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Pine Donkey

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Everything posted by Pine Donkey

  1. Pine Donkey

    My Brothers 1st Archery Bull Elk Unit 27

    That's a great bull, first or not. Congratulations to your brother.
  2. Pine Donkey

    Unit 1 success!

    Great run of kills you have there, congratulations. Better check the adds and see if there are any freezers on sale.
  3. Pine Donkey

    My first 6x6

    Great bull. Congratulations.
  4. Pine Donkey

    Redemption Bull

    A bull like hat can make you forget a lot of earlier painful memories. Congratulations.
  5. Pine Donkey

    My NM Elk Hunt

    Great bull, great story, thanks for sharing!
  6. Pine Donkey

    Another 27 Bull

    That is a beautiful bull...I love the thirds.
  7. Pine Donkey

    Great opening weekend in Unit 1

    The rut is not yet going strong, yet we had a great weekend. Friday we saw 18 bulls, 4 of the over 300, lots of spikes.. That evening, I passed a 320-330 bull called in to 15 yards. I hope I don't end up regretting this, but after a 9 year wait I did not want it to end that soon. Maybe it was for the best because less than 5 minutes later the sky opened up with one of he worst rain/hail storms I have ever been in. Saturday was a bit slower, with only two bulls. I almost had a shot at a 360ish bull, but it did not work out this time. Yesterday we called 7 bulls into 20 yards. The biggest was a small, broken 6x6. This was so much fun! We kept calling and they kept coming. My son and friend videoed each one. The big bulls are running by themselves for the most part, some of the smaller mature bulls had a cow or two, but there was no herding yet. Bulls were vocal in some areas, but there were a lot of quiet bulls. I am home for 5 days of work, then back at it for the remainder of the season. This is going to be a loooooong five days.
  8. Pine Donkey

    Great opening weekend in Unit 1

    I just posted the story in a new thread called "Part two...Great opening weekend in unit 1"
  9. Pine Donkey

    3b early bull

    That's a nice bull.
  10. Pine Donkey

    3a/3c got it done with two days to spare

    Great bull, congratulations! Thanks for the nice write up.
  11. Pine Donkey

    Great opening weekend in Unit 1

    Story and pics coming. Not a giant, but I was pretty happy to get him in the last few minutes of light!
  12. Pine Donkey

    Budget Binos's ?

    Nikon Monarchs are great glass for the price.
  13. Pine Donkey

    1940’s Kaibab buck & Javelina’s

    Great picks! What is up with the car in the background of the first pick...looks like it is cut in half.
  14. Pine Donkey

    2013 Elk: Story Posted

    Great bull. Can't wait for the story.
  15. Pine Donkey

    RIP Boo-Kee

    So sorry for your loss. They sure find a way to quickly work their way into your heart and become part of your family.
  16. Pine Donkey

    Opening Weekend Video

    Can't wait for the sequel!
  17. Pine Donkey

    First Bull Tag / First Bull

    Great ill, congratulations!
  18. Pine Donkey

    WTB a youth deer rifle

    Have you thought about getting a youth stock for a full size rifle. It is longer, and not as light as a youth model rifle, but a lot easier to handle than a full size. We have a .243 and.308 in Remington 700. A youth stock took care of our three kids for several years for deer, pigs and elk. Now that they are adults, we have put the full size stoks back on the guns.
  19. Pine Donkey

    The first pile of blood

    9 years ago I shot a bull. We had seven piles that looked like that, then the blood trail stopped as the bull headed up hill. 5 of us looked for two days, but never found him. I am still sick about it, but it happens sometimes.
  20. Pine Donkey

    Dear Scumbag

    Dear Scumbag, You stole my camera from Distributor tank, near Loco Knoll in unit 1. I wish you nothing but the worst in life. I know, I should have never left it on water, but my belief in people is greater than my acknowledgment of the moral decay of our society. I did use an old, cheap camera so I am not out too much money, so I am able to sleep well at night. I also sleep well because I live everyday with a strong moral character that feeds off compassion and knowledge. My life is good and will continue to be. Karma is a bitch, and you have spit in her face. I hope your miserable existence on this earth is filled with discontent, despair and dissapointment. Enjoy the camera and always watch over your shoulder for the long arms of fate!
  21. My new favorite post! Great story, keep it up and keep sharing your adventures!
  22. Pine Donkey

    Prayers Answered

    Great story, great bull. Congratulations!
  23. Pine Donkey

    16yr old Andrew's first bull

    Serious G4's on that bull. Congratulations!
  24. Pine Donkey

    2013 348" Archery Bull

    Great bull!
  25. Pine Donkey

    Gavin Weller's Non-typical bull

    That's a cool lookin bull! Looks like a 7 x Stump.