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Pine Donkey

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Everything posted by Pine Donkey

  1. Pine Donkey

    Old powder

    There seems to be two schools of thought old powder: 1) it is fine as long as it has been kept sealed, 2) it looses some of its pop after a few years. What are the thoughts on this?
  2. Pine Donkey

    Burning Man Celebration......

    Darwin walks among us.
  3. Pine Donkey


    That is really cool! A few years ago I posted pictures of a white deer. Some of the members who know a bit about biology said it wasn't an albino, but rather a deer with leucism. Not sure if this is the same with this elk, maybe someone knowledgeable can weigh in on the subject. Amanda? Thanks for posting the great pictures.
  4. Pine Donkey

    Poltergeist Ford

    Those old fords just run and run...you can't hardly stop them! Sorry Chevy guys, it's tough to argue against the supernatural influence on this truck
  5. Pine Donkey

    My Mexico buck finished

    Great buck.
  6. Pine Donkey

    Are 15X's that much of an advantage

    I agree with 10's around the neck (or better yet on a bino strap harness), and 15's on a tripod. Remember, if they are not clear, magnification doesn't matter. Don't buy until you can buy quality glass. Also, quality glass on a cheap, lightweight tripod is not quality glassing.
  7. Pine Donkey


    Sounds like you were in the Whetstones, probably the North end...lots of lions in there. I have seen mule teams in there several times so I rarely go there anymore. The unit holds some good deer, you just need to change your thinking some.
  8. Pine Donkey

    19a Archery Buck

    Very nice.
  9. Pine Donkey

    Coues & Turkey Down in Unit 22

    Looks like a pretty good weekend. Congratulations!
  10. Pine Donkey

    Opening morning buck

    Very nice!
  11. Pine Donkey

    Bear hunt

    Good memories are worth more than money!
  12. Pine Donkey

    first coues down!

    That is a stud buck, congratulations!
  13. Pine Donkey

    My 2014 antelope

    Great stick-n-string goat!
  14. Pine Donkey

    2014 bear

    Great bear! I love those jet black bears. Congratulations.
  15. Pine Donkey

    first bear

    Very nice, congratulations!
  16. Just got back from an archery hunting trip. It is so green this year, but that moisture has really helped the bug population also. I have bites and bumps all over my body.
  17. Pine Donkey

    First Archery Kill!!!

    Great buck, congratulations!
  18. Pine Donkey

    Archery bear back from the taxidermist

    Stacy Tompkinson finished my sons August 2013 archery bear. We hung it at my parents place this past weekend. 11days and he'll be after them again.
  19. Here are a couple videos to get your blood pumping. The first is fron my hunt last year and the second is a small group of bulls we saw this weekend. http://vimeo.com/78566361 https://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fvimeo.com%2F103106182%3Futm_source%3Demail%26utm_medium%3Dclip-transcode_complete-finished-20120100%26utm_campaign%3D7701%26email_id%3DY2xpcF90cmFuc2NvZGVkfGVkZmFiZDlmYjNhNDU2MTg2M2JmYzExMmFkMGZlNGRlMTg4fDIxMjcxMDcxfDE0MDc3MzgwOTB8NzcwMQ%253D%253D&h=zAQFZjE9Y&enc=AZOoKrv8cwAZDVhXjMSmjdN2HEt4Jisj2-v7xF1JLqk7By_pKi2_uCSGxh5URjmwfWG5T8gBZVhdaZF1ERJAfrCxnhTUJ5eZrDtCwewz9Ou-JaQk4gZAT6OiCeKnHQjlENUiP74oZgGiU0G-9scC3s2r&s=1 There are a couple decent bulls in the second video. We did find a toad, but no video to share. Enjoy
  20. Pine Donkey


  21. Pine Donkey

    Fitness Event for a Cause

    I am not into Crossfit, but I am touched by the story of Easton, and the project you and your wife have created in his memory. I would like to make a cash donation. Please post details where donations can be made. I also encourage other members to donate.
  22. Pine Donkey

    Strip Monsters Falling

    W w w wow!
  23. Pine Donkey


    The head on the bear is huge! It reminds me of an old joke about a big headed kid born to a small beauty queen...but since this is a family site I will just say congratulation on a great bear!
  24. Pine Donkey

    what animals eat barrel cactus?

    I have seen a few cowboys do it in the old westerns...maybe they learned from the Indians!
  25. Pine Donkey

    A little girl and "Buck Fever"

    That is one of the best videos ever posted! You have captured youth and innocence; something we probably all had before becoming jaded with age, a few successful seasons, and the idea that the value of a kill can be measured in inches of horn. I must admit, I got a little teared up watching the video and remembering my kids first kills. Thanks for posting...Savannah You Rock!