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Everything posted by desertdog

  1. Well the last post here about Coues in South America got me thinking of a few stories I have heard about a "Mexican Whitetail" roaming around northern Mexico and southern Arizona. I have heard two different people, one from a friend that family has a ranch in the Chiricahua's from the late 1800's till now, and another from a friend in Douglas. They both talk about a deer that is just like the Coues, but the body is just a little smaller and the bucks rack is just like a mini Coues rack. The best way to describe it would be 6 to 8 inches wide and the same tall. I just find it interesting that two people from the same area that don't know each other (just have a mutual friend me) talk about the same deer running From the Chiricahua's to Douglas. And they both call it a Mexican Coues or whitetail. Cant remember. Anyone else heard of them, or are these guys crazy. DD
  2. desertdog

    My Late November Coues'

    First Coues was 115, your funny. Great job on a deer of a lifetime.
  3. desertdog

    How accurate is this map???

    I have always wondered about maps like this one myself. Not because I questions the people putting it together. But because counting any kind of wild life not to mention the coues deer seems to be difficult. I have always wondered how do you know that you re not counting the some deer. I was talking to a Game and Fish officer a few years back and he was saying that it is kind of an imperfect science, kind of like best guess.
  4. desertdog

    whats wrong with us!!!

    Wow I was reading this reply thinking to myself "spoken like a true guide". Not much of us really get time to put the kind of effort into scouting the way we want. We are usually working lie dogs trying to keep food in our family's belly's and cloths on there backs. We don't have that kind of time to spend in the field scouting. It is a pleasure just to run out for a long weekend to hunt for a few days. Then at the end of Jim's post he did something that only a gentleman and a heck of a nice guy would do. He said "call me, I'll help out any way I can". Coming form someone of his stature, a offer like that is truly priceless and goes to show you what type of person he is. Kudos Jim!!!!!
  5. desertdog

    piggie-up close

    Okay I got to ask, why are pigs your favorite to hunt. I aint maken fun or nothing, just curious. I have never heard any one say pigs are there favorite. After messing up the first pig, I shot, in the oven and throwing it away my wife and I finally settled on a way that we both just love and that is to make sausage from them. I can't get enough! After hunting hard all year for other game with many hours of sitting and stocking you finally get to hunt something you can skyline yourself walking ridges and not get busted but most of all I get to sit and glass which is my next to favorite thing to do. I've only missed two years of not taking one since 1976 and they were due to me helping others and giving up my hunt. All have been archery except for my first.Temperature is usually nice and archery runs for weeks which give you time to not rush. Those who have hunted them know how exciting it can get, specially from a varmit calling experience. I have a ton of pig stories but will not bore you any more. Happy hunting! TJ I agree completely it can be a rush hunting those things. I have from more than one person that making sausage out of them is the only way to go. I will be getting a left over tag for 36a or 36c. They are fun to hunt.
  6. desertdog

    New record book deer

    Very funny, you can always tell who the true deer hunters at heart are.
  7. desertdog

    piggie-up close

    Okay I got to ask, why are pigs your favorite to hunt. I aint maken fun or nothing, just curious. I have never heard any one say pigs are there favorite.
  8. desertdog

    421 1/2 bull unit 10 late

    My gosh, those antlers look like they weigh more that the elk did. That is just not right. Thanks for the post.
  9. desertdog

    Posting Pics From a Cell Phone

    Hey thanks a lot for the tips tommat and willhunt4coues. I know you guys would know how to get the job done. Check out the pictures in the Hunting Arizona section "huge coues in Tucson camera shop" thread. THX, Shane
  10. desertdog

    Posting Pics From a Cell Phone

    I have some pics on my cell phone I would like to post. I cant get them off my phone, so I was wanting to know if I could text them to someone that can get them off their phone and then sent them to me.
  11. desertdog

    Color Variations

    I think all deer just have different color variations. Look at the past threads "Coues in South America" and "Mexican Coues" and just see all the discussion about sub-species, color, size, shape ect. and this can be a never ending topic. I have always found hybrid discussion interesting, but after a lot of reading one comes to the conclusion that it does not happen very often at all.
  12. desertdog

    Casa Grande Meeting

    I would usually agree with you about it being a done deal. BUT, more than any G&F issue in the past few years, this seems to me to be generating the most controversy. On this thread, lets start to try to put together a email address list of all the appropriate people to complain to. ( G&F and state government) AND I MEAN COMPLAIN! I truly think that we just might have enough hunters angry about this issue that we may be able stop this one from being rammed down our throats. I'll get the email list started: BWakeling@azgfd.gov (Brian Wakeling) AMunig@azgfd.gov (Amber Munig) ccook@azgfd.gov (Celeste Cook) Rulemaking@azgfd.gov Let's all contribute any worthwhile email address to this thread. In a week or so, we can all fire off our opposition to everyone on the list. Does anyone have email addresses to any of the commissioners, Mr. Napy, or our soon to be new governor? Let's make enough noise that they have to grease this squeaky wheel! In the mean time, start working on your letters. You guys that don't bait but hunt water, don't think that this issue won't effect you. If bait is banned, a whole bunch of former baiters will probably be showing up to "your" water hole to hunt. Maybe after the email barrage will start a telephone call barrage. Mark That sounds like a great idea. I am not a bow hunter but I think this issue is larger than just for bow hunters. We need to stand up for all hunting rights even if it does not effect you. This really speaks to a larger issue. We will need to sick together when the Obama gun and ammo bans start. So I guess you could say this is good practice if nothing else.
  13. desertdog

    Casa Grande Meeting

    I received an e-mail back saying thanks for your input. Do we know for sure that this will be a new law?
  14. desertdog

    Last day buck! in unit 31.

    Good job, last day bucks are always a little sweeter.
  15. desertdog

    145+ Coues ?

    I would not be surprised!!
  16. desertdog

    Unit 29 Dec. hunt

    Ya those guys from Oak Ranch are jerks, especially the grandson. Wow is a hard headed one. Kinda Klumpish Thats funny, Ya somthin like that.
  17. desertdog

    Unit 29 Dec. hunt

    Ya those guys from Oak Ranch are jerks, especially the grandson. Wow is a hard headed one.
  18. Ernesto, I agree completely, I use 150 gr. and they work great. Good all around weight.
  19. 180gr is a bit over kill for Coues. However I always say that if you have been shooting those 180gr and you are comfortable with them than stay with them. The key is consistency and shot placement. I would say pick a bullet that you can use for all game and call it good. I don't like changing bullet weights for different game. Just my 2 cents.
  20. desertdog

    Interesting Coues Rack

    Wow, thanks for posting. Love to see those odd racks.
  21. desertdog


    Here is some of his work on deer, like I said his quail are awesome as well. PS I dont work and I am not connected to him in any other way than I am just a very satisfied customer.
  22. desertdog

    Unit 29 Dec. hunt

    29 is a fun unit. Really beautiful country. Like the others have said access can be tricky and deer can be found all over the unit. Don't neglect the lower country. They really seem to like to hide out there in that unit. I cant over emphasize make sure you are on public land, private is all over the unit. Most of the land owners will grant you access through private to public if you ask. The 3x3 in my avatar and on my profile is from that unit. Not a huge deer but nice. Have fun and good luck. DD
  23. desertdog

    Varmit hunting

    This is a good topic. Not only do they do a trick on wild game, but the calf crops as well. Ranchers number one enemy. I know a few ranchers that if you are hunting on their ranch and pass up a chance to take out a yote of lion, well lets just say they wont pass the chance to take you out. Just kidding, its almost that serious.
  24. desertdog


    Congratulations. She is beautiful. You and your wife must be so proud.