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Pine Donkey

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Everything posted by Pine Donkey

  1. Pine Donkey

    Matthews Phillips' Lion

    Great lion Mathew! I can assure you, with a lion I missed years ago, and any future lion I see; I am shooting not looking for balls!
  2. Pine Donkey

    Lifesize Az lion finished up.

    Great work!
  3. Pine Donkey

    draw results?

    Thanks for posting Robert. I would not have known to do this without your post. I had nothing showing as well and I had Peg call and ask if we had any pending charges. $342 for me and two friends. TJ The streak continues! How many years in a row s that for you?
  4. Pine Donkey

    draw results?

    I checked my Cabelas card online, nothing. Called the automated system and there are no charges since 3/16. This just can't be...three days since my wife charged something, no way. So I called again and talked to an agent. Right away she said, "I bet you are calling about the charge from AZ Game and Fish.". She then went on to tell me they are for $114, $228, and $114. I am pretty pumped right now. Now the wait to see which hunts they are, I know at least two are bull hunts.
  5. Pine Donkey

    My sons FIRST harvest!!!!

    Nice shot Zack! That's a huge jack.
  6. These would be funny if they were not true!
  7. Pine Donkey

    Jeff Gordon Test Drive

    That is great! They tried to do the same thing with Kyle Busch, but he kept wrecking.
  8. Pine Donkey


    More great pictures, thanks Doug!
  9. Pine Donkey

    Obama needs to watch this!

    Nostalgia and history working together. Thanks for posting this great video!
  10. Pine Donkey

    Mathews Switchback XT

    My son Garrett is selling his Mathews Switchback XT. This bow is a killing machine. 60-70 pound pull, 28 inch draw length. It comes with an extra cam for 26.5 draw. Includes Tru-glow sight, Trophy Ridge drop away rest, winners Choice strings, Mathews 2-piece quiver. Great bow, ready to shoot-this bow needs nothing. $450.00 Call or text 520-255-0390
  11. Pine Donkey

    Nerf Gun Suspension

    That's my kind of classroom. Those who look at education from the outside often only hear the rarer stories like the nerd gun. They don't get to see all the wonderful kids that we get to work with every day. Spend o couple days in most of our rural schools and it will rejuvenate your faith in our youth.
  12. Pine Donkey

    Nerf Gun Suspension

    Oh no! I may be in trouble with my school. Our drama program uses glue guns when they are building sets, we have calking guns in our shop class, our PE program teaches archery, and we have a bunch of old Springfield rifles in our JROTC classroom. Heck, we even have our own competition Rifle team! Better send the PC police after me. They will find everyday at our school starts with the Pledge of Allegence, and our teams pray before games.
  13. Pine Donkey

    Giving a Coyote a Haircut

    I think you educated that dog.
  14. Pine Donkey

    125" Coues Buck mounted for forum member "azbow"!

    Great buck, great mount!
  15. Pine Donkey

    2012 Weight loss thread

    My 280 is back to 290...I have no will power without something like an elk tag as motivation. Maybe Imwill get some motivation later this month.
  16. Pine Donkey

    Cupcakes n Soldiers

    There are anti-gun idiots who have infiltrated every area of our economy. Some are in the education system. Don't blame the system, blame the idiots themselves. I am a proud gun toting, right wing conservative how is also part of the educational system. Please do not paint me with the same brush used on liberal idiots. Common sense has abandoned so many in our country.
  17. Pine Donkey

    Over Scoring

    There was a time that scores meant a lot to me, but those days are long gone. I have seen some ugly big deer and beautiful little ones. Now I decide to shoot or not based on how I feel about the situation. Usually a good day with friends and family will be a bigger factor than the score. Before this season I told myself that I won't mount any deer under 105. Well my daughter and I each shot beautiful bucks that were well short of that number, but they ended up at the taxidermists shop. It is the score of the memories that counts, not the score of the antlers.
  18. Pine Donkey

    Introducing the newest cwt member

    What a wonderful adventure you have in front of you. Congratulations to you and your life.
  19. Pine Donkey

    Almost ready for her next bow!

    Oh, you have some of the greatest times of your life ahead of you with youth hunts. Cherish every moment. Thanks for sharing this pic with us!
  20. Pine Donkey

    The Grand Canyon

    Wow Doug, I did not think you could raise the bar any higher, but you did. Thanks for sharing!
  21. Pine Donkey

    Which rifle for a youth hunter?

    I started my kids off with a .243 cut down to fit them. It was my wife's rifle as a kid. At age 10 my daughter drew a youth elk tag. I had her try a .308 one day. It has been her favorite gun ever since and she has taken many animals with it. Caliber is important, but a gun that fits, and a child who knows the proper way to hold and shoot is also very important. A child who is not willing to firmly hold a rifle cab be scoped by a .223. Form, body position, and technique are skills that need to be learned. Take your time and teach these before you worry about accuracy. Do not start a kid off shooting at a zero target, start them off shooting at a hillside or the bank of a wash while you teach them how to shoot the gun. Once this is in place, then begin to develop accuracy. Teaching a kid to shoot is great fun and memories, enjoy every second.
  22. Pine Donkey

    Fawn killer caught in the act!

    Gotta love a front row seat to the circle of life! Thanks for posting.
  23. Pine Donkey

    Our Great Hunt

    Great write up and pictures. Hunting with my kids have been some of my greatest times in my life. Cherish every moment, they grow up so fast.
  24. Pine Donkey

    MURDER right across the street

    Very cool
  25. Pine Donkey

    Good way to end the season

    Bet he will be a little smarter next year! Cool video, thanks for posting.