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Everything posted by Viper

  1. Viper

    HEALY ARMS - New Store in Tempe AZ

    Congrats! You always had a great shop....now it's better?! I'll definitely check it out soon.
  2. Viper

    30-06 for coues

    Thats a great round. I like Rem core lokts as well, if shooting less than 400 yards. I would consider sighting in at 250 yards to maximize maximize tragectory. Makes interpolating holdover easier at longer range.
  3. Viper

    Archery in your backyard?

    Does the city have a range set up, or do you just put out a target and shoot? Any backstop? I dont have any problem with that, but I have a hard time believing the city would allow it. I have a huge retention area by my house in Mesa. I'd love to be able to shoot there, if I dont get harrassed by the cops. I've been shooting in my backyard for years, but can barely get 30 yards.
  4. Viper

    WTB Kodiak Flexbow 10x14

    My buddy is in the market for a good tent. He is interested in the Kodiak Flexbow 10x14. Please PM me if you have one you want to sell. Thanks
  5. Viper

    WTB Kodiak Flexbow 10x14

    You have to waterproof them? I thought they were good to go.
  6. I picked up a 10 x 10 Kodiak flexbow tent at Cabelas bargain cave yesterday for $300. Its in like new shape. I've been looking at these for a few years now.
  7. Viper

    AR Scope Question

    A consideration is, do you plan to shoot with both eyes open...for quicker target acquisition? Any magnification will make that difficult. A decent 1x red dot is plenty accurate at 100+ yards. Another consideration with a magnified scope is eye relief, which makes a difference if the scope is mounted further down the rail. There may be an issue with co-witnessing iron sights to a magnified scope....not sure about this...just assuming. I put an Aimpoint Patrol 1x red dot on mine. Really nice and accurate with very long battery life...but it's a little over $400 online.
  8. Viper

    WTB Kodiak Flexbow 10x14

    I recently bought a 10x10 at Cabelas bargain cave. I set it up in the yard, but haven't camped yet. What do you guys do for rain protection over the door?...to keep rain from getting in the door when coming in/out. The "awning" seems like it would be pretty worthless in a good rain. I picture it catching a lot of water. I was thinking I would have to put a pop-up canopy against the front and run the tent awning under the canopy and tie it off.
  9. Viper

    Fishing the canal

    Are they safe to eat? Or catch and release only?
  10. Viper

    Credit hit

    Got hit for 2 deer tags....$90
  11. Viper

    Benelli Nova For Sale

    I'm not familiar with Benelli and hard to tell by the pics....is it a pump or auto?
  12. Viper

    Bomber Velvet Coues

    HOLY SMOKES!!! What a super stud buck!
  13. I want to buy points for Wyoming antelope for the next few years and draw a decent unit. Is now the time to do it? I thought I read that you can after July 1st.
  14. Done. Just purchased a preference point for antelope. Thanks for the input.
  15. Yeah, It's not as necessary to go out of state for deer. It's pretty easy to draw a tag in AZ, and fair chance to find a decent buck. Someday I'll put in for AZ muly....if I can get over this WT addiction. Colorado may be a better choice for muly. Much closer than WY. Tag fee may be more though...not sure. For now, I think I'll just buy a WY goat tag and plan a trip in two or three years. It'd be nice to go with someone who knows the ropes, to be more efficient with the time.
  16. No, not the best in the state....just a good chance at a decent buck. I have never hunted antelope (and may never in AZ). Are you saying I should buy deer points too? I'd like to take a good muly before I take up the rockin' chair.
  17. Viper

    2014 Buck is on the wall.

    Wow! Great buck! Clay does a great job. How wide is he?
  18. Viper

    Free Reloading Bench / Water Softeners for trade

    I need to relace my softener but not sure it will fit in the space. Where are you located?
  19. Viper

    1945 ford 2N tractor

    Very cool!!! I wish I had the property to put it on. I drove one like this when I worked at Saguaro Lake Marina, launching boats, in the early '80s.
  20. Viper


    I had chiggers bad when I was a kid in Indiana. Mom made me sleep with gloves on because I was scratching myself raw.
  21. Viper

    2014 Auction Tag Buck Video!!!

    Holy Smokes!!! Ggrrreat buck!! Congrats to you both!
  22. Viper

    Late season camping

    Agree....I have a Cabelas Alaknak 12x12 with a wood stove. When outside temp is in the teens, the inside is in the 70's. Nothing better than bedding down in a cozy sleeping bag with the glow and crackle of a fire in the stove. Although I hardly ever have a truly cold hunt, so I rarely use the stove...usually just a propane heater. The temps have to be below 35 degrees, or the stove will make it too hot. I recently picked up a 10x10 Kodiak from Cabelas bargain cave. Much easier to set up than the Alaknak. Can't wait to try it out.
  23. Viper

    Late season camping

    Many options mentioned. The most important thing is sleeping well. This is a tough hunt, especially if there is snow and mud. You will need good sleep and a good attitude each day. Each person is different, so whatever you require to be able to hunt hard each day. A couple years ago I had the Nov archery bull in 22-S. My partner and I paid a buddy to hall his toy hauler to camp for a week. It was worth it for the good sleep and shower....since I flew my brother out to join me and had my two sons visit for a few days. My son and I spent a few days at the end of the hunt in my 8x10 Coleman Insta-tent with a propane heater. It was plenty comfortable on cots in a good bag.
  24. Viper

    need a range finder with angle compensation

    The Leupold 1000 for sale on this forum is a good price, and great rf. I love mine.
  25. ...also, license plate, tags, and OHV sticker (thru DMV). If you will ride on pavement, you need DOT rated tires.