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Pine Donkey

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Everything posted by Pine Donkey

  1. Pine Donkey

    Coues Buck Down!

    nice buck, congratulations
  2. Pine Donkey

    Adrianna's first coues

    Wow, the memories of the first buck, a great shot, and time spent together, will last forever!
  3. Pine Donkey

    Junior once in a life time buck

    Wow, what a stud buck. It might take more than 13 years to top that one. I know I have not come close in over 40 years. Congratulations!
  4. Pine Donkey

    Opening Morning 1st deer

    Very nice first deer!
  5. Pine Donkey

    4A youth cow tag

    Congratulations. Enjoy the memories of a great hunt.
  6. Pine Donkey

    The boys get it done!

    Way to get it done! Congratulations to all!
  7. Pine Donkey

    Daughter's First Deer Down

    Carlos, That is a great first buck for your daughter. Too bad about the horns, but the memories you two made will last forever.
  8. Pine Donkey

    Junior Hunt Big Buck

    Great buck! It's time for dad to find a taxidermist and break out the check book.
  9. Pine Donkey

    TJ's first buck

    Wow! Great buck, congratulations!
  10. Pine Donkey

    big family weekend in unit 1

    Congrates on a great weekend.
  11. Pine Donkey

    Dogs Can be Expensive

    My Winchester had the same issue. she had to wear a drain for a month. $800 must be the going rate. Hope Hersey feels better soon.
  12. Pine Donkey

    San Carlos Bull

    Dan, Congratulations. That bull looks like a scrapper! Great bases!
  13. There is a good article in the latest Wildlife Views magazine about the history of elk being transplanted into Arizona.
  14. Pine Donkey


    I sure miss having young ones to take on these hunts. Some of my greatest hunting memories have been from these hunts. Good luck to all, post some pictures please.
  15. Pine Donkey

    Huntin' Jokes

  16. Pine Donkey

    Texas Transplant

    I was on Fort today at the lodging office. While waiting in the parking lot to meet someone at 12:45 in the afternoon, a nice buck stood up to stretch his legs in the canyon above the lake. I did not have any binos to get a good look, but he was a racked buck. Take advantage of your ability to hunt Fort, it has some great animals. Welcome to the site.
  17. Pine Donkey

    35A Unsettling find today

    Usually, mining companies are doing exploratory drilling initially. If they are on pattented mining claims (a type of private property acquired under the Mining Act of 1872)they usually fence off and post the claim. There are thousands of undeveloped pattended mining claims, by modern standards,througout Arizona. It is likely that almost everyone has hunted on one of these old claims without knowing it. Most of the time the drilling only shows the old claim is not economically feasable to mine. However, with copper, gold and silver at or near record highs, there is a renewed interest in these old areas. As far as hunting in the area of the old claims there are two things to consider. First off, posted private property is off limits unless you get permission to access it. If it is not posted, as most old claims, then they are ok to hunt on. The next issue is shooting within a quarter mile of an occupied structure. That rule always applied wheather it is a house on a mine claim, a reanch, or a cabin in the woods. You are OK to hunt and shoot right next to a posted piece of property as long as you are off the property and at least a quarter mile from an occupied structure.
  18. Pine Donkey

    Wife's unit 9 sucess!

    Tell her congratulations on the nice kills!
  19. Pine Donkey

    35A Unsettling find today

    Cool! Good luck on you hunt. I look forward to seeing pictures of your success. Which hunt do you have?
  20. Pine Donkey

    35A Unsettling find today

    AzVTR, I understand how you feel about the possibility of a copper mine in your favorite hunting spot, and the disappointment you had when you arrived, but there is two sides to everything. When you drove to your area you probably came in from some other area, an area you live in due to your job. This special hunting spot may be your escape for a couple weekends each year, and you are disappointed to see the change. For many of us who live down here we see it differently. We see a very small piece of the unit that is already, and hopefully will produce jobs! There is not a great employment base in Cochise/Santa Cruz area once you get out of Sierra Vista and Fort Huachuca. This area desperately needs jobs. The elementary school in our district that sits in that unit has 91% of the students on free and reduced lunches. Like all areas we have our share of free loaders, but we also have a lot of good, hard-working, dedicated people who are unemployed or partially employed. I don't speek for everyone, but many of us would gladly give up access to this realatively small piece of land in exchange for the potential of quality jobs. There are a lot of nice deer in that unit, and many more places to hunt. Send me a PM if you are not able to find a starting spot.
  21. Pine Donkey


    That sucks. I hope they get whats coming soon. If you have not yet done it, contact your auto insurance carrier, you may have coverage. If it was parked at your house, your homeowners policy may cover them. Of course you will need to pay a deductable. Mayby the thugs will cut themselves with the knife!
  22. Pine Donkey

    Absolute MUST SEE Wolf Film

    Very good movie. Bet he stepped on a few toes making that one.
  23. Pine Donkey

    New spot has potential!

    Wow, a headless bear walked through!
  24. Pine Donkey

    Arizona Extreme

    Nice first post!!! Can't wait for the story.