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About desertdog

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/21/1977

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  1. desertdog

    Very important question

    Kinda looks like Mildred peak.....
  2. desertdog

    .22 LR

    Seems like the stores are not getting the amount and selection they use to get. You used to be able to walk into walmart and there would be a huge selection of different .22 ammo. And plenty of it as well. Now when they get their shipment it is just a few kinds and not a lot of quantity. So that doesnt seem like a horder issue to me. Even the guys at Walmart and Sportsmans say they gett all they can but they just cant order as much as they used to be able to. Just my obsorvation and what I have been told.
  3. desertdog

    1940’s Kaibab buck & Javelina’s

    Awesome pictures. Thanks ks for sharing with everyone.
  4. desertdog

    Interesting situation developing in college football

    Patterson will not be making the hire if Brown is replaced. That is not how things work at UT. Also Texas is the best job in college football. Well best in a lot of ways I should say. As in deepest recruiting grounds, top notch facilities, more money than ANY program in the Country and I could go on. They are the most powerful football program in the country and it ain't close. And I'm no UT fan by the way. But that job is not for anyone. That being said there is ZERO chance Graham gets that job. And I think he has done a fine job at ASU.
  5. desertdog

    Over Scoring

    I was fishing at Big Lake a few years back and caught the biggest Trout I had ever caught. I don't know what the thing weighed but it must have been a lot because when I got the picture of the fish back the picture weighed 5 pounds
  6. desertdog

    You be the judge

    Ha. I like that and agree. I took my nephews gun from him (264 win mag) and all three lined up as I covered my nephews and my brothers exit. I think military because of the spacing when they walked. I was not going to go into to much background but here are a couple more details. There were two of the normal borders crossers/drug smugglers to the southeast of these guys that may have been the hunted. And it is possible it's smugglers because the guy in the vest has something under his arm. But it is also could be something else because we were to the south and east of them and they caught up to us eventough they were past us (happenstance or not). One more detail is we heard multiple gun fire about an hour earlier from this area. They guy in the vest is a badass. Why do you say this?
  7. desertdog

    Need some help?

    No I don't know him but my dad may. My dad just retired form the railroad this August. He worked for them for 44 years I think it was. My dad was a engineer so depending on what Gordon did for the railroad there is a good chance he may know him. I will talk to my dad tonight or tomorrow and see what he can remember lol.
  8. desertdog

    Need some help?

    Did he work for the railroad in Tucson. and if he did do you remember what he did for the railroad . If so I may be able to help.
  9. desertdog


    Why are you ASU fans so proud of a team that has been put on sanctions for cheating? At any rate congrats to the Devils I guess........Barry Bonds must be proud!!!!!
  10. desertdog


    Nothing wrong with softball. those girls are darn good. ASU has beebringingng it in softball the last few years. Have to give them credit.
  11. desertdog


    Most of them are Millers recruits yes. Chris Mack Xavier's coach was on Millers staff when he was the head coach at Xavier and took over when Miller left for Arizona. Miller is very happy those kids and for Chris Mack who he is still good friends with.
  12. desertdog


    Miller is not going anywhere.Absolutelyey ZERO chance. Just the thought is laughable. Ilini is not close to the basketball program Arizona is by the way.
  13. desertdog


    dog - maybe you can enlighten me on your affiliation with nogales north. do you work there? kids go to school there? do you buy season tickets? do you know where the campus is? Devil maybe you can enlighten me as to why you think that only people with an affiliation to a university can be a fan of said university? Do I work there - No but my Mother in law does.......but that has no baring on me being a fan of UofA Kids go to school there - Maybe someday Do I buy season tickets - Nope cant afford it (I would rather spend my money on hunting activities for me and my kids) Do I know where the campus is - Short answer yes of course I do My question to you is......Just because I never went to school at UofA or bought season tickets or so on, why does that mean I am not a real fan or have no business being a fan of UofA? NOPE - I would rather you just stick a sock in it. Seriously though, I don't care if you root for timbucktooU, just don't bash on me and MY school, the school I graduated from when you have ZERO affiliation with "your" school. Maybe we can get Amanda to "pin" this thread and we could just have one great, big, long thread of ASU vs nogales north. This is a joke Devil. You start these crap talking threads and then get your panties in a bunch when Cat fans call you out or challenge your your idiotic posts. If these threads are such a wast of your time then don't start the darn things you genius. And I'm sorry if I don't match your criteria of what a "real" fan is .But when it comes to that you sir can stick a sock in it. I don't give a you know what if you feel I'm not worthy of being a fan of the UofA. And I will never ask for your permission or EVER explain myself to you. If you cant take it don't dish it out.
  14. desertdog


    dog - maybe you can enlighten me on your affiliation with nogales north. do you work there? kids go to school there? do you buy season tickets? do you know where the campus is? Devil maybe you can enlighten me as to why you think that only people with an affiliation to a university can be a fan of said university? Do I work there - No but my Mother in law does.......but that has no baring on me being a fan of UofA Kids go to school there - Maybe someday Do I buy season tickets - Nope cant afford it (I would rather spend my money on hunting activities for me and my kids) Do I know where the campus is - Short answer yes of course I do My question to you is......Just because I never went to school at UofA or bought season tickets or so on, why does that mean I am not a real fan or have no business being a fan of UofA?
  15. desertdog


    I'm not celebrating yet. Cats need one more to make it to the dance. The Cats were very lucky OSU beat Washington yesterday or else they probably would have lost tonight. But that is how it goes in these tournaments. Lets go Cats one more win. Not that I am a real UofA fan because I didn't go to school there right Sundevil