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Everything posted by Viper

  1. Viper

    Wanted CCI 209 Shotshell Primers

    Rim Country Guns in Payson had a bunch of 209's yesterday...but don't remember what brand.
  2. I kinda hope it does become a little like work...lol. it's hard to find income in retirement.
  3. Viper

    Some 3A BS

    The annual permit is only $15 for individual and $20 for family, which includes two adults and children. You can buy and print online. I started doing this last year, just to be sure I'm legal. I heard they were going to start enforcing it. Never worried about it for the last 40 years...never been stopped.
  4. Viper

    SOLD - Polaris Wheels and Tires $300

    Are they DOT rated for street travel?
  5. Viper

    Hunting techniques

    I started archery hunting with a stick bow in NE Indiana in my teens. We mostly sat tree stands...stick built, no safety harness, no binos. Moved to AZ when I was 20. Just snuck around the hills...search and destroy method, with Bushnell binos around my neck. I did manage to take a few small bucks with my 30-30. Finally got good optics and learned the patience of glassing about 25 years ago. My favorite method now. Congrats! Nice bucks!
  6. Viper

    Hunting rifle sight in

    I was a member of the Usery range in the late 80's through mid 90's. Could shoot on my own off hours. It was nice. I don't think it was managed by G&F back then...maybe? The range nazi was bad for a while and I quit going, mostly due to the crowds. I went back a few times over the last year and RO's weren't bad. I heard they got rid of some of the bad ones. Range management needs to understand, if they don't make the range welcoming, more people will go to the desert. We've all seen what idiots do to the desert.
  7. Viper


    Congrats! Still waiting for my first antelope hunt. Was this a drawn tag or landowner tag?
  8. Viper

    Card hit

    I drew a pig and turkey tag.
  9. Viper

    Turkey poacher!!

    Good on you for taking the time to report it.
  10. Viper

    Colby’s junior deer hunt

    Congrats! It's great to see kids enthusiastic for hunting, or anything outdoors, I love it.
  11. Viper

    WTS N565 and N570

    Huh...a year ago this would have been snapped up within minutes.