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Everything posted by sxwatson

  1. sxwatson

    338 Edge for sale

    I'm selling my Remington 700 338 Edge. Trying to buy a new house so unfortunately I need to let this go. Great shooter, every round documented that has been shot. Can include 50 loaded rounds of ammo as well. See link on backpage.com for more detail: SOLD!
  2. sxwatson

    338 Edge for sale

    The 338 is SOLD. Thanks everyone for checking it out. Scott
  3. This is a great idea. I shoot the midrange matches at Rio regularly and it's a good time. We'd have to talk to the Midrange match director Mike Tolliver to work something out regarding a special shoot for CWT members. The regular course of fire for a typical F-Class match is 3 rounds of 20 shots for record with either 2 sighter shots or unlimited (this varies from match to match). For CWT shooters the importance should be more in line with the first shot counts deal as opposed to an 60 shot aggregate. Shooting fewer shots would also allow shooters with sporter class rifles with lighter contour barrels to be competitive. I will be shooting in a match this weekend and can ask Mike if/how we would go about setting this up if there is enough interest. I have a Remington 700 Sendero 25-06 bone stock to shoot with you Savage guys. I also have a Remington 700 with a 30" Krieger barrel chambered in 338 Edge to shoot as well, it shoots a little better than the 25-06 . Vowell: I created a computer program a while ago to create a PDF file that I can print on labels and apply to my stock turret on my scopes. Some day I want to make a web site that users can load there ballistics data into and create PDF files. I posted about them a while ago when I was first testing them out and they work really well. Here's a link for more detail: http://www.longrangehunting.com/forums/f17/elevation-dial-label-testers-needed-51417/ I could run a few for you at different elevations if you're interested. Scott
  4. Well said. I think for the extra money one would pay to have the work done for them, they could get setup with a rock chucker press, powder dispenser, etc... and load their own ammo. I had a father-in-law and uncle-in-law who got me started and I am very thankful for it. Nothing can help you get to know your rifle better than working up your own hand loads for it. Scott
  5. sxwatson

    painting my rifle

    I've painted 5 rifles now and always used Duracoat. Easy to apply, won't be taken off with cleaning products you would use to clean the barrel with and once cured won't easily scratch or chip. For Camo I use a sheet of wax paper and cover it with masking tape, cut out the camo shapes, peel them off wax paper and lay them on over a base coat and spray it again. Repeat this for as many colors as you'll be using and then peel all of the tape off after letting it sit for a few hours to set. Duracoat can be handled within a few hours after applying but for best results should be left alone or as long as possible until it's fully cured. Up to 1 month. After that the stuff is very hard to chip or scratch. Scott
  6. sxwatson

    hunting Coues in 30A

    Access is very limited in the Dos Cabezas mountains. Only access is on the east side of the mountain on the Happy Camp road.
  7. Left over tag results are available if you call. Got an early 30A tag.
  8. sxwatson

    Draw results

    I didn't get drawn but my father in law drew 12A West Late hunt and big horn sheep 27.
  9. sxwatson

    My First Coues - 36B

    I've had two Senderos and both were great shooters. 300 Win Mag and 25-06 (not really mine, but on long term loan from father in law). Sub MOA with both when using hand loads. Thanks. I have been looking at one in 7mm RUM. I'm not a big fan of RUMs myself but I think it's hard to go wrong with a Sendero.
  10. 3x3 taken opening day in 36B, 406 yard shot with a 25-06 Remington 700 Sendero 115 gr. Berger VLD. Big thanks to my father in-law Ron and his brother Mark who spotted the deer. Couldn't have done it without them.
  11. sxwatson

    My First Coues - 36B

    I've had two Senderos and both were great shooters. 300 Win Mag and 25-06 (not really mine, but on long term loan from father in law). Sub MOA with both when using hand loads.
  12. sxwatson

    Unit 22 Sweet Success!!!

    Very nice! Unit 22 seems to have some monsters. I've seen a number of photos now from various hunters in 22 that all bagged really nice bucks.
  13. sxwatson

    My First Coues - 36B

    Penetration was good both shots on the buck went clear through. Unfortunately the buck was shot late in the day on Friday. Couldn't locate him on Friday night, had two flat tires, with only one spare, on Saturday so we didn't get back out to find him until Sunday. Found him 30 yards from where we were looking on Friday night. Crows had started to dig into him by the time we found him, which made judging what damage was caused by the bullet and what was caused by the crows pretty tough. I can say that he didn't make it far (less than 50 yards from where he was shot) even though neither shot was a heart/lung shot. Scott