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Everything posted by Viper

  1. Viper

    Cell phone signal boosters

    How much $
  2. Viper

    It is reality....Bass Pro/Cabelas

    Right, but I thought originally it was a buy out of Cabelas...changing the name and all. This sounds a little different. Sounds like they're going to keep each identity and branding. I hope they don't change Cabelas too much.
  3. Viper

    First Hardhorn Buck Of The Year

    I've seen that too where I hunt too...sometime around the 20th. I have average 3x3's to spikes hard horned, however, today I glassed a 100" 3x3 in full velvet, same general area.
  4. Viper

    Anybody ever try this?

    pretty close. A marathon running former recon marine. So your huckleberry can run faster than you?....that's not good.
  5. Viper

    Zeiss Conquest 6-24x50AO MC

    Ah...I thought the parallax adj on the bell was out of place. My Burris has that.
  6. Viper

    Zeiss Conquest 6-24x50AO MC

    Good catch. How can you tell...for future reference.
  7. Viper

    Halftime report

    A day off can be a good recharge. I have killed, seen kills more in the second half than in the first. Its nearly impossible to keep up with elk going away from you. Figure out where they're going and be there ahead of them, waiting....usually a bedding area.
  8. Viper

    Best Practices to Setup and Attach a Trail Cam???

    All good tips mentioned above. I use mineral licks in places far away from roads or easy access. Choose natural animal travel routes, like saddles. However, if cattle are in the area, they will dominate the mineral lick and really tear up and polute the area. Technically, I think the Forest Service has a problem with nails/screws in live trees. If it's an area they won't find then... Just don't use a lag that penetrates too deep. I can usually find a sturdy tree stump, stob, or log. I find the cloth camo tape conceals the best. Definitely use a security box to keep people/animals from tampering.
  9. Viper

    First mule deer

    Congrats! Good woman right there...might be a keeper.
  10. Viper

    Good Luck Tomorrow

    I will have to live the hunt through your stories. Keep yur feathers dry and shoot straight.
  11. Viper

    Recent Success

    Holy smokes!! Very nice!
  12. Viper

    Wall Tent 4 Sale Like New

    Kinda looks like an Alaknak.
  13. Viper

    Antelope Montana Decoy $50

    My buddy needs this up in unit 10 :-)
  14. Viper

    Started off 2017 season right!!

    I bought my 3rd pref point for WY this year. Hoping to hunt up there in a couple years.
  15. Viper

    Started off 2017 season right!!

    Congrats! That's a lot of hunting....are you retired?
  16. Viper

    Game processors near Payson?

    Round Valley Processing did my buddy's daughter's deer last year....after trying Noah and Ron (out by the airport...that guy is a real jerk). Round Valley is 928-978-2390. When they can't take anymore game, they refer each other. I've been doing my own deer since Deer Creek closed.
  17. Viper

    Options for heavy duty poly tarp?

    I get the heavy duty canopy tarps in white, from the canopy guy at Park & Swap. He's got the pipes, fittings, bungees, tarps.
  18. Viper

    Game processors near Payson?

    It is difficult to find a processor in the Payson area. Not sure why, other than a couple small operations that max out quickly and can't take any more.
  19. Viper

    A Walk In The Park!

    Great story/adventure! and great bulls! Very well written...it should be published.
  20. Viper

    White Deer!

    There was a white, more piebald, muley doe in 22, close to Hwy 87. Haven't seen it in a while. The WT buck I shot last season had some piebald on it's chest and legs.
  21. Viper

    Gear review

    "One suggestion would be zipp off legs" I like zip-offs. The only ones I can find heavy enough to withstand the brush and sorta protect the legs are Red Head from Bass Pro....but they're cotton. I usually leave them unzipped half way around to dump heat. Kuiu should consider this. I would like to try the Tiburons, I have the Attacks and they are a little warm when it's 80 degrees +.
  22. Viper

    Bugle Fest

    That's a cool experience for your son. Some of my best outdoors experiences with my sons, when they were young, was being hunkered on the ground with bulls/cows in close. My 32 year old son still talks about that.
  23. Viper

    Rattle-Can Camo

    Looks good. I did my ar15 like that, using small and large size netting. Gave it a kind of "kryptec" look. Use flat clear coat as last coat to protect it from scratching and rubbing off.
  24. Viper

    Camping in Unit 10?

    Big Bo has a website. I think it explains all that. I've never been there, a friend is there now for antelope.
  25. Viper

    Leupold Optics Customer Service

    I had a Leupold RX1000 TBR. A couple digital segments faded out. I sent it in and they sent me back a brand new RX1200 TBR! I love that RF.