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Everything posted by desertdog

  1. desertdog

    Just E_Scoutin

    You got a left over tag and choose 30B, dont mean to sound like a jerk but I would have gone for one of the 36 units. I know there were left over tags in those units. Not sure on some of the other good units, but good luck. At leased you are out with a tag in your pocket.
  2. desertdog

    Favorite Coues Deer Unit

    +1 Alright guys, I guess I should have been more specific. I meant in Arizona, come on I posted in "Hunting IN Arizona" All that aside I know they have some hogs down there. I just am partial to home I guess.
  3. I saw this this mourning on Fox News. I was shocked, I guess it goes to show what kind of supporters Obama attracts.
  4. desertdog

    new day...

    He is also taking our Governor Janet, this brotha dont mess around. He can take her as far as I am concerned. She needs a high quality job like a McDonald's or something.
  5. desertdog

    new day...

    Dont hold that breath of nice clean air waiting for that check and Frankiln in the mail.
  6. desertdog

    Who's the oldest hunter you know?

    The oldest hunter I know would be my grandfather. He is 91 and was hunting before there was a game and fish department. He is one of those rare people that had to hunt for food and not for sport. He will be hunting this year in his home state of New Mexico this year. Go get em Pa!!
  7. desertdog

    Info for 36-c Dec. tag????

    Thanks for the info guys! I did not really expect "hot spots" to hunt; just looking for a overall view into how things are looking down there this year, but thank you very much for the info. Azcathunter Hey azcathunter, enjoy your hunt in 36C, this is my faviorate coues section in all Arizona. It is a small unit but packed with great deer country. I guess I started a hot topic with specific areas, sorry everybody my mistake. I dont k now how much time you have but if you put in your time there is some un-real genetics in that unit. I am truly jealous.
  8. desertdog

    Obama OH NO!!!!!!!

    Wow great advice, you are so right about joining the NRA, SCI Ect. Also It is just as important to know our Reps and Senators. But I disagree if you dont think that he could do some great damage to our second amendment rights in a short amount of time. Remember that last time a President had this kind of support in the Senate and House was when Jimmy Carter was president. This could be real bad news for all of us. Our theme needs to be stand together, hold true to our rights and beliefs dont give up, dont ever give up. It is worth fighting four. I have small Children I have started to introduce to this way of life. I no we cant let them take this away from them and yours. IT IS OUR RIGHT- STAND TOGETHER
  9. desertdog

    Obama OH NO!!!!!!!

    Come on people lets think about what this election really taught us tonight. The Majority of the American people dont care about core values, they dont care about real issues, they care about their own issues. they care about the money struggles they are going through. I think that Americans from years past would look at the second amendment and they would look at the issue as it applies to every American. I mean that even if they did not own a gun they could look at that issue and still see that they have a responsibility to stand up for the Rights of all Americans, even if the issue dose not apply to them. Most of the American people today choose to buy in to a smooth talker that says he will make all their hardships go away. They choose to believe that a politician will care more about them than his own interests and own bank account. If that were true BO's Uncle and Aunt would not be living in the slums right now, he would share his wealth and help them out. We have to stand together at this moment, REALLY look at all the issues and stand up for what is right, even if it is an issue that we are passionate about.
  10. desertdog

    Obama OH NO!!!!!!!

    Well 901 Arizona Time and Obama is our new President. A man that could not get a job at the FBI, CIA, or US Customs because of his relationships with known terrorists is Americas new President. GOD HELP US ALL
  11. desertdog

    Obama OH NO!!!!!!!

    No if about it any more the man just carried Virginia. The first time a Dem won that state in 40 years, WOW. By the way it will be the bible. He is not Muslim he is a Socialist Jack But. I can say he is not a Christan either but not Muslim. Well I cant say that with either nothing would surprise me at this point. Hold on it is going to get interesting.
  12. desertdog

    So what happens if......

    Sure hope yer right Lark. What if obama gets elected and something happens to him while hes in office, that would prolly set off more than just riots. I will be very surprised if he makes term. The only right choice he EVER made was not picking Hiltery for VP. He would not have made it 6 months. Just a quick edit. I would like to see the figures to PROTECT this P.O.S. compared to past Presidents . Well if he does not make it to term lets all just pray that the idiot that does the deed does not use a gun. That would give the Demiocratic controled Senate all the excuse they need to pass any anti gun law they want. Dont think it cant happen. I may not like the man at all and I dissagree with well everything he stands for but I dont want to see hin dead.
  13. desertdog

    Obama OH NO!!!!!!!

    Well I would tend to agree that the media is way left BUT watch Fox, even Carl Rove a huge Republican is saying sense BO won Ohio there would have be be a huge upset in some other state for McCain to have a chance. I WOULD LOVE TO BE WRONG
  14. desertdog

    Daughter's first deer!!!

    Contrats on your first deer Kalyn. What a great buck, hes a bruiser. My first was just a spike but happy to have him. Dad you must be so proud. Good Job Guys
  15. desertdog

    Long Range Shooting

    My load for my .280 Rem is as follows. 54.5 grains AA4350 CCI250 Primers 150gr Sierra Game King BT Remington Brass 3050 muzzle velocity checked through Ohlar Chronograph I shoot 1 inch groups with this load with my out of the box Ruger M77 Mark II. People that can shoot better than me can probley tighten that a bit. I have killed several Whitetail and Mule Deer with this load out to over 400 yards with no issues. I am currently doing more test loads with IMR powders and different components. I always love to tinker. Happy Shooting
  16. desertdog

    Info for 36-c Dec. tag????

    Fair enough coueschaser, I am still new to this posting thing. I just have not seen to many people back in those areas. But you are right it should not be out there for all eyes to see.
  17. desertdog

    Info for 36-c Dec. tag????

    If you don't mind walking a bit try getting behind Schafer Camp on the Santa Margarita. You can park right at the camp and hike from there. Also on the southwest side of Mildred peak (also on the Santa Margarita) there is a old cement dam. This is also a walk but lots of great deer country, well worth the walk. Good Luck