mountains. If he has any luck I will post it. I received this photo last night. He dicided to try an old honey hole rather than Big Lake, but it seems he did ok. The board they are on is 18 inches wide. He had a great time, but his three year old boy was in Heaven. He is at the same lake again today. Ill let you know how he did.
  12. . Ann Barnhardt is described as "a livestock and grain commodity broker and marketing consultant, American patriot, traditional Catholic, and unwitting counter-revolutionary blogger. " She has taken on Islam and they have noticed. Here is her response to a death threat. DEATH THREAT: To: annbarnhardt I'm going to kill you when I find you. Don't think I won't, I know where you and your parents live and all I'll need is one phone-call to kill you all. mufcadnan123! ---------------------------------------------- ANN'S RESPONSE: Re: Watch your back. Hello mufcadnan123! You don't need to "find" me. My address is 9175 Kornbrust Circle, Lone Tree, CO 80124. Luckily for you, there are daily DIRECT FLIGHTS from Heathrow to Denver . Here's what you will need to do. After arriving at Denver and passing through customs, you will need to catch the shuttle to the rental car facility. Once in your rental car, take Pena Boulevard to I-225 south. Proceed on I-225 south to I-25 south. Proceed south on I-25 to Lincoln Avenue which is exit 193. Turn right (west) onto Lincoln . Proceed west to the fourth light, and turn left (south) onto Ridgegate Boulevard . Proceed south, through the roundabout to Kornbrust Drive . Turn left onto Kornbrust Drive and then take an immediate right onto Kornbrust Circle . I'm at 9175. Just do me one favor. PLEASE wear body armor. I have some new ammunition that I want to try out, and frankly, close-quarter body shots without armor would feel almost unsporting from my perspective. That and the fact that I'm probably carrying a good 50 I.Q. points on you makes it morally incumbent upon me to spot you a tactical advantage. However, being that you are a miserable, trembling coward, I realize that you probably are incapable of actually following up on any of your threats without losing control of your bowels and crapping your pants while simultaneously sobbing yourself into hyperventilation. So, how about this: why don't you contact the main mosque here in Denver and see if some of the local musloids here in town would be willing to carry out your attack for you? After all, this is what your "perfect man" mohamed did (pig excrement be upon him). You see, mohamed, being a miserable coward and a con artist, would send other men into battle to fight on his behalf. Mohamed would stay at the BACK of the pack and let the stupid, ignorant suckers like you that he had conned into his political cult do the actual fighting and dying. Mohamed would then fornicate with the dead men's wives and children. You should follow mohamed's example! Here is the contact info for the main mosque here in Denver : Masjid Abu Bakr Imam Karim Abu Zaid 2071 South Parker Road Denver, CO 80231 Phone: 303-696-9800 Email: denvermosque@yahoo.com I'm sure they would be delighted to hear from you. Frankly, I'm terribly disappointed that not a SINGLE musloid here in the United States has made ANY attempt to rape and behead me. But maybe I haven't made myself clear enough, so let me do that right now. I will NEVER, EVER, EVER submit to islam. I will fight islam with every fiber of my being for as long as I live because islam is pure satanic evil. If you are really serious about islam dominating the United States and the world, you are going to have to come through me. You are going to have to kill me. Good luck with that. And understand that if you or some of your musloid boyfriends do actually manage to kill me, The Final Crusade will officially commence five minutes later, and then, despite your genetic mental retardation, you will be made to understand with crystal clarity what the word "defeat" means. Either way, I win, so come and get it. Deo adjuvante non timendum (with the help of God there is nothing to be afraid of). Ann Barnhardt
  13. Pine Donkey


    Yesterday in a Huston area suburb, Kala Marie Golden was shot and killed in the parking lot of her pediatrician. She was there to take her three day old son to a well-baby appointment. The alleged shooter, Verna Deann McClain, needed a baby to prove to her fiancé that he had gotten her pregnant. I agree with Ted in the following video, and rather than Golden being killed, I would have preferred she pulled out her own gun and killed McClain. Unfortunately for her baby and her family, this did not happen. Sadly if it had happened, Golden who was white, would have been treated very unfairly by our media and many liberal mouth pieces. They would have demanded that she be arrested and tried. The human maggot McClain, who is black, would have been presented as a saint. The New Black Panthers would have offered a bounty for Golden. Obama would have commented on how much she looked like his daughters. It would have been the lead story on every media program, and the programs ratings would climb. Politicians from both parties would be demanding justice for the victim, and calling for civility. We live in a twisted, coddled, media driven society that quickly turns against anybody who does not buy into the current popular agenda.Nugent has the personal fortitude to stand up and say what he believes in. He does not trip over the conventions of political correctness, and he does not play nice to each popular trend. He has strong beliefs, and he is not afraid to voice them. Whether you agree with his views or not, he should be respected for his steadfast devotion and consistancy in calling like he sees it. This video is from a cople years ago, but the ideas he presents would have served Kala Golden well. http://www.youtube.c...be_gdata_player
  14. Pine Donkey

    Most Wallow fire closures are OPEN!!

    Those areas are open, however, many of the roads into them are closed as are many other roads. Open roads are marked with a white arrow. It seems only the major roads have these arrows.
  15. Pine Donkey

    Big Lake is OPEN

    I was there two weeks ago fishing was steady for the 10" type trout, but not to many of the hogs were caught. We tried everything. Power bait, worms injected with air, salmon eggs, pistol Pete's, etc. Rainbow power bait worked as good as anything else. We usually have good luck with the garlic powerbait this time of year, but on this trip they were not interested in garlic. We fished from the shore at South Cove. Good luck and post your results. My assistant Principal just left for the mountains. If he has any luck I will post it.
  16. Pine Donkey

    Big Lake is OPEN

    I was there two weeks ago fishing was steady for the 10" type trout, but not to many of the hogs were caught.
  17. Pine Donkey

    Antelope pedistal finished

    Wow, great got. The mount is excellent.,
  18. Pine Donkey

    Sportsmen's bill passes U.S. House

    What is the chance of Obama signing it? I see him vetoing it and giving a deflected reason he must not sign it. Probably will base it on lead. He will twist it in a way that he can please the left, but not ignite the right. I have Very little faith in our federal government at this point.
  19. Pine Donkey

    how many points do you have?

    I drew that hunt in 2010 with 16 points. Great hunt that only lasted about 2 hours, but I now relive that hunt each time I see the mount in the living room.
  20. Pine Donkey

    Is this a good rifle?

    On posts like these I sure miss Lark!
  21. Pine Donkey

    USAF Thunderbirds

  22. Pine Donkey

    2011 Summer Buck

    What a great deer and great mount! It is amazing the extra "pop" created with just a bit of well chosen habitat.
  23. Pine Donkey

    Meat grinders

    I have the bottom of the line Cabelas grinder. I think it was $79 about 15 years ago. It has ground over 1000 pounds of meat and a bunch of green corn. Still going strong.
  24. Pine Donkey

    AZ Archery Buck Mount

    Very nice. I love the velvet look. Someday hope to add one to my wall. Congratulations on a great looking mount.