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Pine Donkey

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Everything posted by Pine Donkey

  1. Pine Donkey

    Taking kids

    Heck, you have shocked a few of our neighbors as an adult with your own pee habits. Blame the beer!
  2. Pine Donkey

    The Wife's first deer hunt

    Congratulations to Misty on a very nice first buck!
  3. Pine Donkey

    Erickson is out.....

    UCLA is also talking to Sumlin. Some news reports are saying that Sumlin has been offered the ASU job, but has not yet accepted. Surely he is working each school against the other to drive the offers up. When choosing between ASU, UCLA and A&M, I am not sure ASU will come out on top. In football UCLA will always be the second choice in LA with USC getting the most attention. In Phoenix, a mid-major city, the Devil football team has a lot of competition during the season. This comes from D-backs, Coyotes, Suns (in non-lockout years), and the Cardinals. However, in College Station, Aggie Football is the only game in town. They have great facilities, increadible alumni support, the 12th man fans, and one of the richest traditions in the country. That would be a tough job for Sumlin to pass.
  4. Pine Donkey

    My second Coues Buck

    Wow, that buck has some impressive length everywhere. It will be tough to top that one. Congratulations.
  5. Pine Donkey

    Late November Buck

    Nice buck, great hat!
  6. Pine Donkey

    Late Novenber Coues

    Here is the buck I took on Sunday evening. My son Garrett glassed him up, high on the mountain. We debated how big he was, but could not agree on what we were seeing so decided to get a closer look. After a long hike I was a bit disapointed that he was broken, but decided to take him anyway. He was shot at 375 yards right at dark. Garrett used the gutless method to quickly prepare him for the pack out. We were quite a ways up in pretty rough, steep, rocky, cat claw country, and there was no moon. My buddy Mark (MJE1) drove out, parked much closer, and hiked in to help us out. This reduced our pack by a long ways. The body on this deer was larger than any couse I have seen before. After cleaning and butchering we ended up with over 60 pounds of boneless meat. His head is also very large. He appears to be an old buck that is regressing. I wonder what could have broken his main beam this early in the season. It appears to be a fairly recent break as it is still rough.
  7. Pine Donkey

    Taking kids

    My kids have gone with me there entire life. They started by bouncing along rough roads in their car seats and it progressed from there.
  8. Pine Donkey

    couple of couesDeer

    Stud bucks.
  9. Pine Donkey

    Coues Buck with a Mane?

    On windy days like today he will not be the only deer having a bad hair day.
  10. Pine Donkey

    Sunrise sticker

    This is the view from my rear view mirror this morning just before I left the truck.
  11. Pine Donkey

    Erickson is out.....

    ASU needs to bring is a coach that will finally elivate them to the next level. I don't see it hapening for two reasons. 1) Lisa Love is an ineffective figurehead who holds limited authority with her position, and has proven to be ineffectual as the program's leader. Due to her weakness the entire department could get spanked for the sins of an out of control baseball coach. 2) The influential alumni, who are footing much of the bill to buy out Ericson, have always made beating the U of A the top priority. ASU will never climb to the next level unless the bring in a staff that knows how to win at that level. Focus on beating the big boys, USC and Oregon, not the mediocre Wildcats. Huston's Sumlin has put together an impressive 12-0 record this year, but he is a quarterback away from being 8-4. They have not played a single top 25 team yet this year. Love has been hesitant to make a decisive descision about a coach, opting rather to flaot possibilities to the media and watch the public's reaction. In the past few days two of the top candidated have committed to other schools, and there are 5 more major universties looking to hire. ASU has everything they need to be a powerhouse except for leadership.
  12. Pine Donkey

    Late Novenber Coues

    Oh, thats funny!
  13. Pine Donkey

    Mexican Wolves???

    Coyote hunters in this part of the state will be finding those newly released wolves very soon...everything on that side of the border makes it's way up here in no time.
  14. Pine Donkey

    Lady Luck 201" 13B Mule Deer

    Thats a great buck! I love the story, it is amazing the gun was ok after being run over. Congratulations to all!
  15. Pine Donkey


  16. Pine Donkey

    My Wifes 6A Bull Elk

    Thats a great bull, congratulations.
  17. Beautiful buck and mount!
  18. Pine Donkey

    Why Is It?

    OK, the peyote has worn off and I fixed the post. This new phone has auto spell, that must work well for someone with skinny fingers.
  19. Pine Donkey

    Тянь-Шань скитания

    Wow, I'm speechless!
  20. Pine Donkey

    late rifle bull

    That's a great bull for the late hunt. Congratulations!
  21. Pine Donkey

    clean barrel bad shot?

    So true coach. Also your buddy standing next to you hurrying you along, is usually able to recall every shot you have ever missed, and you don't want to give him another story to tell around the campfire.
  22. Pine Donkey

    Why Is It?

    You notice many of those big jacked up trucks have no desert pinstriping on them. Let them come down and hunt the blackbrush with us for a week, we'll give them some pinstriping!
  23. Pine Donkey

    My Sons Coues

    Great buck, sounds like a heck of a shot. Congratulations .
  24. Pine Donkey

    Day after Thanksgiving buck

    Great story. Congratulations. I tried glassing in the same fog, not fun.
  25. Pine Donkey


    The kid who found it must be a hunter who understands the respect both deer and hunter deserve. Great story!