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Pine Donkey

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Everything posted by Pine Donkey

  1. Pine Donkey

    Need a Bow for my Elk Hunt

    Walmart has some good bows. They come in a package with everything you need...Everyday Low Prices
  2. Pine Donkey

    Video of Natives Hunting With Spears

    "I am sick of all the misses and wounded animals" Just kidding. This is how my ancestors survived. Their instinctual need for survival has become a part of me. I don't hunt because I need to survive, but there is a fire inside of me that drives me to hunt. If I deny that burn, I will be less than I am!
  3. Pine Donkey

    Sick of hearing about you missing

    I often talk to students about making sure the words they say, actually convey the message they want. I tell them that words are like bullets; once they are out, you can't pull them back, and you can't change their path. I'd say your words are a miss...might even be a wound!
  4. Pine Donkey

    It finally happened!!!

    Great buck! That toad is loaded with character. Congratulations.
  5. Pine Donkey

    Backpack coues hunting

    Bury your water jugs in a shady, sandy area. This will keep them cooler and out of sight of illegals. It usually helps keep the bears from ripping them open too.
  6. Pine Donkey

    Bullets that just won't shoot well?

    Use the Bergers!
  7. Pine Donkey

    Today was a good day!

    Both of these stories started last weekend, with both hunters returning empty handed. Garrett was on his first archery antelope hunt. He had several stocks on Friday and Saturday, but could not seal the deal. Finally everything came together on Sunday morning as he used a small ridge to stalk within 45 yards of a bedded goat. He waited patiently for it to stand and turn broadside. As he drew back, his creed blew up! Hot, tired and frustrated he returned home for a week of college classes and work. On the opposite end of the state, Charles glassed up his bear and watched it go into a cut to sleep for the day. He positioned himself for an evening stalk when the bruin headed back to the pear patch. As luck would have it, it did not take the same route and ended up catching Charles' scent and leaving the country. This morning, Garrett glassed up a good goat at first light. During the four plus hours of crawling, he realized this was the same buck he tried to shoot last Sunday. He set up at 101 yards and waited for the buck to stand up. When it did, Garrett placed an arrow just behind the shoulder. A 75 yard dash, and a dirt nap; Garrett had his first goat. First light found Charles glassing the same hillside he hunted last week. Once again his bear headed for the deep cut after a night of feasting on prickly pear fruits. This time Charles moved in closer to the bedding spot, hoping to avoid the follies of last weekend. Around noon, the bear woke up for a little stretch which put him 25 yards in front of Charles. One perfectly placed arrow and the bear could only make it 5 yards before crashing. Sometimes things just work out right, and all the hardwork and practice pays off.
  8. Pine Donkey

    My first Antelope tag and I was able to fill it!

    Great buck, congratulations!
  9. Pine Donkey

    Velvet Antlers

    This thread has such good information, it needs to be bumped back to the top. Thanks Dale and Clay for sharing a little piece of your expertise.
  10. Pine Donkey

    Archery Coues

  11. Pine Donkey

    Freeze dried horns?

    Wow, great buck! I have heard so many different opinions of freeze dry vs. immitation velvet. Let's see some pics of each.
  12. Stud buck! Great job Gil.
  13. Pine Donkey

    Today was a good day!

    Here is Cody's buck. I will do a separate post for him.
  14. Pine Donkey

    Today was a good day!

    This morning Garrett took his friend Cody out after a big Muley they have been watching for a couple years. He just called to say that Cody shot a good buck, not the big one but a good one nonetheless. Maybe the good day is becoming a good weekend. Details to follow.
  15. Pine Donkey

    Today was a good day!

    Not sure why it blew up, just a bunch of guesses. He has a second creed as a backup so it just took a little practice to make sure everything was on and tuned.
  16. Pine Donkey

    Today was a good day!

    His sights adjust out to 120 yards. Get the range, and set the sight to that distance. He regularly practices out to 120, and shoots a consistent 6" group. It's kinda crazy to my old timer beliefs, but he works very hard to stay proficient at those distances.
  17. Pine Donkey

    When will the rut end?

    For my bull, the rut will end 30-60 seconds after I let an arrow fly!
  18. Pine Donkey

    Dream Buck

    I saw this picture yesterday. My jaw dropped and still hasn't gone back into place! That's a great buck, congratulations.
  19. Pine Donkey

    1st time quail season

    I have seen more quail this year than any year since 93. Lots of double hatch coveys. Last weekend I saw a pair with brand new babies...wonder if it could have been a third hatch although I have never heard of one. Find some water and work the drainages feeding it, you will find plenty of quail. I use a call, but only after I have busted up a covey. I call as they are looking for each other to regroup. Good luck.
  20. About 6 weeks before the hunt I stop eating everything but corn. I eat fresh corn, boiled corn, grilled corn, corn meal, you name it...corn and only corn. All I drink is water and corn syrup. On opening day I get out early, long before first light, and take a big dump. Then I pee everywhere, and the animals come running in. Just kidding. You can never be scent free. Save your money and skip all the expensive products. Spend a couple dollars on wind powder, and use it as a guide at all times.
  21. Pine Donkey

    Big bull video

    Look at the top end on that toad! Great video, thanks for posting.
  22. Great topic! Our three kids are all young adults now. Our oldest, a girl and youngest, a boy are crazy about hunting. Our middle child loves the outdoors, but decided years ago that she did not want to hunt. Here are a few things that worked for us: 1) Start young. We started taking all of our kids out when less than a month old. They started shooting a .22 at about 3yo and were pretty good with a .243 well before they were 10. 2) Raise them in an outdoor family. Glassing in the evening after work should not be a special trip but rather just a normal act. 3) Make it about them. Once they start hunting, don't apply them for your hunts, get them there own hunts and make them the focus. 4) Keep them comfortable. Good quality clothes and boots. Dress them properly for the weather. 5) Give them ownership of their hunt. Encourage them to make decisions about where to hunt, hike or glass, etc. 6) Equip them well. They don't need a pair of swaros at age 5, but a basic tripod and a $100.00 pair of binocs will go a long way. 7) Allow them to be a kid. They Wont start out glassing for hours, that's ok. Let them glass for a few minutes, then their mind will naturally wander to grass hoppers, rocks, etc. 8) Include their friends if they are interested. 9) Never push them to hunt. This is not the magic recipe, but rather just some things that worked for us. Here is our son at age 3 and then 15 years later as he returns from a pack in solo archery hunt. Here is our daughter with one of her deer kills.
  23. Pine Donkey

    Hillary the comedian

  24. Pine Donkey

    Cell service help...

    There is a cell tower at the fire house in Nutri, I think it is part of the Sprint network, but know that TMobil works well. Version keeps saying they are adding their own equipment to the tower, but no action yet.
  25. Pine Donkey

    My last Elk!

    330. Great bull, it will be nice when you put a bigger one on the wall!