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Everything posted by Viper

  1. You are right. A newbie can have a real eye opening when hunting DIY in the west. Most of the hunting shows don't portray the toughness, ups and downs of western hunting. I don't watch the Eastern/Texas type deer hunt shows over food plots. Hunting shows have the advantage of editing and money. My favorite shows that I DVR are Western Hunter, Meat Eater, On Your Own Adventures and Eastman's. I've met a few guys that are disillusioned about western hunting success. They seem to slip into a depression after day 3.
  2. Nice! That looks like my 200 yard target
  3. Viper

    2003 Dodge Cummins Diesel Flatbed

    What are the bed dimensions? Why are you selling?
  4. Thanks for all the input. I am sighted in and have enough to shoot this weekend, and get me through the hunt. I just wanted a couple more boxes just in case. I am a bit of a procrastinator, but not so much when it comes to hunting. Maybe I'll have to take up reloading this off-season. Good luck with your hunts.
  5. About 5 years ago I was in the market for a deer rifle. I was settling on the .270 WSM. A few folks was talking me out of it..."stick with the standard calibers, ammo is more available" they said. I found a good deal on a .270 Win and bought it. I find it ironic that I can't find factory .270 Win ammo, but there is plenty of .270 WSM from several manufactures. Go figure.
  6. Thanks. Bass Pro, last night, had no Rem Core Lokt, only 3 boxes of Rem Accutip at $42/box. There was a little Winchester. Sportsmans and two Walmarts had nothing.
  7. I'll check the Walmarts around E. Mesa.
  8. That's way too funny......that's exactly what I was thinking, but hesitated to post.
  9. Cool to see all the .270's that will go afield.....still a great deer caliber. I love shooting mine.
  10. Rem 700 XCR in .270, Burris 4.5-14x42, Good 'ol Rem Core Lokt 130gr.
  11. Viper

    My roll model

    Well said! Hats off to your Pa. It is an honor and blessing to have quality people in our lives for as long as God will allow. It sounds like he did the right things with the time he had. Obviously you are prepared to carry the torch. It is important that we have a possitive influence on our kids and other youth....and those that act like kids. I've seen/experienced a lot of this around the campfire. Youth hunts are a great way to be a possitive influence on all involved. In this time of division in/from our government, and society, folks need all the possitives they can get. If we amount to nothing else in life, we must prepare this next generation to be better than us.
  12. Viper

    WTB Range Finder

    I have a Leupold RX-II, camo, angle comp, good to around 600 yards......$100? Located in Mesa/Chandler.
  13. Viper

    What Camo Do You Prefer?

    I used the all cotton Predator camo for several years. Great pattern for up close bow hunting. I typically use the double front Carhardts for rifle WT, with a Kings Desert shirt. If it's warm, I wear the zip-off cargo pants. Just unzipping the legs half way really cools the legs. I also have several pieces of the Russel APX in treestand. I have recently been aquiring the C4E clothing in Mountain Mimacry. The merino base layers are excellent. I get it for a good price off of Camofire. Since aquiring the non-cotton "technical" clothing, I never wear the cotton stuff anymore. Many patterns on the market work well. The key is a loose pattern to break up your human form.
  14. Viper

    *** 1994 Elkhorn Cabover Camper ***

    What does it weigh? Thinking of going this route, so I can pull a ATV trailer instead of a big toyhauler. Thanks.
  15. It's not a bad idea to have both...trailer and tent, depending on the circumstances. I'm more of a tent guy. I have one for all occasions. My favorite is my Alaknak 12x12 with vestibule and wood stove. I can set it up and take it down myself in 45 - 60 minutes. There's a lot of stake pounding. I was fortunate to buy mine in 2005 when the base price was $500, including the stove. I bought it from the original Cabelas in Sydney Nebraska. Probably the best way to find one cheaper/used is to diligently search the classifieds on various hunting sites and craigs list. It may take a while. Good luck.
  16. Viper

    Colorado Hunting Update

    Looks like a great trip!....beautiful backcountry adventure.
  17. Viper

    a bigun

    Holy palmation and tines!!!! WOW!!
  18. Viper

    Who's still looking to harvest their Bull in 22!

    That's a tough deal. Cudos for such an effort. That's thick country. I have the Nov archery bull in 22-S.
  19. Viper

    Memorable hunt indeed

    Wow! Great bulls!
  20. Viper

    Anybody using a levergun for Coues?

    I have a Marlin lever-action in .30-.30. I have taken a small coues and a couple mulies with it several years ago, at less than 100 yards. That was when I didn't know anything about coues. Now that I hunt coues pretty much exclusively, the .30-.30 won't do for most of my opportunities. If you are proficient to 250 yards with your 444, then you shouldn't have a problem taking a decent coues. A 237 gr bullet will probably knock him clean off the mountain...and leave strips of jerky along the way.
  21. Viper

    tripod head question?

    If you are wanting light weight, I just bought a small Slik from Archery Headquarters (don't remember the model) for $109. They only have a few models to choose from. It works real well for a sit down technique. You can actually stand up with it as well, but there has to be no wind as it is a bit spindly. It is 2 1/4 pounds. The head is the 3-way with short adjustment levers, so it keeps the weight down. I really love it for packing. My heavyier-duty tripod is also a Slik, 3-way. It is relatively light at just under 4 pounds. I took out the horizontal adjustment lever and replaced it with a wing-nut type screw. It cuts down the weight and size and still can be loosened for adjustment. I do not care for the pistol grip or ball head type.
  22. Viper

    New to this

    Hi, is this Brian? If so...it was nice meeting you. When we talked that night, I didn't realize you got a shot. It is not easy getting within bow range of a coues, let alone successfully drawing...and actually getting the shot. You are well on your way. Brad