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Pine Donkey

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Everything posted by Pine Donkey

  1. Pine Donkey

    ASU/ Wisconsin

    ASU won. Put a check mark in the W column and move on to Stanford. The officials botched the end of the game, and deprived Wisconsin of one more down; no telling what would happen on that down...recall ASU/U of A 2010. Human error is part if the game and this time it benefitted the Devils, it may work against them at other times. I am a fan of the U of A and ASU. I route for both and hope to see college football in this state elevated to the upper tier much like it has been in Florida. This game hurt that vision. The PAC 12 is the only major conference that uses there own officiating crews, instead of mixed or visiting crews, for non-conference games. For the teams of the PAC 12 to rise to an elite level, they need high profile games like this one. The botched officiating at the end of this game will hurt all the teams of the PAC 12.
  2. Pine Donkey

    370" Bull Down! Video Added (Click link to Youtube)

    That is a beautiful bull, congratulations!
  3. Pine Donkey

    Camera Found on the Rim

    Class act!
  4. Pine Donkey

    Great opening weekend in Unit 1

    Update! I can't do 5 days. Will be headed back up Thursday night. That will give me a full week to hunt.
  5. Pine Donkey

    Not a monster,but my first....

    A solo archery bull is always a trophy. Congratulations!
  6. Pine Donkey

    Gorgeous Unit 27 bull - archers first elk!

    Wow! Great bull, congratulations.
  7. Pine Donkey

    opening day archery bull

    if you saw mine it was on a trailer in the back of our rhino No the one I saw was much smaller and in the back of a jeep.
  8. Pine Donkey

    Nice video from RMEF

    Here is a link to an enjoyable video. This may have been posted before, but if not... http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=BUOQ_yPW_0s
  9. Pine Donkey

    opening day archery bull

    In unit 1 this weekend we saw 3 bulls (one in the back of a truck) with a kicker like that. Not sure of your unit, but it seems to be a prolific trait right now.
  10. Pine Donkey

    Big Bull Down.....

    That's a great bull, and nice shooting! Congratulations.
  11. Pine Donkey

    Unit 23 Giant

    That's ridiculous! congratulations!
  12. Pine Donkey

    opening day Bull/ 1st Bull ever

    Nice bull, congratulations!
  13. Very nice. Congratulations!
  14. Pine Donkey

    opening day archery bull

    That is a great bull...love the extras! Congratulations
  15. Pine Donkey

    T-minus 169 hours

    I have a School Board meeting to attend tonight. Probably last until well past 10:00. There is a reason the call them bored meetings! Out of here tomorrow afternoon.
  16. Pine Donkey


    Be careful with that stuff! One year in elk camp, one of my buddies was having problems with dry eyes. At 3:45AM when the alarm rang, he rolled over and grabbed the saline to wet his eyes...one of the others in camp set his wind direction powder in the same area and the first guy filled his eye with it. Still gives me a chuckle to think about all these years later.
  17. Pine Donkey

    Almost ready

    I can't wait. Leaving Thursday night for my hunt. Tomorrow night I am swinging by Wal-mart to buy some arrows then by my brother-in-laws house to get his old bow. He is lending it to me for the season, said it is dead on out to 80 yards. I just need to decide if I should use a release or not. Oh, and what kind of broad heads does everyone recommend? Just kidding. I guess I have shot enough to go a bit crazy. It's time to cut flesh rather than foam...come on Friday! Good luck to all tag holders.
  18. Pine Donkey

    Unit 10, Family affair 3 bucks down

    What an incredible day! Congratulations to all.
  19. Pine Donkey

    My 4 year old son caught his first fish!

    Good times, great memories!
  20. Pine Donkey

    Pressed for time but got it done

    Way to get it done!
  21. Pine Donkey

    I Stole a camera- Pay back

    Camera theft is not something to joke about, yet you managed to make it funny...well done.
  22. Pine Donkey

    Snow chains in mud

    When driving is snow, there is usually a hard bottom underneath somewhere. The chains grip well when they reach that bottom. With mud, chains will help if they have something to grip, but if the mud is so deep that your chassis drags, they probably won't do much. I am pretty worried about getting stuck this weekend. It seems the ground turns to mush in the areas elk like the best. Good luck.