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Pine Donkey

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Everything posted by Pine Donkey

  1. Pine Donkey

    Unit 27

    Hunt them like you are hunting course. Use good quality optics to glass them on the North facing, burned out, slopes as the head for bed in the morning. Move into position for the afternoon. If you have a buddy who can stay behind the glass; it is helpful. The wallow fire changed he rules! Before the fire you could hunt elk all season in the Cayote Creek drainage(403, 403f), and never push them down into the Campbell Blue. Now, they see all the hunters and vehicles and bail off pretty quick. There are hundreds of North facing, burned out ridges. Spend sometime picking them apart and bulls will materialize. Good luck.
  2. Pine Donkey

    Unit 27

    Alpine is split between 1 and 27.
  3. Pine Donkey

    Bad Scope?

    I'd take a close look at the crown. Any chance it ihas a 26" barrel but was hauled around in a scabbard made for a 24" barrel.
  4. Pine Donkey

    Trophy cow

    Awesome! I learned a lot from some pretty smart cows over the years. Part of what I learned is how to cuss after they out smarted me again and again!
  5. Pine Donkey

    Post Kill Traditions

    Pictures and cut it up for packing it out.
  6. Pine Donkey

    Bears and patterns

    That's a long time from now for bears. They tend to wander based on where the good food is. If you saw them in, or going to, pears he will move on as soon as the pears are gone...long before Oct 28th.
  7. Pine Donkey

    Where am I (9/9/16)

    Last one was too easy. This one should be a bit more challenging.
  8. Pine Donkey

    Where am I (9/9/16)

    Swivel head and snapshot have the right unit, but wrong side of the mountain. This is between Reddington Pass Road and the Italian Trap, in the Rincon's. Cold Devember morning, several of us showed up to glass for a couple buddies. I love glassing and bs'ing with friends that I rarely get to spend time with otherwise. Good friends, good glass, no cell phones and no computers...life is good!
  9. Pine Donkey

    Elk Pics??

    Talked to a friend in 1 today. He was in bugle until 11, and chased several Bulls. Nothing yet, but he is loving it.
  10. Pine Donkey

    Elk Pics??

  11. Pine Donkey


    I have never gone to a Starbucks, no interest in fancy, over priced, flavored, yuppy coffee. I like my coffee like I like my women, strong black cold and bitter!
  12. Pine Donkey

    Where am I 9/8/16

    Well that didn't take long! The next one will be tougher!
  13. Pine Donkey

    Where am I 9/8/16

    Let's keep these 'where am I' post going.
  14. Pine Donkey

    Good Luck elk hunters

    The magical time of year starts tomorrow!
  15. Pine Donkey

    Where Am I 9/5/16

    Really enjoying the Where Am I posts. Here is another Looking West Looking North
  16. Pine Donkey

    Roughest Road Ever?

    From Pratt Lake to Ada Mesa in Unit 1 Bull Springs Pass in the Santa Rita's Soren's Pass road in the Dragoons
  17. Pine Donkey

    Where Am I 9/5/16

    No not Loco Knoll, but very close. These were taken from the cinder pit hill just to the north of Loco. The picture looking north is looking down on Ada Mesa and the TEP Springerville generating plant is in the top center. The picture looking west includes Flattop, just outside of Eagar in the background. Also notice the surprising amount of water in Reagan Reservoir in the foreground.
  18. Pine Donkey

    Unit 1 bugles ?

    Huh? Full velvet? Yes, I was surprised. I had a real good look as they stepped onto the highway in the twilight. I almost saw them a it closer than wanted!
  19. Pine Donkey

    I-17 Labor Day

    Friday I took my daughter to a doctor appointment in Scottsdale then headed toward the mountains through Payson...never again. You valley people are crazy! I know that's where the money is, but what is the cost to you psychi to earn that money? You must really like being around people to live there day in and day out. The other realization I came to on Friday is that the people of Payson, Heber, Show Low and Pinetop are under siege on these big weekends! I am thankful for those town as they provide a nice "Phoenix filter" for Eagar, Nutrioso and Alpine areas. As big cities go, Phoenix is a nice one. I do enjoy an occasional weekend visit there during the winter months, but after a couple days I am ready to return to two-lane highways and gravel-road neighborhoods. Hope everyone has safe travels as you head home tomorrow.
  20. Pine Donkey

    Unit 1 bugles ?

    Heard a few this morning. Yesterday saw 6 mature Bulls, all full velvet.
  21. Pine Donkey

    Spot n stalk AZ goat

    Love it Cody! The picture with your daughter is as good as it gets!
  22. Pine Donkey

    Heads up Huachuca hunters.

    BP had a surveillance station in top of Coronado Pass but they took it down. As soon as it was gone, groups started showing up on the cameras. One camera caught 3 groups in a week; the first and third were led by the same guy. Yesterday I was told the surveillance equipment is back in the pass, but not sure.
  23. Pine Donkey

    what might this bull score?

    310 plus 25-30 of junk. Once the velvet comes off he might prove to be light on mass.
  24. Pine Donkey

    Pollitical Correctness and Thin Skin
