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Pine Donkey

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Everything posted by Pine Donkey

  1. Pine Donkey

    San Juan Scapes

    Doug, you truley have a gift. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Here is a video from this last year's youth hunt. Enjoy
  3. Pine Donkey

    I wandered into a muslim book store the other day....

    Just choked on my breakfast!
  4. Pine Donkey

    Next Generation

    I have seen a lot of new fawns in the past week. Most does had two fawns or had not yet dropped. I even watched a big fat doe on a hillside as she was getting ready to have her fawns. Water in the desert is a magical thing.
  5. Pine Donkey

    A great day, Jared is done with treatment

    Best post of the month! You rock Jared
  6. Pine Donkey

    UNIT 27? (And NO I am not E-Scouting)

    You will hear bugles, and see some post rutting activity. The cows will be pretty much shut down, but the bulls aren't ready to give it up yet. You will also see a lot of driving. This is a very popular hunt with road hunters. The cows will be really stirred up so get off the roads, burn some boot leather and you will be fine.
  7. Pine Donkey

    You be stoopid

    Darwin in action.
  8. Pine Donkey

    Pillowcase=Game bag

    My meat packing pillow cases are from when our kids were little...we have 101 Dalmations, Beauty and the Beast, and The Lion King. They all work equally well.
  9. Pine Donkey


    Oh, I see...it's a list of Obama's accomplishments.
  10. Pine Donkey

    My sons sheep video

    Very nice! Love seeing a kid put the smack down on a trophy.
  11. Pine Donkey

    Happy birthday TJ!

    Tom, it's that one day that you can justify Peg waiting on you like her king. It's your day my friend, hope it is a great one!
  12. Pine Donkey

    Happy Birthday firstcoueswas80

    Hope it was a great one Casey!
  13. Pine Donkey

    Meat question?

    You should be fine re freezing since it was still very cold. One problem you will face is that entire freezer of meet might re freeze as one big chunk held together by the blood that dripped from the top. Do yourself a favor an move the pieces around each hour or so until everything is refrozen.
  14. Pine Donkey

    Southwest Wildlife Taxidermy

    Today I met Jim at his shop in Scottsdale. The shop is filled with some great mounts; he truly incorporates the artist's eye into his work. We had a quick conversation about hunting, animals and trail cameras. Although his shop was very busy, he made time to welcome us and talk for a bit. Jim runs a class operation!
  15. Pine Donkey

    Two 120"+ bucks

    Great bucks! Brag away anytime.
  16. Pine Donkey

    Paria Plateau

  17. Pine Donkey

    Two Bear Rugs

    Love those color phase bears! Thanks for posting.
  18. Pine Donkey

    Tropical fish: Free mollys

  19. Pine Donkey

    Not bad for a 14 year old!

    How true. I've been a counselor for 20 plus years. I have never had a kid not qualify, but, then again, I have been on top of things. Rules have changed for the class of 2016 and beyond as to what it takes to get cleared for Div 1. See this link - http://fs.ncaa.org/Docs/eligibility_center/Quick_Reference_Sheet.pdf Check the 48H form at your son's high school. It will list all of the approved courses offered at his high school. If the class is on the 48H form it is approved, there is nothing to worry about. But, not every course offered by a high school is on their approved list of classes. Ten of the 16 classes have to be completed before senior year starts. Plan early, he'll be fine. Good luck! Thanks for picking up the slack Sam. Our counselors are gone for the summer so I was going to try and find the link as well as for number. TAM, Sam is much closer to this than I am and his info is spot on.
  20. Pine Donkey

    hooters calendar

    I like owls, but...first disappointment of the day!
  21. Pine Donkey

    Not bad for a 14 year old!

    Get with his high school counselors now and map out a four year plan to make sure his eligibility equals his talent when he graduates. Don't accep them just saying that he will get the correct classes, demand to see his academic plan charted out on the NCAA clearinghouse work sheet. I have some experience in this area and have seen students and families have to scramble their junior and senior years to be eligible even though the kid received top grades in every class taken. In particular, ask to see their clearinghouse certification on the lab science courses...this area seems to cause more problems than any other. Classes that many high schools consider lab sciences, do not meet the NCAA definition. Enjoy the next four years, you will love them, and they will fly by so fast.
  22. Pine Donkey

    Dealing with 100 days of heat

    I don't drop below 4500' unless it's a must!
  23. Pine Donkey

    My 2015 archery coues takin at 110yrds

    60 yards, that's the ethical limit for me and my trusty bow...we have had a lot of success within that range, but I did wound and fail to recover a stud bull I shot at 8 yards...still have bad dreams about that one. Inside 60 yards, I will shoot for your knock every time, and I am pretty good at it. My son on the other hand, is much younger, his eyes are better, his shoulder doesn't hurt, his lifestyle allows him to practice all the time, and he spends all his money on top quality, cutting edge equipment. His groups at 100 yards are tighter than my groups at 60. He is confident and capable at that range, and he is always a very ethical hunter. Now, I am pretty confident with my long range rifle setup at 1000 yards and will take that shot when conditions are right. A bullet fired at 3000 f/s over 1000 yards will reach the target in the same amount of time as an arrow fired at 300 f/s over 100 yards. Sure the animal could take a step or fall over or who knows what in that time period. There will always be variables in hunting. What is important is that an individual does not have variables in their ethics. My ethics are my ethics. I may want others to adopt them, but I can only control me. If someone does not agree, it does not mean I am unethical, it means I value things differently then they do. Recently a hippie in a Prius chastised me for driving my big diesel truck. Is he an ethical person and I not??? Not the way I see things. I hope everyone keeps posting their pictures and stories. I enjoy most of them, some piss me off, but that is my problem not theirs.
  24. Pine Donkey

    So Question ??

    Scalping it will work, but don't forget to pull the ivories before you pack out.